Sound for WEBM on Sup Forums

ITT: we petition the mods & admins of Sup Forums to allow WEBM videos with SOUND!

It's about time Sup Forums can post clips without directs to YouTube.

It's about time Sup Forums can show political clips without directs to /gif/ or /wsg/.

What do we want?
WEBM with sound

When do we want it?

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah! good idea!

If doubles mods ban us both instead

Why was the other thread deleted?

Close :^) was deleted within seconds of creating it. Maybe it was reported by all the JIDF in Sup Forums nowadays.

every board should have webms with sound

this WEBM is so much better with sound


webms with sound = screamer fest

kys, bad idea, main reason they didn't put it in the first place.

it's in all the other chans and much more

Yes, I would like this. WEBMs with sound now please mods.

Audio is a degenerate form of cucked media. Film began without sounds until the Jews added it

Bump. I like it.

Webm and images posted here should be in black and white only.

I don't really like screamers and stuff.
Watching people get burned alive in nigger gets wrecked threads don't bother me, but yikes do I hate having to be on my toes over sound.

I have to very carefully change the sound on my computer/the video I'm watching to make it through a video one youtube, and if there's two people talking, they never have their sound levels synchronized.

Make a thread on /qa/
Our nip overlord doesn't really pay attention to other boards.

Would take the memes to the next level



>scared of audio
>continuing moot's deranged strategy

In the meantime we have the "WEBMs for other boards" thread on /wsg/