ITT: Things we take for granted that eurotards can't have
I'll start
ITT: Things we take for granted that eurotards can't have
I'll start
Why do you americans always insist that the whole Europe is the same as cuck britain. Hell even in caliphate of
cuckistan, a country formerly known as sweden you can own every single piece in your pic if you have a clean criminal record.
you may laugh at us
but look what we have :^)
Pretty soon we will be one of the few county's with legal alcohol consumption, In Eurabia Alcohol and Pork will be outlawed. Europoors will never enjoy such freedom as pic related.
Have you tried this yet? I'm curious about the taste
because it is
Finland isn't any different.
You can still buy those. It was the retarded moms for common sense or something like that that got them banned.
Why can't I have a toy in my chocolate!?
You can keep your Kindler Surprise and we'll keep our raifus
[spoiler]The surprise isn't even that good. Sad![/spoiler]
No, I actually quit drinking, but by our Christian God I am glad that if I wanted to I could go out right now and buy a bottle if I wanted to. I have ate bacon while drinking whiskey and it wasn't bad so I imagine it's not horrible.
Its fake, retard.
Took this to the range on Wednesday. I honestly feel bad for Europeans.
Have you bought one of these recently? The toy is some dumb plastic figurine that has 2-3 pieces for """""""""""""""""assembly"""""""""""""
I don't know if it's because they're making them in china, or to cut costs, or because children are retarded, but those cool little toys that were harder to assemble and had a lot of tiny pieces and even instructions are gone. baka
Yes, I'm a retard for thinking something that's entirely plausible is real... There is such a thing as bacon-infused bourbon, I just hadn't seen the Jim Beam version before...
>ITT: Things we take for granted that eurotards can't have
Did you know they actually make weapons outside of the US too?
Did you know they make guns in several EU countries?
Even Russia is producing guns.
Hell, even China is making guns.
Do you actually believe that the rest of the world is producing weapons just so motorized scooter americans can buy it?
Nope, there are gun owners outside of the US. Just so you know.
>Requires gun permit to own, must be obtained from police
>Can't conceal carry
>Limits on how many guns you can own
>required to be member of gun club
>guns must be in safe
Yeah bro Sweden is totally a model of freedom and definitely comparable to America.
wut? Do convenience stores in yurop not sell ice for some reason?
This triggers the burger
>iron sights and MOE furniture
>current year
Honestly, I'm not sure about convenience stores, but when you order drinks there, they don't put ice in them... They drink everything at room temperature
>tfw Swedes will go to jail if they don't send their kids to indoctrination hours.
Actually, this is my first MSR. Any recommendations for medium range optics? I am not looking for a full size scope.
Freedom of speech
kill yourself
>ITT: Things we take for granted that eurotards can't have
>gets shot by nigger
Freedom of speech, freedom to not get blown up, freedom to not get hacked to death. I would say freedom to not get shot, but, well, burgerstan.
>not having a FSB on an AR15
you're not the guy who works at 616 in GR are ya? if you are, thanks for loaning me and your rifle for a bit when I asked for 'fun', that was cool as fuck of ya.
Canada has a whiskey that's famous because it's got a human toe in it
although that isn't even your rifle.
The 1-4x sights made companies like Nikon and Leupold are well regarded. Vortex are the standard among a lot of competitive shooters iirc. Rich as fuck? Get an ELCAN SpectreDR.
Avoid EOTechs if you ever decide to go for an unmagnified optic. They recently settled out of court due to defects inherent to the design of the optic itself. Get an Aimpoint instead they are great.
FSBs are out full length handguards and flip up sights are in.
Nice burger, how do euros survive on whatever that garbage is on their plate?
>tfw granddad passed away in December
>got 3 firearms worth a total of 7 grand
>up to 12 firearms now
>going to get my dads half dozen or so firearms when he passes as well
I'm literally running out of room for my guns in my room. I need to invest in a safe or something.
>full length handguards and flip up sights are in
Yes, that's what homosexuals push since years.
>Plastic shit
>Shit knife
Why would I want any of those?
no foreskin
Suck a dick.
The real concern is that carbine length gas system.
Price range?
I like Leupold and Nightforce. Maybe a vortex scope (since they are also in Wisconsin)
That FSB is the only good thing about that rifle.
A white leader you degenerate fucklord.
>Highschool test percentages are averaged at 50
>Thinking that having your kid be a shut in neet with no friends or social skills is better then them going to school
2/10 bait, made me reply
Hera Arms masterrace
You can't even have full auto.
Stop pretending you're the top when it comes to firearms, your laws are shit and getting shittier by the day.
Iceland has it much much better for example
Whatever Pierre. I love asparagus.
I was homeschooled during high school and this pretty much true, I regret it everyday now.
>Wanting fuckall in the AR-15 platform
The AK family is miles better.
>You can't even have full auto
Uwotm8. You can purchase a full auto anything with a tax stamp. There are literally Americans walking around right now with fucking miniguns.
No it just isnt.
AK's are fuckin inferior to AR's
>a woman pm
>a black president
You guys are equally cucked desu
I'd rather have a woman than an ethnic minority.
>Makes fun of iron sights.
Holy fucking no guns.
But ARs are too fragile and require too much maintenance.
there is always a superior weapon to the AR in each of the roles the AR can fill
Money isn't really an issue. I just want something that is solid at a reasonable price point. I don't need the biggest baddest brand name shit -- just something reliable. It's the same reason I went with the Colt M4 instead of the Daniel Defense or LaRue Tacticool.
Are you retarded? I have a permit and own two guns, it's not a problem. Oh yeah, we don't hand em out to psychos, minors and criminals, real restriction to muh freedoms I have to say
You saying?
>The AK family is miles better.
SOF have switched over to full length as well
>carbine gas
Can't tell if it's a 14.5 or 16.
AR is such a mature weapon at this point the only thing left to do is jerk off over accessories.
he's defending slavery boys
holy fuck ;')
Say anything critical of Jews or Muslims on an open public forum and watch as you lose all your friends, colleagues and opportunities
>all homeschoolers are shut-in neets
You're falling for the propaganda, leaf. The trick is to not be a retarded parent and get the kids active in sports, clubs, volunteering, and things of that nature.
Uhh, yes we can. All you need to do is fill out a form with the ATF and pay a 200 dollar tax. We can get anti-tank rifles too.
>FSBs are out full length handguards and flip up sights are in.
Kinda like how dicks are in your ass huh? What a fucking homo post.
AK47 is durable, yes, but ammo is in short supply and the AR15 platform is far more versatile. The ballistics of the 5.56 NATO alone outperform any heavily modded AK47.
No, bullshit. An piston AR requires almost no maintenance and an DI AR can easily fire a thousand rounds without problems.
Its an assault rifle not a machine gun.
That's cute.
Why do Americans put bacon in everything?
>Has guns
>Still less white than every single euro cucked nation
Kek, you guys are babbies compared to our Cretans.
Per GALLON. Not your liter Eurocuck shit.
>Fuck picture didn't upload
Per GALLON. Not your liter Eurocuck shit.
Because we can.
AK's are superior for the dirty work you nead a cheep iron sights gun for.
Especially the SBR/Pistol AK's are awesome, and the round is superior, in close range.
But other than that the AR's is also a gun to have fun with at the range and place accurate shots. Its just a comfy gun. (Mag and bolt release)
Tastes good. It's just a condiment to us, like Kraut with mustard or the Dutch with fucking mayo.
pic related
Enjoy begging for money from Germany, Georgios.
Well. It cannot be worse than vodka with pierogies.
>they think europeons can't own guns
It's just too much bureaucracy for what it's worth because you need to have a background check, be affiliated to some shooting gun, keep some of your guns locked at the shooting range etc but you can certainly buy rifles, handguns, shotguns, air guns, air soft guns, paintball guns, bows and arrows etc.
Special forces groups have been using this style of rifle for years and the changes are trickling down to the general armed forces.
op's pic wasn't his either
Potato pierogies in a butter sauce with bacon crumbled on it is to die for desu.
I am cool with Poland. I just don;t know shit about the food.
*affiliated to a shooting club
>tfw you're not allowed to defend yourself and most people approve of this
I implore burgerbros to take "cold, dead hands" literally.
>SOF have switched over to full length as well
All homos.
Big ass trucks, yuro vehicules are pussified (except the higher end brands)
>e. It was the retarded moms for common sense or something like that that got them banned
Yup same people demanding guns be banned demanded that this evening banned as well so they don't have to parent
Sucks, right?
I love how all media calls every of the rare self defense cases in Germany where somebody shot a burglar with a gun "vigilante justice".
And the commenct section is full of people condemning the house owner.
Maybe you didn't understand what I was saying.
I was calling you a noguns fag who jerks off to pics of military men while waiting for enough of grandma's birthday check to buy airsoft.
Just to be clear, I was calling you that, and a fag.
>Makes fun of MOE
>posts heavy obsolete quad rail
>>Highschool test percentages are averaged at 50
the statistics were normalized to the public school
Why not have both?
If space allows, if not we make room.
>living in a country where it's illegal to defend yourself and your property
Must be pretty scary.
You just made this same thread and it's still up
You don't have to make this thread every day. It hurts enough already.
Swiss bros aren't in EU
Doesn't count
no one's comparing countries, just saying things about them. comparing two countries to each other is useless
>he needs a permit to CC
>the only somewhat valid thing in this thread are guns
And yeah, somewhat valid, just because we can't buy a rifle in our closest supermarkt doesn't mean we can't get guns here
Except you need to go trough more procedures to ensure that you won't shoot innocent people :^)
Also black powder weapons are completely ok and everyone can just have one loaded in you cabinet in case of anyone breaking into your house.
I can buy rifles and shotguns as a bong.
>tfw you live in Devon
>live on a farm
>owned my own shotgun since 18
>rifle at 21
>shoot pheasant
>my first job was opening a clay pigeon shoot for stag and hen parties.
You seem upset. It's not that hard to save up a couple thousand and buy a rifle.
>Except you need to go trough more procedures to ensure that you won't shoot innocent people
>yfw there have been more mass shootings in Europe than in the United States this year