Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do...

Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do ? I was hanging out with some friends at Alexander Platz near Berlin when I got separated from my buddies and decided to go home, suddenly 3-4 immigrants come jump on me and one of them pulls a fucking butterfly knife(they are illegal here) and tells me in broken english/german " Gib uns Geld oder wir fick dich deustcher", I then give him my wallet and runned as fast as I could and I couldn't even fucking fight them, they all seemed to have knifes. I am fucking terrified, should I call the police ?

>white people problems
fuck you

don't call the police. you don't wanna be arrested for discriminating against minorities

Welcome to the jungle

perhaps if there was some kind of concealed weapon you could own (possibly a pistol of some sort), you could have properly defended yourself. REALLY makes you think

No. That’s your daily quota

>now the robbers all have guns
really activated my almonds

>*virgin tries to go for gun*
>*chimps panic and them gut you before fleeing the scene*
>*cops see them flee into a baneliue, decide to maybe convict one*
>”b-but muh CC muh second amendment!”


Cool story bro.

Get a gun idiot. Man I would pay to be in your position

>should i call the police
probably not of any use but you can give it a try
cancel any card you had on your wallet, hope you didnt had alot of cash on you, especially go and wipe your citizenship card/info immideatly if there was card or sort with info about it in your wallet

this kind of thing happens alot here

>guns are now easily accessibly at a shartmart near you
>three people try to rob you
>pull out your gun
>they pull out one gun each
>3 vs 1 shootout
Gee, that's sure to turn out in your favor

how hard was it for you to get a concealed carry permit in germany?

also how does it feel to need a gun to feel safe? sorry just feel too safe here to even consider needing one so i wanted to know.

Not that hard, you need to be a member of a shooting club for one year I think. I got mine illegaly tho. It's pretty safe here in the south, berlin can be fucked but OP's story is probably bullshit

>fuck dude I just got robbed, let me tell Sup Forums
>but first I need to google "mr. krabs confused" and download a picture
>ah yes now it's perfect

Make a report

>what should I do?
>tell my imaginary internet friends about something that never happened or call the police?
>ohhh geeeeeee.... such a hard decision...

In America I'd kill these niggers in the back and get my wallet back
God save the USA

>one of them pulls a fucking butterfly knife
“Your money, monsieur.”

not only berlin, i remember that köln new year thing was pretty big, no?

and i heard of muslims raping women in swimming pools because they think it's okay or something.

i saw a lot of weird stuff living there for 3 months last year, i felt really unsafe and there were arabs everywhere. i lived in muenster, would you know something about that area?

jokes apart, made me sad to see germany like that.

I'll gut you like a Kölnisch game hen

Yeah there are some bad areas in most big cities, lots of muslims and white trash concentrated. Alexanderplatz where OP mentioned is notoriously bad at night.

Don't know much about münster, I tought it was one of the better parts of NRW but that doesn't raise the bar very high :D


Everything north of the Main is shit