Islam general

Jesus, Son of Mary edition
Reminder that Jesus hates idolatry and that you call him God or son of God.
I don't have all the links from the guy who usually starts these generals so here goes.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Donkey

How's Germany my tanned fellow?

Jesus was a jew

But OP, Jesus is a prophet in the Muslim faith.

Jesus is a cis white hetero male

tfw all organized religion is idol worship, worship of graven images of the mind

tfw pissin in the wind and wasting words

Jesus was not a child rapist and he was not a warlord either. Keep your death cult to yourselves, roaches.

The Death penalty for saying negative things about Mohamed is idolatry.

He also believed that "those who are without Sin should cast the first stone". While Muslims believe in stoning adulterers.

The Jesus of the Gospels could never be a Muslim; the question of his divinity set completely aside.

Stockade of Wahabism Repills:

>Raheel Raza, president of Muslims Facing Tomorrow talking about how modern islam needs to change because statistically it is fucked, especially for women:

>Muslims have a safe space from the rest of the world and allowed to break human rights if its ok with sharia:

>Modern, moderate muslims, even from normal countries have extreme view that are counter to the civilized world:

>Statistical view of Islam of the sins of modern Wahabist islam

>Ex-muslims speaking out get shit on constantly by muslims and come forward saying its barbaric that things like Charlie Hebbo are “Expected” responses rather than something we should react to

>Proof that before being radicalized by the muslim brotherhood, Islamic nations like Egypt used to be secular and scoff at the ideas of Sharia and burkas:

Remember Islam isn't the problem, its Wahabism. Attacking Islam is like attacking the Christianity, its moot. You have to attack the real problem, Puritans(saudis in particular whos influence over the entire middle east and imams) who are corrupting the abrahamic religion.

Remove Wahabism, and the middle east will go back to being modern and westernized like it was with Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt Or Mohammad Mossadeq in Iran.

In sura 5, of Al-Ma'ida,
And when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen."

Now Muhammad here was criticizing the trinitarian doctrine which was present after the time as Jesus, but to phrase in in such a manner as to what Jesus's own opinion on the matter would be is as a false witness.

Bottom line, as a white european, I am more tolerant of christian trinitarians than sunni sand-niggers, who do the work of the jews and suck on the house of saud's dick.

>Remove Wahabism, and the middle east will go back to being modern and westernized
Do you really think that is even possible? pathetic.

Here is a real red pill:

The Shiaand countries and Egypt were fine before the Coups and Islamic revolutions that were caused by (US/UK/Russia) coups and the Islamic Revolutions (reactionary to said coups and influenced by wahabists.)

They were completely westernized, adopted modern cultures, and were modest with their religion being personal commitments as they should.

Saudi influence on the region and religion at large is what radicalizes it, keeps it wahabist, and stops all outside judgement.

The catholic Church eventually had to have Vatican 2 to change the Church to accommodate to modern changing values of the current times, and Islam can do the same. Just remove wahabists and you're done.

>Just remove wahabists and you're done.
Tell me how are you supposed to "remove" wahabists? the Koran's word is absolute, isn't it? as long as the Koran stays unchanged, wahabists will always exist.



>Whenever there is Islamic violence the media uses the word “terror” not jihad. The problem is that the jihad of murder is only one of many types of jihads and it is the least of jihads. The jihad of murder will kill people, but the jihad of money, speech and writing brings us closer to Sharia. Sharia annihilates a civilization. Civilizational jihad is found in the content of our new textbooks which praise Islam as the greatest of civilizations. These new textbooks are filled with half truths, which cannot be challenged. The jihad of textbooks will destroy the thinking of a generation. The jihad of money has invaded our universities which reject critical thought about Islam in exchange for donations from the Saudis. The Islamisation of universities is far worse than murder. Another jihad that is killing us is found in religious dialogues. The idea sounds wonderful, but the ignorant Jews and Christians just smile and nod their heads as they agree that Islam is so wonderful. Debate is absent by consent. And another nail is driven into the coffin of our civilization. The jihad of murder is the very least of our problems.


Bible is literally the same text from Guttenburg time friend, and yet no inquisitionists or crusaders today. A religions book can have all the fucked up shit you want, its how you interpret it.

Priests and christian scholars have modernized most beliefs, hence why all the fucked up shit in Leviticus isn't canon anymore:

But Imams (Saudis I remind you) assure that the Hadiths are always interpreted literally if at all possible to keep the "Pure" idea" around, even though doing so is caustic in the modern age.

Peoples revolutions, war, whatever it is, the only way to get rid of the problem is to it at its source, the rich, powerful, and all influencing Wahabist Saudis.

remove them and islam can grow and modernize.

Wait. People don't realize Muslims consider Jesus a prophet in their religion? I've known that since I was a kid. Then again, back in the 90s a history teacher did a whole series of classes on Islam because she said it would be very important to know in the coming century. So I actually knew about stuff like Suni and Shia and the five pillars even before 9/11. I also had a church school teacher aunt that taught me about world religions.

The root of both books are objectively different:

New testament:
>based on the example of an hippie neckbeard who literally died virgin

>based on a warlord and child rapist's deeds and teachings

You can't change reality just using good-sounding words. Though, I agree that Saudi Arabia is a very large part of the cancer affecting the middle-east.


Jesus taught Sharia lad. And Muhammed never raped anyone

so it was another troll thread after all, I should have just dumped my religion of peace folder from the start then.

>Bible is literally the same text from Guttenburg time friend, and yet no inquisitionists or crusaders today.
Because that's not what is written. Increases literally tempered Christianity once people could actually read for themselves what it was about. Anyone quoting anything from the old testament at you to justify their actions is an idiot.

The rabbincial law of Leviticus is not for gentiles to begin with, and it was done away with anyway. If you could follow the entire thing perfectly you would be holy, but as a human, you can't. The israelites failed time and time again. Even David, who was God's favorite fucked it up. The law convicts you so that you may understand just to what extent you fall short of it and are thus in need of salvation. Through the realization that everyone is the same in this regard you come to understand the hypocrisy of judging others.

And then Mohammed comes along and tells you to make snap judgments of your neighbors and kill them if you think they're the wrong kind of muslim.

Who draws these pictures?

someone on deviantart iirc

>Jesus is Muslim.
And my ass is Jew.

Jesus is Isis.'s_Donkey

In Jewish tradition, the Messiah's Donkey (Hebrew: חמורו של משיח) refers to the donkey [1] upon which the Messiah will arrive to redeem the world at the end of days. In Modern Hebrew the phrase "the Messiah's donkey" is used to refer to someone who does the 'dirty work' on behalf of someone else.

The origin of the belief can be found in Zechariah 9:9: "... your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."[2] The 'king' referred to in this verse is interpreted by Chazal as referring to the Messiah.

>forced to walk in front, in case of mines

>Islam general
>German flag
I hate this world

>Call Jesus a Muslim
>Chimp out when Mohammad is drawn

It's like they can't even think.