Isis has threatened Brazil and said they would attack us during the olympics. But why us? I undestand France but BRAZIL...

Isis has threatened Brazil and said they would attack us during the olympics. But why us? I undestand France but BRAZIL?! See, our country is already shitty as fuck, it would be like kicking a dead dog desu. And make no mistake: we arent as patient as you guys in eurape... If a sandnigger come here and try to rape our daughters he will end up with a table leg up his ass.

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They fapped to cute brazilian shemales and got angry later on

they are coming to find the lord eggs before jesus returns from space so they can hatch the angels and make them fight for them.

Just be friendly to them.

They'll probably settle right down, watch some events with you, go back home and tell everyone it's all good, the war is over.

>ISIS tries to shoot up a favela
>get robbed

Isis are full of fucking shit
They wouldn't dare

They'll probably kill that 14 year old rapper though

Dont worry.
Nobody have the balls to atacks us.

We are like the only country in the world who never lost a war.

It's an obvious chain to yank, but South America is already in enough disarray and the US already has enough sway there.

So I wouldn't pay much attention until a pattern of attacks forms, or until you start mass-importing them or whatever.

would anyone notice if a bomb went off in rio

Dont worry the cartels will kill you before isis even has a chance ;^)

>We are like the only country in the world who never lost a war.

Technically, they've threatened the Olympics. Although officially, I would guess Brazil is just a none Islamic country to that ISIS filth, so yeah.

I would expect something to happen, Brazil has a reputation for crime. I would guess it would be easy for them to get hold of certain equipment needed to commit a strike.

Nobody wants to make war with your zika ridden ghetto of a country

>But why us?

Because for once, this summer, your country's going to have some civilised people in it.

don't mess with mexicans,colombians and brazileans catholics!

You think ISIS gives a flying fuck about dying ? They don't care m8, They're going to Brazil to die and kill as many people as they can. They'll probably use a dirty bomb or mass poisoning.

Jews are helping those stupid brainwashed sand niggers carry out attacks though so it's the prefect opportunity. Kikes are going to take it.

Things are going to get so much worse , this is just the beginning. WW3 has started, Millions Dead in the Middle East in the last decade Millions dead in Europe this decade. Sad times, Russia, (NOW) Turkey, China, Iran and Pakistan VS USA, Israel and EU

Get used to it, Kafir.

ISIS declared war on the West. You'll soon learn that all Muzzies support ISIS.

>Brazil and ISIS will see who can kill the most Olympic athletes
>Brazil will probably win

why is the Olympics still happening in Brazil?

The latter is true.
The'll be swimming in poo.

I don't want to fuck your wife, leave me alone.

>All Muzzies support ISIS
I don't like Islam but I'm not retarded like you. Who's doing the most against Daesh ? Assad, Iran and Ironically enough Al-Qaeda. Your country's ISIS's air-support

Just make more kibes and esfihas to make them feel at home

Brazil are catholic so are also infidels. And they aren't targeting Brazil perse, but the Olympic circus. I'd love to see Isis fight the favela gangs though.


I ask myself the same every fucking day

so what the commonwealth is just sitting this one out?

Rio de Janeiro Governament will kill more athletes than ISIS, that is for sure.

ooga booga !!!

Also THIS, South Americans look just like Arabs. Good luck profiling them. :^D

The nigger that was on the ground tried to jump a gun on the cop, I sincerely don't know what he expected the cop to do

THey don't care about you monkey boy, they care about the Americans and Europeans there, dumbass

What about Britain, lad?

I hope so, I'm going back to Straya on Tuesday, taking muh mum with me this time. She's living with me now because I got a house now. Africa's finished m8.

The Shia just want resources.
Sunnis, on the other hand....

kek. thank god you guys dont have the money to come after leaving the EU

>stock market is higher after brexit

fucking poop water

>I'd love to see Isis fight the favela gangs though.

Now you're assuming ISIS terrorists are not cowards and only atack places with people who will self-defend.

You're a Paki colony, China's also your biggest investor. You'll sit this one out (I hope muh little sister's in Scatland)

queensland died with tony

So politicians can steal even more money

Step up your banter mate
And the civilised ones aren't the brits desu
>asian gangs apaplling sexual abuse of young girls lasted 16 fucking years because people in authority were scared of being labelled racist if they tackled it
And I thought Brazil was a joke

Sunni isn't one group, they're like 42 different Sunni denominations. Saudi's fund their bullshit, Ironically Arabia's going to be on your side during WW3. I hope Arabs get nuked first and every country around them denies them asylum. Then Israel too. That's the only good thing that'll come out of WW3


We're already in the midst of WWIII, son.
Things will just keep ratcheting up.

They find out its more easy to steal money from third world countries.

>tfw we lose ww3 because the millennials refuse the draft

imagine tens of millions of kicking and screaming millennials being dragged to boot camp

When Hilary gets elected expect another civil war, m8. She's got Zog's blessing and has promised them Assad's head. I really hate that bitch man.

Hard to imagine, I know.

So do I. Maybe we'll get a reprieve and Trump will win.

>ISIS wants to attack Brazil
No offense, man, but what would be the point?

I wouldn't get my hopes high tbf ;_;

How is this hard to understand? Your country is christian and thousands of western people will be gathering in the same spot.

If my government in this tiny ass country has 80 known ISIS sympathizers on a watchlist then you can guarantee your country has sympathizers ready in place to blow shit up.

No where is safe.

Hopefully all those die hard latino communists I read on Facebook will stop supporting Islam just because it's anti-USA when they see Islam hates Latam too

Terrorists will piss in an ocean of piss.

> NZ
>80 known ISIS sympathizers

I think Islamics are a little bit crazier than the standard favela monkey. I mean they blow themselves up with explosives. You don't see favela soldiers doing that when they rob a taco stand

The french are going to be hauled up together with germans, americans and any other sort of "oppressor" of the Islamic State.

It would be surprising if they wouldn`t have plans to bomb the event.

Too bad they probably won`t.

>why us?

You're hosting a worldwide event. It is worldwide press. OBVIOUSLY.

I always planned to just draft dodge.

Besides, what are the odds of a draft happening? Won't the nukes just kill us all?

You're fucking one to criticize Ubungubungu

Is Brazil a Muslim country?

No, that's why they want to attack you.

>tfw no terrorist attacks ever
>tfw literally in the country's top 1%
>tfw WW3 breaks out I'll be safe because nobody's going to waste a nuke on this shit hole
>tfw Chinese will colonize this place and I'll get Yellow QT's

feels good man

Are you retarded?

If they only attacked christian countries, they wouldn't have touched France and Turkey.

>About 40 people are being monitored in New Zealand for their ties to Isis but the most threatening are under constant watch, which means they're unlikely to be able to get anywhere near executing a terrorist attack, said Key.

Article from last year. Also, the gubbermint increased syrian refugee quota and it's likely these sympathizers have recruited more so it could easily be 80.

How much does bread cost in your country?

nuking is a last resort and will happen when a country is defeated but doesn't want to give up

>the Chinese will colonize this place and I'll get Yellow QT's
The Chinese will colonize your place, cut your balls and dick off to sell as medicine, and then force you to pan for gold or mine diamonds until your limbs fall off or you die from being whipped to death by your manager Long Dong

he didn't say shit about Christians he said if your country is anything BUT Muslim they will attack you

and they will probably still attack your country even if it is Muslim but it will be a different kind

It's all because of this video:

Because you are not a Muslim nation yet, that is why they will attack you.

>How much does bread cost in your country?
like 50p, currency collapsed. We're using US dollars now .

I'm not black, Also in High School Chinese girls would try to chat me up because muh blue eyes. They did it to all the White blokes. We'd just laugh it off. Chink whores are desperate for Aryan seed

>And make no mistake: we arent as patient as you guys in eurape... If a sandnigger come here and try to rape our daughters he will end up with a table leg up his ass.

In latinamerica we take too much shit from our own people to take more shit from foreigners.
With no doubt iIcan say if a muslim make a terrorist attack on Mexico, the ones sending videos of beheadings wouldn't be ISIS.

Didn't your Leader kick all your whites out ages ago? How are you still around?

50'000 of us are still here. He didn't really kick us out. Just stole a ton of farms forcing many to leave

Well damn that sucks m80

Say hi to the Chinese, maybe I'll join you there.

it's the refugees that are doing the raping, what brazil needs to worry about is some dude with a homemade bomb strapped to his chest

>implying we don't see that on regular basis
Mid 2000's this shit was like Irak 2.0

kek. brazil being brazil. Every day there is a fucking bomb threat in rio. After this "terrorist attack" thing showed up. Brazilians are trolling and calling the police to difuse fake bombs everywhere. Tipical. About the terrorists? they are just teenagers that talk shit on the internet. They are serving a single purpose to make sure that the international comunity sees that the brazilian government is doing something to prevent terror. Im not saying this is not happen in rio, im just saying : Brazil cant prevent a terrorist attack, dont have intel to do a proper job (all the intel came from international sources like france and the FBI). This olimpycs will be a shitfest.

Nothing will happen.

Mudslimes never touch South America because unlike Europe, people there are serious business.

Which 14 year old rapper?

what are the chances of the Olympics being completed? As in everyone gets to compete and get their medals

I'm having doubts it will start at all but don't actually know how bad it is

Republic of Brazil Won Against empire of Brazil

like i said, never lost a war

ISIS would not attack Brazil. It would be like pissing in an ocean of piss

ISIS is dumb enough to do it anyway
so lets hope they are also dumb enough to strike russia

>But why us?

olympics=symbol of west
and easy to get into brazil and do crime

> If a sandnigger come here and try to rape our daughters he will end up with a table leg up his ass.
well see, they arent coming there for that as main reason. they also arent small time criminals who just steal stuff from tourist

and your criminals might ally with isis, who knows

i think that if no real attack happen the chance is 70% to 80%. We got pan american and a world cup here. with the same mayor. The difference now is that Rio is obviously broke, the country is in political war. Still seems like the Mayor and the governor wants to make this right, because they have alot to win with getting this right. By that i mean : Our mayor have alot of friends on the housing and construction business, he need to sell properties in rio. And this is a good way to make Gringos buy properties here. Ive seen it 3 or 4 times. Rich gringo gets to rio, fall in love with copacabana and tries to buy property here. Happens all the time.

Too bad the goverment of Venezuela supported Iran and i'm not sure but I think is member of the OPEC. So the muslims probably think we all the Sudacas are on their side

ISIS attack is just a normal day here, I hope they don't get murdered before the attacks.

Some Brazilian rapper who uses Koranik passages at the start of his music and Muslims ate all over the comments telling him to "take it down it's offensive".
Don't bother looking into it though it fucked up my music preferences on youtube for a week.

pick one


If you have to ask why, you haven't been paying attention.

ISIS = USA + Israel.
So yeah, they want global domination, there are terrorist attacks happening even in African shitholes..

Islam is a supremacist toralitarianism that mandates global conquest to achieve utopia.
Brazil is part of the world and is therefore well within the set of places that all Muslims feel bound to conquer.

Has everyone just forgotten munich 1972?