Did this purple asshole ruin an entire generation of Americans?

Did this purple asshole ruin an entire generation of Americans?

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I watched that shit when I was a kid, got a little older and despised that purple fucker when I was told it was a nigger in the suit.

No question. Barney ruined me.
I can't get out of the bed because of Barney.
I can't get laid because of Barney.
I'm with her because of Barney.
And most of all, I'm desensitized... because of Him.

I have nostalgia for everything 90s but I've always hated that cunt.

It was always cool to hate Barney. I never watched it.

He was no mr Rogers

There's a rumor that Telletubbies was invented for the sake of getting revenge on America for creating Barney.

I love this post

I fucking love derogatory insults and 'purple asshole' sent my sides to the fucking sun

>Jeremy looked down at the amethyst jewel he held. It was beautiful. He
raised it up to the light and suddenly winced. There was an object encased in
the center, somewhat stocky and reptilian. Upon a closer look he saw that it
was a purple dinosaur, frozen in an expression of agony and terror. Its mouth
was wide open, screaming a silent scream, forever......

>barneyfag doesn't throw a tantrum when THE ACTUAL FUCKING BARNEY is posted

Barney doesn't have an adult fandom

fuck off barney

fuck off barney

When I was 4 years old, I was watching Nickelodeon and MTV most of the time.

I was also already (more or less) reading encyclopedias and asking for help to find topics I was interested in, and I had even been exposed (with parental guidance) to the first NOVA episode on human reproduction.

That may or may not have been a good thing, but I'm still married to the girl who took my virginity at 20 years old with 2 kids at 31.

It may have been my maturity level through elementary and junior high that kept me distant from my peers.

>pic is not me, I don't wear glasses and I'm not a chubby kid, but I was one of those dweebs who hung out in the library at lunch recess.


To be honest, I feel like I missed out on the classics like Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, and Reading Rainbow, instead watching those shows like Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, and Ren and Stimpy and I think I remember having some awareness and appreciation of the subtle adult themes.

You're so God damn autistic

thank god i watched bsed pee wee

I probably do fall somewhere on the spectrum.

It was "ADHD" back then.

Jewish propaganda at its finest.

Barney is a cuck.

In a big way. Teletubbies were even worse. I banned both in my home.


Haha, I spent homeroom, lunches and study hall in the library. Having a 160 IQ isn't worth much, though.

Nope it was this closet faggot with his massive phallic symbol.

Barney is a Reptilian.