Contributed to peace more than any other group of people in the world
>Trump supporters
Abuse, hate, assault anyone who isn't a white Christian male
Well Sup Forums
Contributed to peace more than any other group of people in the world
>Trump supporters
Abuse, hate, assault anyone who isn't a white Christian male
Well Sup Forums
>The absolute last people that would go to war due to affluence
>Would probably do that exact same thing
>White Rose shaming trump
ho boy.
You spelled that wrong, it's piece;
> Abdul now has 72 virgins, after blowing himself to pieces.
Damn... Sup Forums can't refute these
Man I hate white people. I know lets go to white nations to live.
Please leave, you're making us look bad.
Western society is the ultimate evil in the mind of the brainwashed (by the Marxist Jews) leftist. As such, anything opposed to Western society, regardless of whether it's opposed to all the values the letist claims to hold, must be morally just and righteous and should be encouraged. This is why the left courts and defends islamists on a regular basis who one would think they have nothing in common with; they wish the destroy the West, and so the islamists, who also wish this, simply must be morally just and righteous by definition, and are accepted as allies. All their crimes are washed away, all their anti-left views ignored, and they are propogated.
Muslims are getting arrested for terrorist plots every month in every white country they inhabit, but brainwashed leftists want to destroy not only white countries, but every trace of white people and white culture on Earth. Never forget that leftists support A WORLD WIDE WHITE GENOCIDE, they are criminally insane and not a moral authority on absolutely anything. They can NEVER be trusted. None of their causes are legitimate. They're all based on lies.
These idiots are making it so easy for the Jewish globalist cabal to take over and implement their New World Order enslavement. They will be first in line when they start ushering in RFID chips (for our own safety of course) and will blindly give up their freedom for servitude under the cleverly disguised mantra of "we are all world citizens". These morons think they're fighting for justice and an end to capitalism, but what they're really doing is inviting their own slavery. This kind of collective Orwellian group-think is a threat to freedom everywhere.
>Contributed to peace more than any other group of people in the world
>Contributed to peace
They turned West Asia into a bloodbath.
I prefer self abuse.
I'm looking for people who feel the same way as I do. Is CTR those people?
Kahn's son died in a war that Clinton supported and voted for, one which trump had absolutely nothing to do with
>Comparing mentally insane to sane functioning people following Islam
Freudian slip
Yep, checks out. Sup Forums btfo.
>one post by this ID
>2 fucking Canadian cucks
>fucking australia
Why hasn't Canada been rangebanned yet, and why isn't anyone with 1 post by this ID autobanned?
Slide it, chaim.
I'd agree with that pic if it wasn't from the fact that vietnam was a false flag op in a useless third world shithole. Good job getting out of it
>Trump wants to ban his family from America
Again, liberals distorting the truth to fit their delusional narrative. Fuck leftists.
>he has played golf therefore he's fit
Why do they always overstate their case with bullshit like this? It would have been fairly effective propaganda if they left off he last 2 sentences.
my neurons are firing
>sane functioning people
>following Islam
Pick one.
Yeah that was his fucking point you stupid poo
That in no way was his point nigger.
He claimed radicals are sane functioning people following Islam.
He was never drafted. And entrepreneurs contribute more to society than boot licking cannon fodder who usually join the service because they have no direction in life.
im glad his son died. Now he has 72 virgins. Who really won that one user?
I mean Trump did say he wanted Muslims who absolutely wanted to be American. How come no one ever mentions that? Why give citizenship to those who disrespect our laws and abuse our welfare?
And the Clintons are any better?
>Contributed to peace more than any other group of people in the world
>google "violence before, and during Golden Age"
Then eat your own semen mixed shit muhammad.
>Allah is Astaroth
>Muhammad was butt hurt Pharisee's political messiah
>Muhammadism is nothing but Jewish fan fiction
>"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
>"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."
Everyone who didn't sage this is complete retard.
No, that was the general idea bro.
No, Trump wants to ban the suicide bomber.
nobody cares.
nothing will come out of your post.
>this one Muslim does something not evil
See guys all Muslims are good!
>hundreds of Muslims act like pieces of shit daily
Cmon guys, not all Muslims
His son was a truly awful muslim if he sacrifices his life for the infidels, I hope he disavowed or he's goin straight to allah's hell
Newtown is a hoax.
Where does this banning Muslims meme come from? Is it because he said he doesn't want middle eastern refugees flooding our country like they are Europe? I don't get it. But normalfags are eating that shit up it seems.
Most non-American Muslims consider him a traitor.
comes from the same place where trump said he was enlisting the russian government to influence US politics and the same place where he called all mexicans rapists and murderers
media is good at changing words to clickbait
At least Trump didn't run off to Canada during Vietnam like someone else we know.
I'm sure it was a white Christian suicide bomber he saved his squad from.
>Contributed to peace more than any other group of people in the world
OP pls
>Trump supporters
>Abuse, hate, assault anyone who isn't a white Christian male
I spit on any soldier that thinks his service means his family gets to change our country.
His father is a sack of shit for dragging his son's name through shit with this.
Trump is the one who isn't going to be sending these soldiers into harms way for some globalist realpolitik agenda.
Hillary didn't serve. Bill didn't serve. Chelsea didn't serve.
Half expect these faggots to start crying about Trumps kids not serving in some white feather 2.0 affair without wondering "Gee wizz it doesn't seem like sanders served nor did Hillary"
What really gets me is that most dems hate Vietnam, view it as a black mark on American history; but as long as it pushes the narrative, Vietnam was peachy
>Be libtard
>Have one ok muslim friend
>Saw one drunk white man outside once.
This must mean that all muslims are ok and white men are all alcoholics.
Posts it on /pol
It was this, followed by one of his head staffers confirming that he meant keeping out all Muslims, including U.S. citizens. Trump himself didn't say that last part.
Can you please stop posting things from this bleeding heart libtard goyimbook site?
It makes me wanna vomit everytime I have to see it.
Please stop, seriously.
forgot to change your flag CRT shill
At least he's not as bad as Bernie.
>Conscientious objector to war.
>Until he's too old to be drafted.
Can you honestly blame anyone for dodging that fucking war though? "Yeah, let me go into the tunnels with a fucking pistol to play real life Pac-man so the UN can be happy about us not smoking them out with tear gas. If I make it back alive, I can be pelted with rotten fruit by the people who I risked my life for."
Nam dodging is something that no one fucking cares about, until they find out that someone who they don't like was a dodger.
Actually, people without American flags are the only people we can trust to not be part of CTR, since CTR can't hire anyone outside of the U.S.
Nice may may
I thought of Bernie was an O6 though....huh? Huuuuuuh? Come-on
>what is a proxy
CTR also can't use proxies. You can't use funds on anything overseas, including proxies. And the way all the money is spent is publicly recorded.
That would be like making your campaign swag in China.
If he's in the army then it means he's an US citizen and Trump doesn't want to ban muslims already living in the US. Are liberals this retarded?
Oh yeah! Also
>comparing the Iraq War to the fucking Vietnam War
58k military KIA's for nam over about 10 years, 4k for Iraq, which lasted almost as long.
Wait, we're supposed to care about draft dodgers now? No one gave a flaming fuck when Bill Clinton was a draft dodger.
At least they were smart enough to not get involved in someone else's war.
>his family
Meaning his family from kebabistan, - 2 GBP for poor reading skills. I forgive you because English is probably not your first language.
White men founded this country you stupid kike.
Fuck, i hate Andy Borowitz.
>Clinton's would never break the law
Go back to sucking your London mayors cock asshole.
Seriously? People who fought in Vietnam are all a bunch of murderer. We should be proud he didn't murder anyone.
fuck off ahmed, you're hated in the UK, your holocaust is coming.