You can only post in this thread if your country doesn't have retardedly strict gun laws
You can only post in this thread if your country doesn't have retardedly strict gun laws
I really want a SPAS-12 or an auto rifle. Thinking of getting a SUB-2000. Feels okay I guess.
fuck off
Kektec has cool designs but their guns are shit quality and held together with drywall screws
Spend your hard earned leafbux elsewhere
What's the matter bong? I'd say you were triggered but we both know you don't have access to those
>hurr durr i feel better about my fat-self because i can carry a shotgun and keep it near my bed.
Are you trying to limit my FREEDOM, Amerilard?
>need a tax stamp for a Stinger
You aren't fooling anyone.
Sucks to be cucked.
No, Ahmed and his plans are doing that just fine already
Post-1934 Americans can't post in here then.
You'd know all about that wouldn't you m8.
Careful with that plastic spoon Noijel might have to arrest you for breach of the peace and racial hatred
According to our liberals after every gangland killing with illegal guns it's our gun laws that's the real problem so I guess we count
How's it feel knowing you need a permit to buy this?
We have kinder surprise eggs
MDfag here. Our gun laws are retarded. You have to get fingerprinted to buy a handgun. Why live
Why not move south, just a little bit?
there's a lot of places in the US (mostly just really populated places) with retarded gun laws unfortunately.
In germany we have american airplains. we donĀ“t need any handweapons.
How barbaric.
Rather attached to my house, had it built when I moved here