>literally every video not matter the topic will have at least one mention about how evil the act of paying taxes is
can he fucking get over it already?
>literally every video not matter the topic will have at least one mention about how evil the act of paying taxes is
can he fucking get over it already?
Fuck off shekelstein. Taxation is theft.
I love Philosoleafyishere,
>there are people here who unironically want anarcho-capitalism
taxes spanked him as a child, he never recovered
If you support taxes you support welfare thus you support immigrants thus you should be shot
>Is retarded and unapologetically proud of it.
kindly kys statist
Well taxation is still theft.
>not theft
any taxation that doesn't exclusively support a strong army for sovereignity and infrastructure for economy is rarely justifiable
Yes good goy, allow the bankers and companies free reign!
TheFreeMarketâ„¢ solves everything
You wont hear me say this often (or at all, fuck the French), but the French guy is right you know.
kill you'reself bootlicker
Fundamentally I do agree with the idea of taxation being theft. At the same time, I see certain taxes to support specific projects as a necessary evil for a sovereign nation, Unfortunately, Ancaps and Lolbertarians do not value the nation-state, so they cannot admit that taxes can be a necessary evil when applied correctly. Libertarian philosophy is best when contained in the Republican party,
I don't think he really considers that others may be okay with paying taxes and thus, in their case, it's not theft because they willingly pay for them.
Also, just because people are okay with paying taxes doesn't mean they love every single thing that taxes are used for. Fuck I absolutely hate some of the stuff my taxes are used for, but I would much prefer taxes to exist because of the masses of benefits that we get from them which, in my opinion, outweigh the negatives.
>If you want taxes, then you support violence against me
oh fuck off stef that's not true and you know it
What a terrible argument. If you're okay paying taxes then you could pay them voluntarily to services you deem necessary.
If you support taxation against everyone then you DO support violence against them.
The best way to bring western civilization back to its former glory would be to remove welfare. It would remove parasites and encourage them to take a flight back to their shithole. If you don't agree you're either a kike or on welfare yourself there your opinion is invalid.
>If you're okay paying taxes then you could pay them voluntarily to services you deem necessary.
that would be the ideal, and if there was a way to implement that effectively then I'd be down for it, but unfortunately there isn't
ITT: people who want me shot
Not an argument
Frog knows what's up.Remove all safety nets and let the pieces fall where they may.Humans are always going to take the path of least resistance so they need strong incentives not to be untermensch.
why? taxation = stealing
You can be nazi in the anarchocapitalistic society. In a nazi society you can't be anyone than a nazi. Now use your head.
Actually, it is an argument. It re-assert that taxation is coercion and that the only way to truly enforce it is through escalation.
>that would be the ideal, and if there was a way to implement that effectively then I'd be down for it, but unfortunately there isn't
There is though.
>VOLUNTARILY have your money taken and given to another service that you want to be used
is the exact same as PAYING for a service.
Separation of economics and state.
We should be happy that he still hasn't given up on his libertarian roots.
Not an argument
He should keep saying it until it finally sinks in to yer goddam head
t. a hardworking, tax-paying producer
He's coming around to becoming a nationalist/racialist.