"Emancipate the Jews?"

>"Emancipate the Jews?"

>at last it's finished, Zyklon - C
>now I can finish the job our führer started
I still don't get this scene

Emancipate them from what? Killing Palestinians?

Zyklon B was only used to kill lice you faggot.

>Emancipate them from what?
Movie was set during the concentration camp era


raimi was ahead of his time

Nice antisemitic slang you have there, faggot.

>"Harry tells me you're quite the Hitler fanatic. You know, I'm somewhat of a National Socialist myself"


>it's a Sup Forums post
Holocaust happened, get over it buddy.

The holocaust never happened. But it shoul happen again.


I don't even browse Sup Forums but the numbers and supposed technology of the holocaust are nonsense
It requires you to believe that nazi germany had more advanced tech than the modern world and yet still lost the war

It happened. Death tolls were initially exaggerated by the Soviets for post-war propaganda and adopted by the Americans. People were kicked out their homes, places into ghettos and many were killed in pogroms. None were gassed. None had their heads shrunken. None were turned into soap. None were turned into lampshades. They didn't have mobile gas chambers.
Zyklon B was used as a fumigant to kill lice. The Germans had access to sarin gas yet never used it in the war. Why wouldn't they use weaponized gas instead of an industrial fumigant to kill "millions" of people? Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg initially reported that they were STEAMED to death. Later he said that they were killed with carbon dioxide (that gas we all exhale) before finally settling on the only chemical found in large quantities at the concentration camps.
If they really wanted to kill millions of jews, why did they feed them? They could have starved them like they did in Holodomor. Mass starvation is the most effective means of genocide in history and is far more cost effective than transporting people and forcing them into "gas chambers", using lots of zyklon b pellets unnecessarily, gassing them, removing hundreds of dead bodies and then wasting fuel to burn them. Why wouldn't they just starve them and then bury the bodies afterwards? Its not an efficient means of killing them at all.

>inb4 tldr
You don't know anything about it so shut your faggot mouth

Hahahahaha ur uman garbage m8


>The Spider Man, The Octopus, The Vulture, The Rhino... What's with all these bozos? *lights up cigar* Did the city turn into a zoo all of a sudden? As if Harlem being full of monkeys wasn't enough, Christ... Parker, I've had enough, bring me my razor! *shaves head*



>"Hello there, Eddie! You didn't think I'd notice your kike nose poking around the office?!"


It didn't, but it should have.