>The heartbroken mum of a teenager who took his own life after being falsely accused of rape was found hanged in her family home.
>The family of grief-stricken Karin Cheshire, 55, said she 'could not see a future' without son Jay Cheshire, 17, who took his own life after allegations of rape were made against him.
>The complaint was withdrawn after two weeks but were said to have deeply affected Jay.
>Karin had vowed to investigate the police's handling of the case but her family said she became 'vacant' and 'zombie-like' after his death.
>The mum-of-two was found at her home in Southampton, Hampshire, on July 18 and an inquest into her death heard she had died in the same way as her son - asphyxiation as a result of hanging.
If you kill yourself after someone removes their false accusation then its your own fault for being a pussy.
I feel sorry for him, but he was being a little bitch when he killed himself.
Carson Brooks
Sup Forumsumping
Adrian Russell
False rape accusations should get you as much jail time as rape
Easton Allen
Yeah, we heard ya the first time.
Easton Bailey
Now hopefully the accuser will kill herself due to guilt and we'll have a proper greek tragedy.
Easton Jenkins
Faggot raped a girl and now we should feel sorry for him? Fat chance.
Joshua Smith
>He says, as he eats his huge bowl of doritos, scratching his neckbeard whilst tipping his fedora, licking the dorito dust off his fingers as he readies to make another post talking about manhood, as if he has any idea or experience on what being a man is really like
Liam Gray
This is how all this started.
Although I agree with you. She's a solid 8.
Dylan Roberts
Unfortunately we live in a feminist world and as far as a feminist is concerned, all rape allegations are true and stick like mud. If it's disproven, it's just another example of the Patriarchy covering up rape.
Hudson Young
no then it becomes a dark comedy.
Landon Rivera
What a faggot for killing himself. If your going to hang yourself may aswell kill the person that *ruined* your life , what a fucking pussy.
Gavin Brown
If we can find her, send her this story, and see how she reacts. I bet she'll be happy.
Grayson Ward
This. I'll bring consent forms tho
I agree, but only if Malicious intent is provable. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
Fool me once, shame on you
Lincoln Peterson
>yfw they were honor killed by the father
John Gomez
Pic related is what I'll do if I become suicidal.
Ryan Price
She's already been found. See the old thread.
Ian Murphy
this, either that or take out some kebabs
Liam Young
We not certain it's her. The only connection is an anecdote from an user and them being friends on facebook. It's not enough to accuse her
Eli Young
That's fucking pathetic. If you wanna kill yourself, you could at least kill your enemies too!
Aaron Morgan
you knwo whats funny? if grills knew this, theyd go all the way in with the story. theyd never accept a false rape, like in this case, if the laws were like that.
funny isnt it, how this shit world works
Brandon Brooks
From the article we know that he went to "Bitterne Park School in Southampton studying English Literature, Film Studies and Geography"
Anything on the chicks FB page that could match this?
Brayden Morgan
that sounds extreme at first but if you think about it a false rape allegation is literally trying to get an innocent person locked up against their will for several years which if you did on your own accord in your basement or some shit you probably would get an even longer sentence than for a rape
Nicholas Rodriguez
it seems like mostly in these cases they are not trying to get revenge on the guy or whatever, they are literally just ashamed of having a one night stand or cheating so say it wasnt consensual, if they risked going to prison they probably wouldn't bother in the first place and just take being called a slut
This article mentions "Winchester Crown Court". Could there be public records of the case?
Dominic Cruz
so how can we confirm that this is her? /madeleine.myers16 it doesn't realy make much sense that she is still befriended with that dude
Noah Harris
4 at best. I update my prior statement: both panama women and aussie sheilas must look like absolute dogs.
Easton Ross
Is the user that gave us that page still with us? Hopefully he could provide us with something more substantial
Matthew Edwards
>so how can we confirm that this is her? /madeleine.myers16
we cant, so lets not jump to conclusion fast or we are no better than cops that brouhgt the accusations
Grayson Evans
We know, that's why we're being careful
I'm just hoping that no-ones ordered pizzas already
Samuel Gonzalez
Reading comprehension is not your best skill huh?
Luis Turner
same guy in all her pics, if we can find out who he is maybe it will shed some light on this
Adrian Murphy
People fucked up in the head enough they legitimately want to kill themselves aren't going to do any of that. If they had the will to do that kinda shit in the first place they wouldn't be offing themselves.
Nathaniel Brown
>women >guilt
Gavin Williams
can i send her dick pics
Isaiah Gonzalez
she tags him in all her pics dude /profile.php?id=100003934040736 but look at his first post!
Jayden Long
A few days before he offed himself.
Jace Richardson
Which pics have Jay in them? I haven't seen any
Cameron Powell
Colton Martin
A fucking leaf.
Parker Ramirez
Dear Ex: Have fun on the path ahead
Robert White
not Jay, there's the same guy (bf?) in all Maddie's pics
Cooper Young
My heart aches for that poor family.
I hope his accuser gets the Karma they deserve.
Jason Phillips
How many hands does he have?
Ian Clark
Oh right, I thought you were talking about him
Maybe we can get in contact with friends he mentions?
Evan Hall
yes it's her bf >pic related says in a relationship /profile.php?id=100003934040736
Samuel Baker
>dear future child "False" rape accusation my ass.
Leo Sullivan
If it was the girl that made the false allegation, that guy is not getting laid tonight
Joshua Rivera
Do some anons really get off by getting attention from other anons by posting any kind of trash that they can think of to bait people?
Elijah Moore
All right I'm the user who linked the girl's Facebook page.
I went to the same sixth form as Jay I was in the year above him. I didn't know him too well personally some of my mates were good friends of his. I know the girl was in the year below Jay so she was year 11 he was year 12. I graduated shortly before all of this happened but as I had friends in the lower years I still heard things from the old school. Because I was too busy packing my bags for uni and starting out at uni I was out of the loop until the week that Jay died. When my mates told me what happened as well as also me reading reading the local newspapers online. From what I gathered from the rumour mill there was a bit of a witchhunt over to find who was the girl a lot of people were told to keep quiet by the police and the school as one because they don't like vigilantes but also the school doesn't like having its reputation tarnished. From what I was told by my friends who are still in Southampton the girl had gotten away legally scot-free but she still faced the judgement of her peers I remember the threads on here when the first suicide happened. time skip to recently and the boy's mum kills herself so I see the threads on here on my Facebook feed from my old Southampton friends and local papers. So after some folks here wanted her Facebook for whatever reasons I agreed to get in contact with my mates who knew the situation better than I did they tell me that it's her these chaps haven't lied to me before and seeing as a few of them were good friends at Jay they were more than happy to pass over whatever information they have. and here we are.
Brandon Stewart
Thanks user. Do these mates go on Sup Forums? If so, link 'em the thread. We could use more voices
Ryan Rogers
what if it was the father who killed himself instead of the mother, do you think the media would care
Cooper Davis
You need to avenge Cheshire.
Logan Morris
just a question
will the girl that admitted it was a fake accusation be punished by the law?
>the girl had gotten away legally scot-free but she still faced the judgement of her peers
Mason Bailey
Not really. It's not his responsibility, and he's doing plenty by providing information. Plus him being somewhat close puts him and Jay's friends at risk. Since we're user's, we can get away with a lot more
>From what I was told by my friends who are still in Southampton the girl had gotten away legally scot-free but she still faced the judgement of her peers
Noah Sanders
I linked them the thread to double check the facts I was passing on and I know at least one of them has seen the thread but I cannot guarantee if he has posted here or if he is still lurking i'm in another county mate and the local train service is a nightmare atm
Levi White
The accuser should be tried for first degree murder and sentenced to death
Angel Perry
90% of your country is dusty red rock, the other 10 is filled with dusty black men.
Jeremiah Barnes
that's bad enough i guess, but you'd except something about wasting police time at least.
Jacob Myers
It's really weird seeing a thread relevant to where you live
/eastleigh/ user
Aiden Bell
100% of your country is 0.000001% of my country.
Aboriginal communities are as far away from me as Egypt is from you.
Colton Turner
i'm surprised someone relatively close just so happened to be browsing. Lucked out really.
That is, unless, he's not telling the truth. But everything seems legit
John Evans
Isn't falsely accusing someone of rape a fairly serious crime in itself, at least in theory?
Gavin Lopez
Nah, this user is telling the truth. Since we're in such close proximity, I can see all this developing on my jewbook.
In theory, yes. Practise? Fucking good luck with that one.
Samuel Cook
The rates of false rape accusations are the same as any other crime - between 5-8% depending on the study.
That 5-8% is the percentage of reported rapes that are proven to be false or for which not enough evidence could be gathered to build a court-worthy case. Depending on the laws where you live, "legitimate rape" (ugh I hate that phrase) could be dismissed if the perpetrator didn't use violence, if the victim was too intoxicated to give an accurate account, if too much time had passed to collect viable evidence, etc. Just because a rape accusation is made and then dismissed doesn't necessarily mean the accusation was false, just that no one could prove it in a court of law.
Rape only has about a 40% reportage rate and over 95% of those accused will never spend any time in jail. There has to be some truly shitty planetary alignment to get someone falsely accused of rape imprisoned.
One of the reasons so many rapes go unreported is because of shit like these threads that automatically assume the accuser is some lying bitch out for vengeance or covering up "regrettable sex" or whatever. No one wants to go to the police or even tell their friends if they're afraid no one will believe them. When you make a big deal about false accusations, or when you try to pass harsh punishments for those who make accusations that can't be proven (see second bullet), you make victims afraid to come forward. False rape allegations hurt future victims, too. Every time one makes a headline, it makes it that much harder for future victims to be believed because the false allegations stand out in the popular consciousness.
Rape tends to happen between two people behind closed doors. Don't presume to understand "what really happened" when your buddy says he was falsely accused or whatever. Look at the percentages and ask yourself if your buddy is really such a special fucking snowflake or if there's actually a wee little chance the accuser is telling the truth.
Logan Johnson
Copypasta + You posted it earlier
top meme
Luis Garcia
tl;dr there is a 95% chance this kid was a fucking rapist. Stop pretending he's innocent.
Noah Lopez
New copypasta confirmed
Easton Campbell
>Hurrr it wuz a false accusation
Innocent people don't kill themselves, you're gullible as fuck.
Dominic Cook
apparently it can be quite serious >The vast majority of the convictions in the last five years, 98 out of 109, involved prosecutions for perverting the course of justice – which carries a maximum life jail term – rather than the lesser offence of wasting police time, which has a maximum tariff of six months in prison or a fine. theguardian.com/law/2014/dec/01/109-women-prosecuted-false-rape-allegations obviously a bit difficult to prove either way
Lincoln Perry
I'm going to keep posting this for as long as you shitbins keep making these threads.
Christian Campbell
No bullshit here mate i'm just passing on what i'm hearing from the old neighborhood
Luis Cox
From the article, if you took the time to read it. >The inquest, held last year, heard he had a history of having a low mood, was put on anti-depressants and was due to undergo cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
He was already depressed and had (mental) issues, the accusation just added onto things, it sounds like. I think it was more that the accusation tipped him over the edge, not that he committed suicide because he was guilty.
Asher Collins
This clearly gave him PTSD, this would fuck anyone up and when you mix that with pre-existing mental issues it's not surprising.
Joseph Flores
what is HER comment about the whole thing do you know? does she get righfull abuse for it?
Justin Ramirez
Well it's impossible to prove his innocence/guilt one way or another.
Benjamin Green
I bet she thinks she is the victim, women always act that way when caught.
Samuel Thomas
She's clearly not feeling guilty.
Kevin Long
You do realize that women have consensual sex, but then for reasons, take it back and say it was rape. This happens often enough. That "dear future child" comment, if real, only tells us that they had sex, not if it was consensual or not.
Though, it looks like one of those copy/paste memes that people just fill out with their responses, it's entirely possible that the future child part was part of the fill-in-the-blank copy/paste and had nothing to do with his personal life.
Aiden Bell
word is she is getting the smear from the rumor mill but i have heard nothing from her. as she was the same year as one of my mates i think she left the school a few weeks ago with the year 11s but i dont know where she is going next she might go for the sixth form but there are other colleges and sixth forms in Southampton but seeing as pupils from BPS end up in most of the different colleges word will spread unless she and her family skip town. but to my knowledge she has given no comment and tries to give the appearance that nothing happened
Juan Johnson
The guy Jay Cheshire who suicided is on her friend list. Closer inspection of his images show that, althought outdated, many similarities between him and the picture on the news outlets.
Jacob Gonzalez
I'd wager the reason he decided to take his own life was because he knew there'd always be people who would unconditionally believe the accuser's story, even after she'd recanted, simply to protect their cooked up narrative.
Mason Parker
30% of rape accusations are false and baseless, thrown out.
This is a rise of over 1000% since 1995. Yes I have a chart, I can only post 1 pic at a time.
Zachary Johnson
Jonathan Rodriguez
Women are incapable of feeling guilt.
Ethan Ross
If it was the girl that made the false allegation, that guy should avoid getting laid tonight.
David Evans
That's fucking awful. Poor family.
Liam Thompson
Another white boy down!
Daniel Gray
And the girl gets off scot free. What a surprise.
Carter Richardson
Can't tell if this is an ironic shitpost or you're too dumb to recognize a simple Facebook chainletter pasta.
Jason Scott
Kevin Richardson
Women always get away with it.
Carter Reyes
Christian Phillips
In Canada, it can now be assumed that all 30% of those false rape claims end up as prosecuted people who go to prison based on false witness testimony alone.
See pic related.
In Canada, all you need is the supposed victim, and one of her friends to say "He did it" and everything you say doesnt count, including if you produce text messages that say things like "Lets get really drunk and have kinky sex" the night she was supposedly raped.
Absolutely no physical evidence is needed.
Just 2 lying cunts and your life is over, never come to Canada, its not a free and democratic country, we dont even elect our head of state.
Brayden Gutierrez
Stupid fucking picture. Being suicidal is not the same as being diagnosed with a deadly disiase.
Ask any Finn.
Angel Rodriguez
>the accuser is some lying bitch
But this case the accuser is a lying bitch.
Jacob Rogers
Even when significant doubt is introduced.
Youre still guilty, even though thats technically not what our legal system says is supposed to happen.
This guy should have been disbarred, and for lack of that, he should have been dealt with by the public.. but this is Canada, so he will continue to go on fucking white men in the ass vicariously through false rape charges and the people who hate rapists in prison.
Leo Wood
Like that guy, he will get raped in prison, and possibly beaten, and murdered.
They will find out his charge was rape, and they will treat him as a rapist.