Has your country ever fought itself

Has your country ever fought itself

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All the time until 1866


love of my life

What was d*Xie thinking? We went pretty in depth into the motivations and the execution of the war in US History class, but we were never told how in the ever loving fuck the South ever thought it wouldn't end with their states in flames and their women drinking yankee cum.

They were part of the government so they must have seen the (absolutely grim) numbers beforehand. Very strange


Yes the southern states fought for independence but they stayed loyal to the crown when they won

yes many times

>ywn be a soldier in sherman's march to the sea
>ywn liberate Darius, the dimwitted but kind-spirited slave oaf who becomes one of your best friends
>ywn destroy d*Xie infrastructure
>ywn have a qt southern belle suck on your yank cock

you fought with each other not with yourselves


this country has never not fought itself
it keeps getting frankensteined over and over again by foreign powers

Yes. P*rliament won

sv*nskere er ikke mennesker

omg hej reddit!


Yes. We even won against ourselves!

>svenskere erobrer og massakrerer danskere
>hjernevasker og torturerer dem til submission
>får danskere til at bekrige andre danskere
svenskeren er i sandhed en satans skabning

Kind of

>man skåning

No, why would we? That's stupid.

Because wars of secession beforehand were VERY hard to put down, especially with the physical size of America.
Nobody expected to convince tons of Americans to run off and kill themselves to kill other Americans seceding just as Americans had loved doing all the time.

So Lincoln basically ignored the Constitution, suspended habius corpus, and imported fucktons of foreigners fresh off the boat to kill their countrymen. Then America had it's first modern was, with an intelligence service and trains and the like.

*teleports behind you*

I like this flag very much
very cool
By the way my high school history teacher had a original flag used in those days

yes, and we lost


Based Lincoln

>*notices ur monarchy*
>*unsheathes longbow*
>"Nothin' personnel..."
>*installs hereditary protectorate*

did you?

Kept doing this for 4000 years.

Yes. Many, many times.


assassinations yes. all you need to kill is the leader

we never really had a civil war.

but once a bunch of frenchies started killing ppl, so we had to use the war measures act and crack some frenchie skulls.

thats as close as we got.


Dumb peasants got fooled by promises of safe living in the "proletariat" by the petrograd soviet.

2+2 they got jailed and slaughtered.


They thought the British would be on their side, which they almost were until Lincoln made sure they knew it was a war over slavery, at which point they figured "nah fuck that."

riots yeah, full-on war never

*teleports behind you*

*unsheathes composite bow*

800 years

As a Texan, the only time I saw the confederate a lot anywhere else was Japan. I dont understand this to be quite honest.

Yeah, but I was always against sub human trash.
>Rebellions of 1837–1838
>North-West Rebellion of 1885


Mindanao itself is a civil war

The Muslims there are separatists who never saw themselves as one of us

Please leave unless you are being lead by a Spaniard

yep. The last one was in 1932.

Yes a few hundred years or so ago was a big one.


Our civil war was, probably, bloodiest in history.

>Dumb peasants got fooled by promises of swedes vs other dumb peasants
That's who f*nns is - dumb peasants.

If you count Quebec as the same county then yes.


Nah China's is.

>That's who f*nns is
"That's who Finns are"


Isn’t yours technically still going on


This. What *is* a civil war?

Need it be said?

yeah, there's only an armistice agreement right now
but people who live here consider it to be over

>Carlislt war
>war of Spanish succession
>revolt of the Cortes of Castile
>Spanish CIVIL war

iberians lie again.

of courth

>Yes, after filthy Bolshevik coup

> suspended habius corpus
You act like this isn't done all the time.
Also based Lincoln.
First and only civil war was unprecedented.
Of course they would have to suspend it.

It's our national sport

The V*ndéen and the Ch*an scums deserved it

Yes, 50+ years and counting.

You dumb cunt. Longbows were abandoned by the time of the English Civil Wars. Hell, they were declared obsolete by the Privy Council in 1595. Why would either army go back to using an inferior weapon? You dumb fucking CUNT. Go back to school.


>his pussy country is not continuing the war

>Also based Lincoln.

Implying korea is not two countries now

We had a rebellion once, but after deposing the governor everyone sat back down and patiently waited for England to send another one over

Yes. Everything was cool and shiiieet until the anglo came and brought this disaster called "civilized lifestyle".

*cough cough pahang civil war cough cough*

do you worry about it starting up again with the way things are going?

*wins your war for you*
*tells Indonesia to fuck off out of Malaysia*

nothing personnel

>He isn't thankful for british empire bringing superior technology, that lifted his shit nation from africa tier to 2nd world tier

>lifted his shit nation from africa tier to 2nd world tier
our nation stop becoming africa tier after the independence m8. We can only thank the anglo for kicking commie's ass in malaya
thanks for saving us from commies aussieanon

yeah Tbh the current state of Singapore and Malaysia are entirely the result of the efforts of the Singaporeans and Malaysians

the English didn't really give a fuck about you lads beyond keeping the commies out

Don't trust nobody, not even yourself, not even yourself's self .

Quite strange actually.



Kind of
Most of the Eureka stockade was made up of recent immigrants, with a notable y*nk contingent
And the closest the Commonwealth of Australia ever got to a insurrection was 1974, which ended up being a very orderly coup

there was what, 30 people at Eureka or something?

>The Chad Macarthur
>The Virgin Bligh

200 sorry

don't really think it qualifies as a proper rebellion though

every country older than few hundred years had at least a dozen civil wars

You forgot the rebellion in the 30's.

t. nation-state equivalent of Gwyneth Paltrow

>they almost were until Lincoln made sure they knew it was a war over slavery
I thought they knew that from the start? I've only ever heard how dumb it was that Confederates tried to ally with the biggest anti-slavery power at the time.

>vad är upproret mot magnus eriksson

yes, in ww2

Most of the time "we" were just a bunch of different countries so clearly yes.

>killing the guy who was going to send freed slaves back to Africa
Nice job booth, Liberia could have been an empire by now.

> three Carlist wars
> Germanías
> Comuneros
> segadors
> current situation in Catalonia
> taifas
> morisco revolt
It was obvious irony. Civil war is our nation sport.

*national sport

And you will again.

>they won
They got ass raped my the empire.


if succession wars count (it does for denmark clearly) we have some of those

>the wars between the Erik and Sverker dynasties
>the war against Valdemar Birgersson
>the Dacke feud
>the war against Sigismund Vasa
>stora daldansen