Are east germans basically niggers of germany


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no, they're mostly decent hard-working people who just want to be left alone

No, niggers are the niggers of germany

>t. East nigger

I'm pretty sure niggers are the niggers of Germany

>posting a carneval pic

We used to do this in Bavaria during Fasching as well.

>Ossis sind keine deutsche das sind alles West-Pollacken!!

they are german so yes

your eastern german beauty.

>Ossis sind keine deutsche das sind alles West-Pollacken!!
Lolz echt jetzt?

hat einer in den Kommentaren geschrieben

>Kirschen pflücken

Abitur-Mottowoche, du unmaturierter

>Abitur-Mottowoche, du unmaturierter
Ossis and Abitur?

Gefallen die Mainstream-Medien?

Ossis brauchen keine Kanaken, sie sind schon Kanaken.

>le ebin Ossi bashing thread
>not realizing Ossis are the last hope for Germany
>being this much of a cucked Wessi
go prep your daughters for the rapefugee bull, while we fight against the invaders, fucking spalter

Is it true that ossies call grilled chicken a broiler?

So much this. Greetings from the West.


is it true that Wessis call a bun with molten cheese ontop halve hahn?

Much higher rates than in West-Turkmany.

highest test

>Sup Forums - Sup Forums

>B-bavaria w-wanna join up so i can be relevant again?

That's very ironic considering Merkel is an ossi

ossis are the only hope, ah yes

and karl marx was a wessi


I am paying them over 40 euros per month out of my paycheck because they are LAZY. AS. FUCK.

No industry, shitty dialect, women literally flee from there to the west. And don't get me started on Berlin. Berlin only exists to burn as much money as possible.

Atleast our president isn't a nigger from Kenya.

Merkel and Marx are both joos

East Germans are just recovering from marxism, they're usually not very bright and maybe not the nicest but they don't attack you verbally for no reason and aren't criminals either.

t. Hesse in Northern Cyprus, 0% Turk.

yes the russians seriously screwed them up

What does that have anything to do with anything?

>are east germans basically niggers of germany

They were always different but 40 years of socialism broke them.
Its like asking someone from Taiwan about mainland chinese. They only feel disgust and shame.

seriously there are more israel flags on pegida meetings than german flags. not even an aipac meeting offers so many israel flags.

must be pure coincidence.
They might aswell have flags of mongolia, south sudan or chile. don't be antisemitic.

and the west got screwed up by the happy merchants, literally brainwashed.
Ossis atleast retained some of their german values because the russians where such sons of bitches that it was the only way to counter their influence.
The West just gave their sovereignity up for the easy money and life.
Now we have patriotic germans in the east and totally cucked progressive germans in the west. I dont know about you, but I think the west lost more.

nothing, just wanted to make you think

this isn't carnival, it's Mottowoche

If they are, then who are the Germans of Germany?

They're essentially the only country that the USSR could kind of get communism to work in.

nah he was an austrian.

>be me, be Ossi
>lose the Studienplatz lottery
>have to study in Frankfurt/Main
>mfw every major West German city is a cuckified breeding ground for roaches
>mfw this has been going on unchecked for decades now

You know, the Eastern Europeans really do have a point.

east germany is literally the only part of Germany where turks,nignogs and other mudslimes hasnt take control

nobody wants... nobody likes...

...ossis, ossis, ossis

how east germans look like

these guys are from the south in the netherlands
dutch rednecks if you will

Not being a German 80s chad ,
Driving my Opel Manta ,
Screwing blonde German 3.14 qt's

Why live?

Nah, it was just dress like a burger day...they do this here's called clash day, or hick day, or 80s day et cetera.

>Ossis and Abitur?
Where does that meme even come from? The Ossies in Saxony blew the fuck out of everyone else but Bavaria in the Pisa study.


>only third worst

They look like Americans with german ancestry: Trash.

One of my fellow student is from the Netherlands and talks exactly like them. It's killing me.

never seen such degenerates in my life.
everyone of these weirdos is a braindead faggot.


Communism. not even once.

>Being this butthurt that east Germans aren't cucks
Half german, Russians raped it out of them ling ago

> Barrierefreiheit