You wake up Japan as Japanese prime minister.
You have no chice but live in Japan rest of life.
You can change Japan as you want.
What do? Sup Forums
You wake up Japan as Japanese prime minister.
You have no chice but live in Japan rest of life.
You can change Japan as you want.
What do? Sup Forums
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Restart Axis.
import as many White girls as possible to improve the gene pool because the average Jap girl is ugly as fuck.
Girl on the left above with her Asian boyfriend
Put depression propaganda in old people homes to encourage them to commit suicide en masse
Same couple
>Pour funds into AI waifubots with artificial wombs
>shoah women and replace them with waifubots
>with all japs able to have their waifu, birthrate boosts
>take some more islands
>close the borders
>instill national pride in them through government funded patriotic anime
>build a strong navy and army
>fund a space program
>Reintroduce State Shitoism, veneration of the Emperoru
>bachelor tax, tax on childnesness
>ban hentai
Nanking II Electric Boogaloo
Uncensoring the damn porn.
Invite millions of middle-eastern immigrants to Japan. Encourage Japanese women to breed with the. Pump out propaganda describing Japanese men as weak and beta. Nuke what's left of the Japanese race. Make Japanese nationalism a hate crime.
Ally with China and Russia and make the West Pacific an impenetrable fortress during WW3.
Good for him
- LEgalize popt
- Expand land to mainland and kill all those chinese comunists
- bro-up with the US and nuke korea into submission
- kill all the dolphins
- more nuclear power
- build an ice wall in the pacific ocean
- go to the moon
- get a robot waifu to replace womyn (they have shit boobs and ass in nipon anyway)
I deport english teachers like yourself
throw out muslims and weaboo english teachers and start teaching german in schools
There's only one direction to take politics in these days and we all know what it is.
>inb4 300 replies within the hour
You guys are all faggots
Are you a time traveler?
I actually saw Abe when I went to Tokyo a few weeks ago.
Muh shitty jerky video of it.
No ass
Immediately go full dear leader and tell the women to breed with Japanese men.
>kill off all Japs
>move all Italians in Japan
>be away from the EU
>isolate the country
>live happily forever after
But such an nation already exists, its called deutschland
Put all the yen to build gundams.
Become mercenary nation of gundam pilots
All of japan becomes gundam outer haven.
How much is Hillary paying you?
Outlaw moe anime
Why would they teach their students a dead language, though?
I would make suicide illegal. Since nips are unlike any other society and are more like ants or bees living in a hive, they have a very strong will to follow and subdue to rules.
With suicide(and premature death) illegal, they would be forever tormented to live in modern day Japan. Want to kill yourself nip? Too bad, it's illegal.
thank you
makes no fucking sense
>He has never heard of urabon
>No ass
what about her tits?
Well, yeah, she's white.
subsidies for two-parents, multi children households.
Also, tell the old people to shove off
Make anime real
It should be punishable by death.
Declare the construct of human rights as a western theory of civilisation that is now decredited and declare the emperor god on earth
>live happily
>Chinese mainlanders notice it
>start entering and immigrating to your country en masse
>take provocative steps to secure your peace
>they nuke you into abyss
You spaghetti's couldn't even do shit for the axis in WWII, let alone rid the Japanese off their land.
1)Fund a revolt accross china/north korea, invade
2)Create NERV
3)Wait for my half german waifu to be born
4)Become immortal along with her
So not much, im white, so theres no way id be willing to lead chinks against Europe or america
Declare the country New Catalonia so we have the indepence.
>Living happy
Proliferate Negrotic Bobblehead Toy.
Result: Sauce.
change the flag to be a picture of a cute loli
Standing on her toes as well. Must be them Hank Hill genetics
How is nobody else thinking this way?
This is the only thing to do with Japan.
Don't think so buddy. Pearl Harbor 2 when?
Rebuild the army and navy, and prepare for an invasion of Korea and inevitably China.
i say hi to my new japanese neighbors
and if they dont say hi back with enough friendliness i put them in the jail
Fuck her and fuck these threads. go away weebs.
>kick out all English teachers
>venerate the housewife
>big taxbreaks for families having children(not handouts but taxbreaks so you actually have to have one of the parents working to get it)
>officially state that Japan is and always will be an ethnically Japanese country
>korea will invade Japan
good meme
this time with italy as the main superopower? really?
remove all korean and english teacher starting with op
Lifting the laws that make you have to blur genitalia in porn.
I'd try to conquer Asia so the Americans would nuke Japan again, for good this time.
Make anime real for the express purpose of banning it
I find you and have you hung because you always make these pathetic threads where you hate the country that is hosting you as an English teacher. Glorious Nippon isn't as welcoming to your dumb weeb ass as you'd thought it'd be, isn't it?
Apologize to China and perhaps even pay a bit of reparations.
>chinks are happy
Make Sino-Nippon grand alliance and let China in on all the tech
What could possibly go wrong
Import a Mediterranean wife, start implementing sharia
What do you get out of it other than an ally who hates everything about you and would destroy you if they could get away with it?
Chile in Germany's place
>cultivate youth culture by adding arts stimulus for aspiring Mangaka, Directors etc
>explore trading options asides from South East Asia and Australia
Sharia law
refugees welcome
But then you might see a vagina, and that would be downright lewd and ruin the wholesome live eel enema video you were watching, god forbid.
are you the butthurt asian boy who keeps posting this bullshit?
start world war 3 and refuse to give up until japan gets nuked again
He must be severely mentally ill.
>You wake up Japan as Japanese prime minister.
>You have no chice but live in Japan rest of life.
I can think of many worse fates Japanese user.
Ban faggy anime. Deport whitey cartoon-lovers.
>In an unprecedented move, prime minister Jackson has just announced he will deport over one hundred english teachers
Make anime great again.
Retract from the biological weapon convention treaty and non proliferation treaties.
The greatest enemy to Japan (Israel) is not party to them either after all.
Get rid of some of the anti-gambling laws and the other bullshit laws they have.
Completely ban anime, weaboos, westaboos, NEETs
1. nip feminism and other SJW movements in the bud before they gain any more traction
2. teach girls in school how to cook and be proper women, their parents aren't teaching them properly anymore
3. divert funding into natalist policies to get the birth rate up – basically big perks to women who get married before say 25 and have a minimum of 3 children before they're 30. Heavy taxes on any woman under 40 in the workforce, to help pay for the benefits of those who do the right thing and have families
4. stop taking nuclear power plants offline, cheap electricity is needed to get Japan's industry back on track. Build more nuclear power plants.
5. ramp up development of companies who can compete in the global economy; more cars, more robotics, more programming
Fuck off, faggot. Those white girls are the 5% of whites who are not fat whales.
Japanese girls, on average, are far better than ugly fat white sluts. I am glad I moved here, and can get an unlimited supply of jap pussy.
>Build more nuclear power plants.
Oy vey remember the 6 gorillion people who got headaches because they were irradiated by fukushima!
>Then I would reinstate a monarchy with me as God emperor
>Finish what we started
>The final final solution
Embrace the BWC
Pass out swords and have a murderfest. Fix your shitty manlet genetics.
create large tax benefits for families having children
eigo sensei pls go back to your shithole.
>Attack """Indonesia""" and return it to the Dutch as reparations for our vile crimes in the past
>Kill all degenerates in Japan, outlawing anime as an offence punishable by death
>Force Fujifilm to start making Fujichrome again
I'd just deputize one of my subordinates and spend all of my time at one of those bars that serves sushi off of a naked 20-something girl.
Nuke China
Ban the English language
Have affairs with my interns
You have my vote.
Build sexy jap waifu harem.
Watch world burn.
Looks like a flip. Hmm. Really makes you think.