Only poor people vote for anti-immigration.
If the only thing valuable about you is the place where you were born, you should kill yourself.
>prove me wrong
>oh wait you can't
Only poor people vote for anti-immigration.
If the only thing valuable about you is the place where you were born, you should kill yourself.
>prove me wrong
>oh wait you can't
Donald Trump is a very rich man.
Immigration is fine as long as they are bringing something to the table rather than taking it away like illegal immigrants, those are the ones we dont want but are being told otherwise.
Maybe people just dont want uneducated polish reets in their country's??
Really makes you think
Where are the facts?
Thats right you aint got shit.
Poor people are more likely to vote Anti-immigration because immigration allows foreign workers in who will undercut locals, meaning more locals who are poor, or maybe you used to live in a nice area until thousands of non-English immigrants are pushed into your local area making it unsafe for your children, crime goes up and it becomes harder to have a normal life in the area.
Immigration is fucked unless controlled.
I expected this from Canada, but not from you, Poland. I'm not mad, but I am disappointed in your actions.
Damn Nige, you angry because you left school without gcses and then complain that a Pole with a degree took your job?
Shut up kurwo. Bad bait.
>Only poor people vote for anti-immigration.
well, they aren't stealing rich people jobs and
they aren't pricing rich people out of the housing market.
In fact, They drive wages down and real estate up so rich people should love them.
A Pole with a degree??
How's your mayor?
Drop the proxy Swede.
Immigration is fine. ILLEGAL immigration is not. Please tell you can quantify how significant the difference is between the two?
>Only poor people vote for anti-immigration
That's because immigration brings in a shitload of cheap low educated working drones, further bringing down wages for the already poor people.
You expect the poor to vote in favour of their own wages dropping? They're dumb, not stupid.
im not a Londoner and whats your point slavman?
If you're so caught up in Materialism that you don't care about your love your own people, you do not deserve your own people, and you do not deserve to make any decisions on their behalf.
If a Government ever oversteps its binds, to serve its people, then that Government has made itself illegitimate. By catering to International Jewry with this subterfuge of ethnic homogeneity you have abandoned any claim to what is better for a nation, by lack of authority.
Don't you just love it that Brits act all "muh redpill, muh anti-cuck" after brexit, when in fact their country is infested with Pakis and niggers, and literally nothing is going to change even in the next 100 years?
>Only poor people vote for anti-immigration.
>If the only thing valuable about you is the place where you were born, you should kill yourself.
>>prove me wrong
>>oh wait you can't
Spargelstecher sind willkommen.
so you're saying poor people shouldn't vote for their own interests? the rich sure as fuck do.
impoting muslims is not the same as importing Americans anyone who thinks differently is a retard
>BSc in Human Defecation Hygene Management
>University of Warsaw
Nige, they are educated you know