>The Fox network will broadcast the two-minute jump live at 8 p.m. EDT (5 p.m. PDT) Saturday as part of an hour-long TV special called "Heaven Sent."

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what the fuck does some faggot falling on a net have to do with politics


Theres no way a chinese made net will save you from snapping neck

Anyone who has a thermostat with a decimal point is forbidden to post


Butthurt niggers are posting this shit.

This is like one of those "lel look at what r/sanders_for_president is doing now" except this time the retard feels the consequences of their decision right away. Not related to politics but apparently not worth deleting either.

It's great because it's sliding all the info Trump just dumped on Hillary's corruption.

72 posts in seconds thread
31 in first.
I feel like I'm carrying this shit.

Neck snap

It's a news item i guess

Kind of annoying that he only has to jump from 2500 feet to reach the same speed. I wonder if going from 25000 makes it easier or harder to hit the net? I'm guessing harder with the strong winds at altitude.

keep me posted


The end speed will be about 200km/s
~60 m/s

If the net is at ~50 metres above the ground then he will slow with deceleration of 30m/s (he has to)

~23500 joules of energy has to be spent to stop this guy

wtf is he doing?

For some reason I foresee something similar to a Robbie Knievel jump on hour or two of lead up and commercials, only to have him stick his head out of his camper and say it's too windy.

He's american, god will stop him with his baseball glove

he's gonna die lol

why do you think we're gonna watch this shit

The stream will probably be delayed. Would be nice to see someone turn into paste but I don't think we will.

when i wake up tomorrow, i will check the news

Yeah lol. Dumbfuck should be landing in water if he wanted to live.


If he decelerates at a constant rate for those 50m it's only a 3g deceleration though. If the net holds.

Wouldn't that break his bones?

>Sweden wants to watch a white person die

Not even surprised

I kind of remember something similar when that guy tried to cross a river with a buick in the 80s


>gust of wind
>miss the target by 800 meters

>gust of wind
>lands in germany and asks for asylum

It will be called off because 'conditions aren't right'.

Nah only if its a shallow ass pool or somethin

it will be like a car crash at the speed of ~80km/h


Ruski maths

This seems like a bad idea.

Depends on how you land. Feet first might save your life, resulting in broken legs though.

Head first is clear death. Bellyflop will break all rips, spine and damage all organs.

At maximum free fall speed the water surface is as hard as concrete.

>gust of wind
>we have a nice splat vid
This guy is gonna die in a prachuting accident sooner or later anyway.

I bet they will have a delay so if anything happens they wont show it. Why bother?

>YFW there are automatic reserve chute systems that open up at around 150 feet.

150 feet is 45 meters.

Essentially his landing is like opening a parachute, probably rougher on him than that but we aren't talking lifethreatening here.



>implying it's impossible

Y she put her napkin on her head?!? Was it raining?

Whatre you talking about moron you only have to worry about the water being too shallow and hitting the bottom

It's been done before

But with a wing suit

Gravity dun't real

it doesn't work when you do it on purpose

Ah, you're roleplaying the stupid black nig on twitter?

Okay, then explain me this.

Why does a belly flop from the 3 meter spring board hurt more than a belly flop the side of the pool?

Cause one poster represents the entire country.

He's going to make it

>gust of wind
He will correct in the air
>net won't work
Yes it will

How many hours left? is there any stream?

the times are on the picture

Try not being retarded and pick a metric that can be clearly quantified instead of "how much does a belly flop hurt?" Dumbfuck nigger

He's had 18,000 parachute jumps during a 30 year period.

It's looking a whole lot like later...

What time in aus is he jumping?

No freefall on Fox, but a lady is about to get shot out of a cannon

Some people on SM make it about "dem crackas bein stupid n sheeit"

So I guess it's about white people being heroic and pushing the boundaries and getting records.

I see, not even willing to answer simple questions about basic acceleration and inertia of the water.


Easier because more time to correct from the planes innacurate position and velocity

midnight sydney time

So if he's landing face down is there a chance the he could hyperextend his spine and fuck his shit up? pic related

30m/s/s is a ok as deceleration goes, way less than an airbag.
Also it's not spent, it's disipated. The energy is spent getting him up there in the first place.


He'll probably tuck his knees up so no.

Time to get comfy

>those feet and hands


Better now?

>tape delay

What's the point of watching if they'll just cut the feed before we get to see him splatter all over the concrete?

>That face
Post something good would you faggot

>gust of pizza
>pasta pizza Mario
>mama Mia

I've stayed up late to watch your Aussie bullshit before. Time to return the favor.

What if other people just out with him and safely glide him to the net near the end?


It's hard to please you people.

why is this a thread when it doesn't even start for another 12 hours?

Wrong fucking image I swear to god

please read this one if you have already read that one, I worked very hard on it and I want someone to enjoy it

AAAND OP lists 2 previous threads as well.

Here's your
>american education

Come on burger, water cannot be compressed and it would be just like hitting concrete.

Better test would be how many pillows would you need to cushion your fall from 25k feet.

I was with her theme in my head, fucking ESP.

Well, hands and feet look better, but now that head looks like it's out of place/shooped on. I'm not a fan of anime/manga artstyle, and just plain hate about 90% of animus in general.


Obligatory (You)'s

That's my band name.

Are you touched boy?

Jesus, everyone here thinking he's going to die is fucking autistic.

Wind resistance will keep him no higher than the terminal velocity of approximately 53 meters per second. If he spreads eagle this could drop down to 30 meters per second. The net is very high above ground, if it's designed correctly it will dissipate the energy slowly enough that the jerk (physics term) of hitting the net won't be too insane.

That net could easily drop off his speed at approximately 10m/s/s if not even slower. That's less than hard braking in a car.

t, Physics Fag

How many bongs and bings until this?

Have you ever gone tubing before? Or water skiing?

He has to hit the net. And those gay-ass cranes have to support the various forces.

> Falling for bait this hard.

>He has to hit the net.

>And those gay-ass cranes have to support the various forces.

They may be shitty cranes but they could each hold at least a couple of tons of mass' worth of weight force. A human decelerating from 30-50 m/s isn't going to come anywhere near that:

F=ma, assuming he decellerates at 10 m/s/s and weighs about 80kg that's only 800 Newtons of force + regular weight force required to be held up by multiple cranes.

A tonne of weight at rest meanwhile would require about 9800 newtons to hold up.

If he's successful, I wonder what the plan is for getting him down out of the net.

how long until he jumps?

9 hours, apparently.

He's obviously not gonna die, but we can hope

Nobody thinking the net will trampoline him off and onto the ground?
