Is my neighbor a Hamas member?
Bottom half = sign on neighbor's door.
Top half = Hamas banner.
Should I report this?
Is my neighbor a Hamas member?
Bottom half = sign on neighbor's door.
Top half = Hamas banner.
Should I report this?
Bump due to real concern.
take it down
They are not the same as each other.
Probably just an islamic blessing.
You should still piss plate his house though.
Doesn't look similar at all, but he's still a filthy mudslime so you should torch his place
Lmao I have the same on on my front door.It's for good luck bro don't get your panties in a twist.
Hi i read arabic.
His sign is different. It says:
gas the kikes race war now
No. You are being Islamophobic. If your neighbor is a Muslim then he is an adherent to a peaceful religion. There is no problem. Hillary Clinton supports the rights of Muslims to live in any country without fear of reprisal or oppression.
Put on a latex glove and smear shit over it
Get a McRib and leave it at the doorstep
I don't think Hamas would be in Finland.
They look totally different you dumbass, maybe you think he's the king of Saudi Arabia too?
How long did it take you to think of that bait?
I give it a 1/10
Your thread is lame
certain parts, especially the last part, look very similar.
Report it even if it isn't Hams it will still be funny
thanks ahmed
It says there is no god except allah and muhammad is the messenger of allah.
Every muslim says that, not just hamas.
No, That bottom one's some sort of prayer, It's got Mohamod'z name on it. How can't you recognize that shit ? It's literally everywhere. Have you even studied your enemy ? fgt ???
The bottom is the shahada or islamic creed, it's really popular, even here
btw they both say the same thing. just different calligaphic styles. in the bottom one in the two circles the right one says allah and the left one says muhammad
Buy tactical bacon fellow Pekka
Looks like a different script so prolly just an affiliate
A haji is a haji desu tho
Report it.
Anything that makes Slimes feel uncomfortable and less welcome is good.
Anonymity is not going to work for you bro.
You are probably the only Zimbabwean posting on Sup Forums
Mugabe is going to find you.
Staple some rashers of bacon to his door over the sticker.It's the right thing to do user
It's a common Muslim phrase.
'There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger'
Lots of merchandise and banners etc with those same words.
Surprises me how ignorant people are of the world sometimes.
Same thing with South Africa, They're like 5 of you.
I'm not afraid, like Sup Forums's ever going to release muh IP to a literal terrorist state.
They look incredibly similar, you dirty fucking sandnigger.
Yeah, that would be sweden.
bönde, lande vai hesa (ei se hesburger)?
Are you black?
are you white?
The words kill and thrill look pretty similar too but they mean completely different things. If you actually used your eyes and compared them you would notice the differences
Report anonymously.
Fuck off suicidal lefty.
Actually there is no difference, they say the exact same thing. Just in different font/calligraphy styles.
leave this at his door.
What a mess of squiggles.
>living so densely that you can see a neighbour's front door without explicitly meaning to
Is he a Palestinian? If not, I doubt he's Hamas
If he is, then it is a perfect match given how autistic Hamas fags are. All the Hamas supporters I met through school were almost always /r9k/ tier.
Report him for hate crime towards your religion
That reminds me of my pulled pork bbq sandwich awaiting me in the fridge. Thanks user!
It means
"There is no god,but Allah,and his prophet Muhammad " it isn't a terrorist you ignorant fuck I'm a Muslim as well don't fucking assume all of us are terrorist
you know what you need to do
nice trips bong
The squiggelies match up. Hamas confirmed.
How much are you being paid to shill here?
Report it. It is the right thing to do.
You ignorant cunts I'll report you as well
Its not our fault we dont read/write that broken language filth Abu Al Hanjobi
probably just the shahada but you should kill him to be sure
For who?
thats Idolatry you pagan. REPENT OR PERISH
Give me your address I'll report your racist ass
trips of truth
There is nothing for You to report. Except maybe you could report yourself for being an invading scum
It's just the shahada m8. Muslims are horribly unoriginal when it comes to flags.
Could mean anything.
well no only because they dont like israel vs some sort of isis or al quaeda
no. it's just the shahada. look it up on wikipedia and you'll understand.
Surely this must be a message from our Froglord
Thanks Ahmed
You're in Europe you ignorant fuck, respect the natives or GTFO.
Terrorist. Go die in a fire.
Its the islamic shahada "there is no god but allah...etc"
Commonly used, but keep an eye anyway
keep that mudslime shit behind a closed door, you racist.
Do it faggot!
no you retard. it's the most generic quran shit. something like "in the name of god" or whatever
nice blogpost btw
>you know what you need to do
What does the diamond tattoo mean? I see it a lot.
OP the best thing to do would be to call the FBI. Do you want to be help responsible for not reporting a potential terrorist attack? That blood will be on your hands. Tell them you are suspicious and that you want to make sure its safe.
> call the FBI
check his flag you dip
Yeah I just saw it dont be a faggot user. Whatever the Finnish FBI is then. Go die in a fire you cantankerous cunt.
NO just Rape his wife and daughter , when he finds out he alone will take care of the problem
>5 shekels have been deposited in your account.
Aw shit, is the mcrib back?
Report shitskins anyway. They all belong in hell. Have a boat so you feel safer
Go fuck yourself you fake Peprika lover. I bet the Turks raped your grandmother, you swine.
>Should I report this?
please do so
Fuck yes those gazzan subhumans are known drug dealers throughout the middle east
That scum is hated here let alone finlandia