Good job Sup Forums
Good job Sup Forums
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huffpo being forced to heel by meme magic
As a loyal servant of the true God Emperor of All Mankind I have to say that y'all a bunch of heretics.
What is a joke
living under water
It is funny how scared they are at this. It is almost like they have no sense of humor and everything frightens (or Triggers) them.
>normies dont get our tabletop games references
also too be fair, we've been calling him"The God Emperor of Mankind."
Get it fucking right heretics
Is it supposed to be funny? I guess people figure you're just adolescents autists because there's nothing humorous about it.
Does the entire MSM browse Sup Forums now?
I'm pretty sure the entire board (or most of it) is run by college grad women...
So, kinda makes sense they would post bullshit like this.
It is the third Millennium
For more than a hundred years the Republican Party has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Lincoln. They are masters of congress by the will of the donors, and the masters of a million votes by the might of their inexhaustible pockets. They are a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with political strategies from the Dark Age of Nixon. They are the Carrion Lords of the US for whom a thousand loyal voters are sacrificed each day so that they may never truly die.
Yet even in their deathless state, the Republican Party continues their eternal vigilance. Mighty ad campaigns cross the liberal-infested miasma of the media, the only route between distant states, their way lit by the Super-pacs, the financial manifestation of the Republican Party's will. Vast armies give battle in their name in uncounted districts. Greatest among their soldiers are the lobbyists, bio-engineered super-shills. Their comrades in arms are legion: the local party organisers and countless grass-roots activists, the ever-vigilant legal teams and the talking-heads of Fox News to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threats from illegal aliens, liberals, minorities - and worse.
To be a presidential candidate in such times is to spend untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most corrupt political system imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of democracy and the constitution, for so much has been forgotten, never to be restored. Forget the promise of moderates and bi-partisanship, for in the grim dark present there is only polarisation. There is no government of the people, by the people, for the people in the US, only an eternity of bribery and fear-mongering, and the laughter of the Chinese.
Nah, we're being raided. It's okay, though. They're giving their own minds an open platform to our beliefs. That just makes us more relevant, so I'm not sure what their goal is.
Pissing in an ocean of piss?
>huffington post
>green lights this article
How the actual fuck does anyone take this place seriously
Hello Tumblr. How are you today? Enjoying your trip out from your safe space?
To answer your question yes it is funny. Trump is crushing his enemies, driving them before him and hears the lamentation of the women.
>the article claims this originated from Reddit
really makes you think...
Fuckin' summerfags.
>14 month old meme
LOL creepy, like, what even?
I'm going to dump some of the comments
what even
>implying it's not a meme
Liberals are humourless cunts
It's based on a tabletop game. Anyone in that place that exists on the other side of your windows who thinks it's funny is laughing at you, not with you.
But you're probably used to that?
>14month delay
I can't wait for christmas 2017 and the arrival of Kek
These shills aren't even good at what they do. Now that we have their script its so easy to tell, and the fact they post like fucking retards.
Bunch of faggot retards.
>It's a "Liberals are incapable of doing research and understanding humor" Episode.
We posted in same time
Are you my soul mate?
Do you like boi pucci?
No one comes here.They prolly got it from the trump ama on plebbit.
This, they're so confused and frightened it's beautiful.
Have these people never heard of a fucking joke before?
Are liberals autistic or do they just pretend to be retarded?
its true we're insane cultists and memes can only be text on animal images and ape twitter humor on artifacted jpgs
>understanding humor
>implying you autists don't mean it
They've all heard of Donald Trump, haven't they?
Why are you so salty?
My country was overrun by Muslims
>inb4 trump just rolls with it and calls himself the emperor of the republican party.
Emperor Republicanus oh hail the flag that sets us free!
Don't respond he's one of the many shills from CTR
do they just come here for news lol give me a break.
from the article
>Editor’s note: (nico pitney) #Dickwhisperer
Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S.
Reddit has been unironically been calling him god-emperor for some time
The donald sub has really gotten out of control and with the orange man himself being on there did nothing but validate the sub
>Posts definition of reddit
>Russian Imperial Major General
What sorcery is this?
>normie finds out about the internet
They're just pissed that Hillary can't inspire anyone to give her a positive nickname. Hell she tried to give herself one because nobody else would.
Remember that Abuela fiasco?
Wow, these people are taking it literally. Out-of-touch, baby-boomer dorks.
>your country
You mean the Native American's country you genocidal colonialist
>white american suburban kids posting "based"
>white suburban european kids posting about "god emperor trump"
globalization was a bad idea
They take it literal because you ride Trump's dick nonstop. There's not a lot of subtext to search for when you're wearing a MAGA hat and calling a narcissistic authoritarian your god emperor.
The only thing more baffling than them not seeing the joke is you not seeing why they don't see the joke.
>Not worshiping the one true sovereign
So apparently anyone who supports Trump is a Christian, according to those comments. They over generalize every single time.
>so desperate for ammo we have to use shitposting that has never been acknowledged despite going on for months on months
>"Like what? I literally can't even"
modern "journalism"
This is an automated response from the correct the record group thanking you for your service and to inform you your hillary Clinton commemorative coins will be signed personally by Hillary Clinton herself. Remember to be safe and always correct the record!
False, reecent evidence suggests that Europeans came at the most 26,000 years ago while Siberians came 16,000 years ago.
Kike detected
Do you make a convincing trap?
>There is but one Kek and Trump is His Messenger.
Do they not realize we worship KEK?
I don't own a MAGA hat (or any hats for that matter) and I've never referred to Trump as my God Emperor online or irl. You, as a liberal, don't understand humor and I already know this judging by your affinity for Jon Stewart and Bill Maher. You're just out-of-touch with internet culture because you were already in your 30's when dial-up was invented.
>anti-trump means pro-Clinton
I'm equal opportunity and they can both get fucked
Trumpfags are way more fun though
>They over generalize every single time.
That's the left's entire political strategy. Generalize. Emote. Divide. Conquer.
>tfw u realize people are so hyped about his leadership is bc we have had a limp dicked beta male in office the last 8 years
This is a fucking masterpiece
>tfw they dont realize trump is the holy vessel of kek
wow some people are saying they're going to kill us all in the name of islam but hey chill out with the islamophobia for a second, lets talk about the fact that some people on a thailandese dick surgery forum call Trump "god emperor". What a fascist cunt, innit?
>She has been exonerated and endorsed by educated and brilliant people, even top Republicans
I see they've been Huffingthe Paint again.
You will be the first to hang on the day of rope, when God emperor assends to his throne
I'd be honored to be at the forefront of your adolescent LARP fantasy
The moon shines
i thought that was his official title?
i glanced over comments and they are mostly made by fucking boomers
These fucks didn't even read the article
>Some forum members say “God Emperor” is simply a tongue-in-cheek attempt to rile up Trump opponents who fear he would be a strongman as president. The term is attributed variously to God Emperor characters in the science fiction series Dune and a tabletop game called “Warhammer 40,000.”
>“We know he can’t literally be one,” wrote member NewJersey908, but the phrase whips people “into a frenzy saying that we literally want a dictator.”
They fell for the bait
Good, the rebels are afraid.
They saw what happened in the empire, they know it's coming to them.
All heretics shall be purged.
Huff Post is one big joke
>post yfw they can't prove he doesn't have prescience
> "Get a grip, people. Trump is the Anti-Christ."
Poe's law essentially working against you here. You've basically parodied yourself
Sup Forums has been doing this since the very beginning.
Humor is for the intelligent, that's why they'll never get it.
>democratic facism
>implying this isn't because of /r/The_Donald
Welcome to late last year HuffPo... glad you caught up.
lets not forget it.
I don't know why they're so surprised, it's been right there in the manual from the start.
>who are these people