Why is being cucked such a popular fetish amongst millennials?
Why is being cucked such a popular fetish amongst millennials?
because baby boomers wanted it that way so they can push their agendas of filling the west with niggers and sandniggers that will work for less and wont protest because working class rights dont exist to them
>being a shill
>want to spread cuckery
>cropping the image wrong
sod off racemixing cunt
it isnt and you just think it is because this board obsesses about it a bunch
It's not a fetish if it's considered normal in that age group.
i think it has probably been around for a while, millennials just have the internet to talk about it. go on craigslist and look how many cucks are old men. i think it is a defense mechanism for perceived inadequacy, among other things. doesnt make it okay though.
read; americucks. ass sex (or gay simulation sex), traps, blacked, cucks... all of them americuck things primarily exclusive to americuck culture.
>among anglos*
It's the ultimate taboo, and due to mass exposure to porn from a young age, we condition ourselves to be vouyers of sex.
That plus depression and feelings of inadequacy...it's a coping mechanism the brain uses to keep you sane. Think of it like Stockholm syndrome, but your brain is the hostage.
environmental xenoestrogens and constant ideological indoctrination will do it.
if your brain protests rather than negotiate, you're also as scum as these sandniggers
Women are whores and sex is about her needs not yours. That's why they take your foreskin, to make you a little bitch who is never really satisfied and a glut for punishment.
Most people think if a girl cheats it's because she isn't a slut she's just bored or you deserved it for some reason.
>1 post by this ID
it's a national past time of americans of all ages.
that's not cucking, OP.
that's just femdom, the monetary kind.
>not eating your creampied wife
>not enjoying another man's nectar
you need to open your horizons user
As expected of a fucking leaf
>findom is cuckoldry
Well it usually leads to cucking, but there isn't any cuckoldry in that image.
>that pic
Why is being retarded such a popular fetish amongst Sup Forums users?