
What went wrong?

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Saul better known as Paul.

Expecting a Jewish messiah preaching Jewish gospel about a Jewish diety to save you from the evil Jews

J u d a s

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep" he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Sup Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven bullshit and in eternal rewards for dying a martyr would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

This as part of Zionists rewriting and/or reinterpreting the Bible like the NIV or the Scofield Bible.

Most of all it's people forgetting God, becoming cowards, not standing up and resisting tyrants.


Jews didn't need to rewrite something that they already wrote to begin with

Wordly Christianity was a germanic creation during the Middle Ages, that depended on extreme control of the interpretation of the bible, even going against the literal words

Which is why Christianity has been rotting away into Otherworldism and Anti-Egotism since Gutenberg made the Gospel widely available for everyone to read once more

Heck, the first zionists were not jews, but puritans of the 1600s that wanted the Apocalypse to come as fast as possible!

So what is a good religion then? Islam? Hindu?

It's all acording to the plan. Jesus will return to clean the world of jews and degenerates.

"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."

You seem to only have read the passages that supported your claim, while also taking them completely out of context.

Self-defense is upheld in multiple passages, and so is the use of war between countries. Loving your enemy doesn't mean letting him win, and you're either a shill or an idiot for suggesting Christianity is inherently pacifist.

Don't talk back to him. Spread the other cheek. It's like you WANT to go to hell. Now donate your money to Bishop Shekelbergensteinowitz to wash away your sins

Pretty much everything.

>What went wrong?

Atheists and jews infiltrated churches and liberalized/feminized them. Just like every other institution.

Fedoras are the best goys. They love to spread nihilism and then act like they're innocent.


The Gospel is about faith that's why it seems he's so against the world, because the point is the human nature is inherently corrupt and there is no long term human civilization without God as the king.

There are so many other points to make to understand what he means but he never implied we should just lie down and let our civilizations be destroyed by sin and the power of the unseen, the rules of darkness etc.
We're just trying to live honest lives, defending what is good and just the best we can and hoping that God will return to redeem the world, not because we sacrificed but because we he did.

>same panamanian shitposter that only posts in anti-christian threads

A jew on an island guarding his bank holdings.

Not really. It is all in context if you read the paragraphs as a whole

Ironically enough, you will now post the phrase "buy a sword" while removing it from all context, i.e. you won't mention that as soon as Paul tries to use that sword, Jesus reprimends him for not misderstanding him

You will then mention "I didn't bring peace but a sword" and you will completely ignore the entire paragraph, where Jesus promises, not war against your enemies with that sword, but civil war: Your mother against your father, dad against son, mother in law against father in law

Just as you claim that "Loving your enemy doesn't mean letting him win" while ignoring that Jesus told us that if they take your coat you shall give them your shirt as well, if they take force you to walk 1 mile, you shall walk two

I mean really, your right-wing position for Christianity is completely dependent on removing random chunks of verses from entire verses, paragraphs and chapters

>Atheists and jews infiltrated churches and liberalized/feminized them. Just like every other institution.

Like how the Muslim feet-kissing, "progressive" Pope of today is secretly atheist, right? And all the Bishops who voted for him, atheists too

Those damn nihilists!!!!

>ignoring Jewish cultural propaganda makes you a good goy

> he never implied we should just lie down and let our civilizations be destroyed by sin

Ironic that you say that, when he saved a prostitute from being punished

Jesus would not be out of place with the liberals that now condemn "slut shaming", and demand that you do not judge anyone

You are right about the Zionists not being Jews specifically, but politically it was a plan to control the narrative about an entire nationality.

But I'd hesitate to say Jews wrote the New Testament. When you consider the even Old Testament prophets were killed by the Jews, and Jesus's disciples were killed as well, it makes sense when Peter was angered at the "certain Jews" that claimed you had to be circumcised to be saved. Judaism and Christianity are fundamentally at odds because it's not a works based religion, at least in the Protestant sense.

Then how did peter cuts a priest ear of , it seems to me if jesus walked on earth in the usa they would have guns

Atheists are identical to jews. Every day, there's a thread here about Christianity. Atheists get BTFO. The next day they're back again as if nothing happened, with the same old copypasta.

1.apocalyptic nonsense slave religion.
2. its been 2000+ years, cunt aint coming back ever.

Protestanism and the people betraying the Church caused the Church to compromise for those idiots.


Weak leadership.

As a calvinist, I *still* think it's kinda fishy that Jesus was a Jew.

Nothing. History is unfolding according to Divine Providence. White people turned their backs on Christ and God is punishing us by destroying our civilization and unleashing the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Asia instead, with China soon to become a Christian nation. A remnant of Westerners will survive the coming calamity, and they will worship Jesus. The godless and those who have turned to strange gods will perish in the wrath they in their apostacy have called down upon our lands.

>Christcucks are identical to jews. Every day, there's a thread here about Chriscuckery. Christcucks get BTFO. The next day they're back again as if nothing happened, with the same old copypasta.

>king of Judaeo
>a fucking province

We need a holocaust on fedoras. Very soon.

>Judaism and Christianity are fundamentally at odds because it's not a works based religion

Only if you refuse to see the whole picture

Judaism is supremacism for Jews
Christianity is meekness for Gentiles

They fit each other perfectly

Your enemy gave you a "gift" that you could use to "oppose him"... and you fell for it!!

Pagan Romans almost erased Jews from the planet... while the most direct consequence of Christianity was the giantic accumulation of financial powers by Jews through the Middle Ages after the Church determined that finances were too worldly and egotistic and banned Christians from them

>christcuck logic

>What went wrong?


Liberal ideals must be eradicated from the Church

>3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?

he knew user

>Judaism is supremacism for Jews
>Christianity is meekness for Gentiles
that's what jews wish were true, the reality is completely different. You would know if you hadn't rejected the Logos.
> while the most direct consequence of Christianity was the giantic accumulation of financial powers by Jews through the Middle Ages
The Church was the only thing stopping them. Then came the reformation and northern cucks started sucking jewish cock. Congratulations, now you know why the reformation happened.
>the Church determined that finances were too worldly and egotistic and banned Christians from them
They only banned usury, not finance

The religion of the modern man has to be a secular religion.

When Jesus first came to us he came not to condemn the world, but to save it. Reminder that he told her that what she did was wrong and to go and sin no more. If she had continued to sin she would certainly get captured and stoned to death. He is not a slut accepter in the sense that liberals are, harlots do not inherit the kingdom of God. Yet Rahab the harlot from Genesis did inherit it, because she had faith and was made a new creature. Likewise anyone that believes on Christ for salvation shall be saved.

But his lesson to the other people is that people need to recognize that they are sinners too and need a savior just as badly as the prostitute did. However, she was humble enough to accept this.

As it's written, it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. Also, God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty that no flesh should glory in his presence.

>rejected the Logos
well i'm sure that psychobabble will save every last Christian and all of Europe and America right now

> A cult leader warned his followers not to stop disbelieving even when his bullshit prophecies will never be

No shit Sherlock

>How can ISIS be muslims when they kill other muslims!

This is (((you)))

>The Church was the only thing stopping them.

Stopping Jews from doing what exactly? It was the Church cucking europeans out of finances!

> They only banned usury, not finance
> le usury meme

Yeah, because I am going to start loaning money without expecting any compensation for the risk I am taking

> that's what jews wish were true, the reality is completely different. You would know if you hadn't rejected the Logos.

That is exactly what Jews want you to believe

"Oy vey goyim... the reality is completely different! Those that care about the treasures of the world will get fucked at the end when our War God comes back... we JEWS are fools! Now let us take those horrible treasures from you while you selfflagellate to prove that you only believe in the Logos OK?"

> Reminder that he told her that what she did was wrong and to go and sin no more.

Which is exactly the liberal behavior I describe

"STOP JUDGING AND PUNISHING PEOPLE!!! Muslims will stop attacking us, if we simply ask them nicely and stop criticizing them :3 And if they kill us anyways, they will go to Hell, so they are the real losers XD hahaa"

Either your god said those things and contradicted himself in the other parts of the bible, or what user said was accurate. These statements arent taken out of context. If i said "kill all the jews" but after i said "only on tuesdays" does it matter?

I still really understand this meme that I'm a good goy just by being a Christian. There are plenty of Zionist Christians but when you get down to the teaching Christians resist Hegelian dialectics that Jews and other have used to manipulate populations around the world to destabilize countries and offer solutions.

Christians are least likely to go along with mob violence and play a part in these programs of control, which is why they are historically slaughtered by tyrants.

That being said I think Jews are only enemies of Christians for the sake of Christians. In the end God will fulfill the promise of their father's and reconcile all believers, whether the Jew believes or not.

You assert purpose in your unproven claim that a god exists. You assume you dont have just as much purpose as an atheist or any other theist. You are playing make believe on so many levels.

>In the end God will fulfill the promise of their father's and reconcile all believers, whether the Jew believes or not.
>implying Christianity is God's teachings

They don't resist hegelian dialectics, they simply translate the utopia to an equally unlikely Other World

> Christians are least likely to go along with mob violence

least likely compared to who? Buddhists would have the title when it came to who goes along with mob violence

Christians were happy to slaughter each other during the 1500s and 1600s over the interpretation of the bizarre book of jewish prophecies that never came to be

no post in your argument, but thank you for exposing your ignorance

>Stopping Jews from doing what exactly? It was the Church cucking europeans out of finances!
it was the nobility cucking themselves. The Church clearly warned them that if they rejected Church authority and followed usury they would be ruled by Jews. Which punctually happened when they accepted the reformation, starved their own people to death and got in debt with rich jews.
>Yeah, because I am going to start loaning money without expecting any compensation for the risk I am taking
You obviously know nothing about economical history. Spoiler alter: medieval economy isn't the same as le current year economy. You already live in a global economic system of usury, which wasn't the case in the Middle Ages. People didn't need to loan money to survive comfortably back then.
>That is exactly what Jews want you to believe
Nice try samuel
>Now let us take those horrible treasures from you while you selfflagellate to prove that you only believe in the Logos OK?"
why so angry about people who don't want to be rich? There is nothing in catholic doctrine that says you have to be poor. It's a plus to give up vain things like money, but not an obligation. Also you fell for the jewish lie that money is power. It isn't. Nothing in this world lasts forever, it's all vain and the jews who rejected the logos (you included) don't realise that because they are deceived by satan

>there is no life after death

yes i'm completely ignorant
Christ isn't cucking all of Europe right now
it's not happening, goyim!

Those two are not the same thing.
If you hate liberals so much then read this verse:
"But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities."
Sound familiar? These are the liberals of today that just think you can do whatever you want and hate all things lawful. Christ is none of this.

romans conquered you kikes before and civilized Europeans, they will do so again.

>turkroachistan flag
>checks out..

>Christ isn't cucking all of Europe right now
>it's not happening, goyim!
sorry to burst your bubble fedora boy, it isn't happening. Funny how atheist parrot the usual cheap lines. It's like you just read and repeat some sort of atheist fortune cookies or something.

How do you know that is what the scripture meant?

not a kike but it would be best for everyone if the "brave warrior christians" started waging a "christian jihad" against the jews and the muslims
instead of being worthless whiny pathetic cucks getting raped and murdered every day at mohammed's hands

>What went wrong?

Glorifying the story of a man raising the child of someone else that came out of his own wife would be a start.

the very definition of death is "absence of life"

> mfw christians are forced to re-define words just as socialist jews do

> it was the nobility cucking themselves. The Church clearly warned them that if they rejected Church authority and followed usury they would be ruled by Jews.

What a bizarre interpretation of history. Do you have any source that provides any evidence that the Church ever says anything even close to "I warn you, if you follow usury, jews will rule you"?

> why so angry about people who don't want to be rich? There is nothing in catholic doctrine that says you have to be poor.

Given that Jesus himself said that rich people would struggle to enter heaven, you have to ask yourself why this God, according to this Jew prophet, sees with bad eyes that the STUPID GOYIM wanna live a rich life in this Earth full of treasures

>it isn't happening
you christians are so deluded
you get raped and beheaded every day by muslims and just stick your whiny pathetic cucked head in the sand and stick your fingers in your ears
you're massive faggot cucks

Says a person who reads and parrots a single book that a couple nobodies wrote a couple thousand years ago, and pretends his fiction is true while being told by modern simple science its inconsistencies and nonsense.

> skipping the verse right before, where Peter explains he is talking about the "Day of Judgment"

Exactly what I said here:

Right wing "christians" are forced to mutilate their own books and remove verses completely out of paragraphs in order to claim that they are not betraying their own cult, expecting that we are so ignorant of Christianity that we won't notice

Bad luck, I used to be a radical christian, I know the Bible very well

Cuckians have been tricked into worshiping the jewish god , who for all intents and purposes is your 'Satan' didn't you find it puzzling that the Old Testament is nothing like the New Testament in the cuck book? The jews have completely corrupted the churches , just yesterday the poop was crying at Auschwitz