Lets try this again Sup Forums
Whats your minority status? Check all that apply
[ ] black
[ ] woman
[ ] latino (US only)
[ ] shitskin
[ ] indian (non poo)
[ ] jew
Did I miss anything?
Lets try this again Sup Forums
take your marketing shit and fuck right off
datamining cunts belong on twitter
>Being a minority that isn't East-Aryan
Latino, shitskin, and Jew.
[] black
[] woman
[] latino (US only)
[] shitskin
[] indian (non poo)
[] jew
The fact that women are treated as a protected class really gets my fucking goat.
People of European descent are the smallest racial demographic on the planet.
>[ ] black
>[ ] woman
>[ ] latino (US only)
>[ ] shitskin
>[ ] indian (non poo)
>[x] mountain jew
that is not true but so what if it was?
[ ] black
[ ] woman
[ ] latino (US only)
[ ] shitskin
[ ] indian (non poo)
[X ] jew
[ ] black
[ ] woman
[ ] latino (US only)
[ ] shitskin
[ ] indian (non poo)
[ ] jew
[x] White
kek. are their no fantasies you wont allow your self
>[ ] black
>[ ] woman
>[ ] latino (US only)
>[ ] shitskin
>[ ] indian (non poo)
>[ ] jew
Fucking minorities are over represented. SWP.
Whats your minority status? Check all that apply
[ ] black
[ ] woman
[ ] latino (US only)
[ ] shitskin
[ ] indian (non poo)
[ ] jew
[x] spawned by niggers
[ ] black
[ ] woman
[ X ] latino (US only)
[ ] shitskin
[ ] indian (non poo)
[ ] jew
Thankfully i'm only like an 1/8th because both my Dad and my Grandfather married straight Aryan women. I have never had anyone successfully guess my Latino ancestry before, feels Goodman.
The fantasy where you actually learn to speak English, you fucking dolt.
Irish and Catholic and Slav t b h
>[ ] black
>[ ] woman
>[X] latino (US only)
>[ ] shitskin
>[ ] indian (non poo)
>[ ] jew
>[ ] black
>[ ] woman
>[ ] latino (US only)
>[ ] shitskin
>[ ] indian (non poo)
>[ ] jew
>[X] based south african
You're a Jew first though