Yea and I can give 10,000 examples hilldawg is a greedy criminal.


I hope this comic strip was made before the 347 examples of Hillary doing shady shit that everyone just ignores



Why don't you

>Dad, I can show you 347 examples of Hillary breaking the law! Dad?

>I'm with her
>I'm with her
>I'm with her
>I'm with her

>and not a single example was posted

Oh shit Sup Forums btfo
I'm a hillshill now

>I AM SILLY!: The cartoonist
Why is Horsey always so assblasted over everything that isn't being a spineless cuck?

He's a fascist
>He's literally Hitler
He's a fascist
>He's literally Hitler
He's a fascist
>He's literally Hitler
He's a fascist
>He's literally Hitler
He's a fascist
>He's literally Hitler
He's gonna start WW3

>1 post by this ID

fuck off you shit stinking roach.

I can show you 30,000.

>The donk on that skank

>le teenagers and college students are so smart xd

Okay but
What are those 347 examples?
347's a pretty specific number so
You must actually HAVE those examples, right?
I mean how could you count them so precisely if you don't have them listed and organized in a document you could just upload to the internet?
Are there citations for all 347 of these things?

Seems like 347 well cited and documented incidents of Trump legitimately making things up would be pretty damning against him. Something that would hurt him in the election. Makes me wonder why they wouldn't make that list publicly available, instead of making a comic about it.

Oh wait it's Horsey he's so full of shit his breath stinks.

Yet it's always libtards who run away from debate and repeat their mantra or shout people down. Just instead of MAGA it's "Racist, racist, racist".

These people have no self awareness.

So will Hillary.

Even in their own comics, liberals are slacked-jawed dopey teenagers who think they know better than their parents

it's just a bunch of Horseyt

She's got a nice ass.

implying there are fully evolved stages in Turkey

That's going to be hard to do from jail

Horsey hates millennials as much as he hates Republicans, they just serve his comic's purposes sometimes

Isn't Horsey that antisemitic white nationalist cartoonist?

This must have been edited, does someone still have the original?

wtf I hate trump now!

Okay do it.

Wiki leaks that shit


Remember when Hillary dodged sniper fire?

Where's the 347 examples of Trump just making stuff up?

wtf i love horsey now

When will Horsey talk the truth about Shillary?

Go on... I'm listening.

I can find 357 examples of Hillary being a corrupt evil cunt




fixed for you

Does anyone have that cartoon that has that one panel that says "my size is directly proportional to my anger"?

I hope they don't run out of rope before it's Horsey's Turn.


I gotcha senpai.


oops, bigger


>le anti-intellectual hugbox