Is this good even if I'm in my 20s and haven't read much Spider-Man before...

Is this good even if I'm in my 20s and haven't read much Spider-Man before? I tried getting into it before and it felt like they were laying on the teen drama aspect of it really thick. Is that just what Spider-Man is? Is it already too late for me to become a fan?

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It's never too late to be a fan. And no, Spider-Man isn't typically about teen drama, most famous Spider-Man stories take place when he's in college or later. Ultimate Spider-Man is its own thing in a universe that no longer exists

Should I just not read USM, then? That was what most people recommended me.

if you don't like it, stop and read the ASM run instead.

I'd say stick with it. It does start out kind of slow at first. If you get to the Venom saga and you still don't like it then it's probably not for you.

The problem is, I don't really know. I've heard it's good but I've been avoiding it because I hate everything else I've read from that writer. But if you don't like it, there's tons of good Spider-Man material out there to read instead

I like the series, but the only thing that's kind of weird is the dialogue most of the time. Other than that, I'd give it a chance.

I'm in my mid-twenties myself and, like you, hadn't read too much Spider-Man. While I had read Spider-Man: Blue and one or two iconic Amazing runs, I hadn't really dug into any of the Spider-Man ongoings. Enter, Ultimate Spider-Man.

I heard that Ultimate was great, and I really liked the idea of Peter having built in webshooters so I was interested. I started Ultimate having a decent idea of who Peter Parker is, but now having finished it I think I know what the perfect version of him is.

The art is really offputting at the beginning, but I came to love it. There are some weird horror elements at some points in the run that are executed flawlessly due to really interesting design choices.

Peter is in high school, but the high school drama is so intelligently done. All of Peter's girl probs are really fun and genuinely interesting. Kitty Pryde's stint as a regular is just wonderful.

So in short, you should definitely read it. It's a wonderful comic regardless of age. Easily my favorite Spider-Man canon.

Forgive my rambling.

Also, if anyone recommends Civil War to you, ignore them

>The art is really offputting at the beginning, but I came to love it.
I feel like a lot of comics around that era had a similar sort of style with oversized eyes and mouths. I don't know why, but it was very unique to the early 2000s

Correct opinion over here. Also, as much as you might be interested in reading "One More Day" just don't even bother. It's terrible and basically a waste of time.

"If This Be My Destiny" is amazing. Read it.

just read all the early stuff.
it becomes really lame after venom shows up

things then just turn into redos of redos

I know it sounds dumb, but part of me doesn't want to get invested in ASM because I know it gets really shitty at a certain point. Also, 50 years of comics is a hell of a lot, and no one can seem to agree on what the "best of" is.

That's what was so attractive about Ultimate. There was only around ten years worth of history for me to get caught up on. I think everyone has the same thought process. Ultimate Marvel should have brought in assloads of new readers but it was marketed weirdly.

Most comics get really shitty at certain points, that's the risk of the medium

Yeah but a lot of comics people will tell you "read this run" or "read this arc." With ASM, fans seem to always say "just read all of it." Found this, might help

>I've been avoiding it because I hate everything else I've read from that writer
What Bendis have you read? If it doesn't include Alias and Daredevil read give it a shot. Bendis used to put out legitimately great books but sometime in the last decade got lazy and shit.

To be entirely honest, 50 years of comic books isn't nearly as much as it sounds. Only 12 issues a year. You can take down 5-6 in a couple of hours without even rushing.

Skipping the mid-late 90's and early 2000's isn't a bad idea though, and most shit after Brand New Day isnt that great

if you are a white men there is literally no reason for you to read any comic nowadays anyway.

unless you love being told that you are a scum that deserves to die

Reading Alias is what made me give up on him entirely, though I never did reach the Purple Man stuff. Bendis's dialogue bores me to tears. Might give Daredevil a chance though.

Read ASM with Lee/Ditko/Romita SR. Then skip to 2001 and read JMS, stop at the end of Back in Black. From there fill in the gaps with runs that look interesting

If you don't like Alias you probably wouldn't like USM or DD. I'd still recommend at least trying both since they are different from Alias (and in my mind better). Plus only it takes like a half hour to read enough to know whether or not to continue.

>it felt like they were laying on the teen drama aspect of it really thick. Is that just what Spider-Man is?

Pretty much since the beginning.

>Is that just what Spider-Man is?
No, that's just what Ultimate Spider-Man is. Good news: it's not the real Spidey. Go with Amazing Spider-Man.

>To be entirely honest, 50 years of comic books isn't nearly as much as it sounds

This. 50 years sounds like a load but you can really go through a years worth in a day reading leisurely. So 50 days. Only there are some arcs you should skip, like the clone wars, so its even shorter

>clone wars
but I love that show

I read shitloads of comics but I've always thought this was dumb and dangerous to tell people
There are crossovers that come from other books, there are plots that movie from book to book, authors start on spectacular and move to amazing bringing all their OCs, etc.

If you're going to go as far as reading all of amazing, you might as well drop the other few ongoings in too, especially since they're only 1 to 3/8 the size

It's only a matter of time until someone runs into Peter Parker teaching the Beyonder how to shit

>because I know it gets really shitty at a certain point.
How do you know? You haven't read it. People have different opinions and you'd be a fool to rely on the opinions of others. You might like the bits that others think are shit. You might even like the bits that I think are shit (you wacko!).

You're gonna like some parts and not others, deal with it. Relying on others to tell you which bits to read means you'll miss out on stuff you'd like, I guarentee it.