LIVE: Anti-Merkel protest to take place in Berlin
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>that schlager music
>5000 people
That's more like 50 max, lmao. And everyone knows who you are now, great job, rightwing retards. Braze yourselves for repercussions.
dat music thogh
eins, zwei, drei, merkel raus!
>more than 50 people
>people caring who you are when they're fed up with this sorry sow
Achmed du bist schwul
you germans are really bad at listerning to your peopel
These people will propably lose their job now
>implying they had one to begin with
Shit, haven't heard anything about it before, might've traveled.
Though has a point. Seems the news blackout was successful.
Holy fuck Germany is cucked
i understood a german joke.
So much unsettling nationalism
hey i speak arabic now
Can't wait for the 5 million counter protestors paid by the state to show up.
sauce on music pliz
germany is politicly courpt. they need a monarch
Feuer enstehen auch durch Funken wenigstens sitzen die nicht vorm Pc und und tun auf Schlaumeier ;)
catchy song
I think Merkels refugee politics are great.
We never had that much nationalism rising since fucking 1933.
Wanna hear another one ?
the allied countrys "won" ww2
My last four digits represent how many people that show up to this protest.
>live stream via Kremlin TV
I suppose it's the usual right wing morons as speakers then.
I can't understand a goddamn word
Kek, warum sollte ich da hingehen? Ich bin kein Nazi^^
Yeah, you're a cuck.
:| germany was expanding the wrong way.
had to be done. sorry
I'll tell you something, right-wing speeches in Germany have been really shit since the 1940s. Listen to this stuttering fuck.
>That's more like 50 max
looks like it could be a thousand to me
i as an an American am asking you to drop your fake flag because you are going out of you way to kick an user when hes down for the sake of an unfunny joke
Speak English you savages
that's a steward mate
>tfw you miss your train because of these assholes
oh snap
i had the same thought.... faggot can't even speak a whole phrase.
>D-das p-parteit i-ist....
can you imagine that?
To be fair, that's actually a pretty large crowd
lmao. he was telling them to behave, he's a security guy
You havent been around many people, huh?
EVERYONE i know and work with HATES this refugee shit and HATES shitskins.
EVERYONE, this is the biggest red-pill of the century!!!
Seeing how german poltards react, I think Germoney is beyond salvation this time.
That "inspirational" music.
Then you do not live in western Germany where there are more people compaigning for refugees then against them
What's the motivational speech they're listening to?
Sounds like the Enoch Powell vid some Sup Forumsak made
>EVERYONE, this is the biggest red-pill of the century!!!
Why don't you do something like this, Hans?
And now imagine the fact, that in Poland there is not a single rapefugee and we have less than 10k mudslims here (and half of them are living here for centuries and hate arabs)
West egrmany is already lost.
Serious question:
Where is Antifa?
70 years since the Nazis and apparently Germans are still using the same cameras
he's part of the securty. if you don't understand german ask anyone to translate before you talk shit.
Ein, zwei, drei, vier,
Merkel aus und gratis Bier
Is that a recording or the woman live?
>its a rt stream quality goes to shit episode
It's that famous speech from (((Chapin)))
omg they got german flags, fucking neonazis
Hitler: The Hidden Helium Tapes
Lmao this Inception soundtrack music
charlie chaplin
Sorry, I don't speak >muh race.
Which part isn't? The one next to Poland? kek
When I turned it on he was talking about drugs and alcohol. I thought he was a comedian, given this rally is in Berlin
the speach from "the great dictator".
What did that hype voice say? tl'dr
this shit
this music holy shit
jokes and memes aside your being a cunt right now
what the fug is this music
>that music
This music is hugely gay
That's why no one will take this seriously.
Fuck this.
who the fuck is playing that music REEEEEEE
anti antifa song
Kek, anti-antifa music. Based. The more 'normal' people grow a disdain for Antifa the better
Its "time" by Hans Zimmer, used for example as a background track in the Charlie Chaplin speech from The Dictator.
Whatever you say Ahmed.
this music
that music, I always think of Germany as a bit cuturally backward but they're taking the piss surely...'Hoo Haa' lmbo
>metal at a protest
skinheads have to be the biggest retards
>not recognizing right wing music
The song is pretty good if you understand the lyrics
>That fucking music
What a bunch of retards, seriously.
oh shit. it begins.
Dear Germans,
When having a rally, you're supposed to have:
1) A lineup of well-known speakers ready to go and address the crowd, no gay music
2) Someone filming it all using proper equipment, not a flip-phone from 2003
Antifa arrived
>Antifa, Antifa, Antifa
>"Halt die Fresse"
i'm just watching for some nice happening.
kek wills it. kek is with us. kek never disappoints.
It's got the crowd riled up and hundreds of people chanting hate at Antifa, so effective enough.
>Antifa music
Yeah nah fuck that but fuck Merkel too
It's not.
It's music for meathead neo nazi ossis.
We need a non-cringe right wing movement.
Translations would be appreciated
It's seriously like I'm watching German Romperstomper rn
kike co-opted skinhead co-opted shit
>That fucking music
Time to stop with the Tay Tay memes on /po/, what a bunch of faggots
Ossi, bitte. Ihr seid eben immer noch nicht in Deutschland angekommen.
Jesus, he's fat.
>those delusiuonal antifa cucks
First to die.
This, krautbros please post highlights
Why not play some rammstein
Yeah islam is definitely better