You know they're not all bad, right?
This thread is to celebrate the majority of peaceful and tolerant Muslims who get treated unfairly when a few bad Kebabs kill some people.
You know they're not all bad, right?
This thread is to celebrate the majority of peaceful and tolerant Muslims who get treated unfairly when a few bad Kebabs kill some people.
Fuck off leaf, muslims are a plague and need to be destroyed
But isn't he going to start smelling soon?
fuck off cucked leaf
nobody stopped him from doing either so they're just as bad as him
>most ants don't feed the queen directly
only all still work for her
Here's a moderate Muslim.
Taqiyya. They know anyone who associates with him will end up being fed to pigs.
No mercy, no surrender.
Guess #I'llridewithyou now.
liberalism breeds naivety. they don't understand the mindset of the enemy because they have no understanding of struggle.
I'll just leave this here
This is a wonderful example of Moderate Muslims standing up to fake Muslims who besmirch the faith.
Only some Muslim's are peaceful, they'd be considered moderate Muslim's.
They are not bad no, aslong as they are in the middle east, and accept being subordinate to western values, then everything is fine. But when they stray from that they are of no use.
>liberalism breeds naivety
I'd say that it's the other way around, when a hefty dose of stupidity is thrown in. At least, for the majority of liberals. The ones at the top just hate their nation.
Some fight for reddemption martyrdom and reward in paradise others the long game or demographics.
They have a term from war by immigration called Hirja or something
>The ones at the top just hate their nation.
And their race. And their culture.
The problem with Islam is that the religion itself at its core is violent and obsessed with world domination. The Prophet Muhammad was a violent man, not some kind of sagely wise man. Modern non-violent moderate Muslims are just ignoring their religion while still wearing the nametag. Idiots who know nothing about Islam buy into the lies that it's a "religion of peace" and think that the terrorists are deviating from the religion. Incorrect. Muhammad was a terrorist. Allah, if he actually existed and wasn't just words in a book, would be a terrorist, since he loved to destroy people.
>You know they're not all bad, right?
They are.
Dumb ass, why do you think that one place refused to bury the bastard? Normans are not your normal French cucks, they would remember. Also, about 1,000 fucking muslims would have shown up for the funeral (as they did for the last terrorist killed in Denmark) and you'd have hd French intel taking pictures, media taking pictures... the fucking mosque itself might even have been searched by RAID.
It would have been bad business for them, it had nothing to do with what the motherfucker did, you can bet they agreed with it.
You might want to correct your Photoshop skills.
I dont really have a problem with muslims, they can even have sharia law, but IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY, pretty please.
in my country, they can assimilate or get fucked, and assimilation entails dumping you backwards 3rd world religious culture.
Ofc all of them are not bad but violent minority is more than enough evil to condemn all. I would rather be living racist than beheaded liberal.
The nuns even talked to them!
guess they were trying to humanize Adel Kermiche by using old photo and not using pic related or the other photo with him wearing Algerian flag, has the opposite effect though.
Why are you posting this on a zionist gasy forum?
Your post will be hidden saged are reported bc here the majority are dumbed down fat americans and their european counterparts who fall for jewish propaganda for the moslem boogaloos.
people here are like:
Child afraid of night-time 'monsters'
As long as muslims wish to practice Sharia Law and wish it to be worldwide they are enemies of mankind.
It's too late. You have bred unbridled hatred for Islam by refusing to acknowledge its inherently violent and warlike nature. By adamantly refusing to profile Islamists (something that would be logical given that that ideology possesses the highest rate of attacks worldwide) you have rallied the ignorant to the other side of the spectrum.
The people on this board as others before them function as a counterweight to society as a whole. Give it twenty years and the people here and elsewhere will be on a different side of the argument. Not the opposite side, but a different one.
But the point is this: You are responsible for the inevitable massacre of these innocent people. You who has out of fear of conflating the guilty with the innocent blatantly lied about the true nature of Islam have caused just what you sought to prevent. These people's blood will be on your hands.
>Adel Kermiche
How old is he?
Where does he live?
The only facebook available before the blackop was an Adel Kermiche from Algerie.
Is this Adel Kermiche real?
Same for the guy who drove the truck in Nice, France.
fuck off kike
Fuck off, Guido. The plan of the elite is to keep the pendulum swinging back and forth forever, never detaching from its pivot. No group as defined by men in this world is wholly guilty or wholly innocent. To believe otherwise is to fall into the trap.
Not all, just too many. Because even when they don't do jihad, they insist on keeping their Arab culture in European countries. This is disrespectful and intolerable.
looks real
As long as Muslims exist in Western Civilizations, they are my enemy.
>This thread is to celebrate the majority of peaceful and tolerant Muslims
why is it always a fellow leaf apologizing for these fucking barbarians?
Yes, I know they aren't all bad. However there are too many bad ones at this time in history. So until, if ever, the Muslim world modernizes we need to greatly limit how many we allow into our countries.
>Muslims are so shit we have to celebrate every time they do anything that doesn't involve murder
All immigration is war fare. All immigration is terrorism. What is lost through immigration and diversity can never be reclaimed as it once was.
It does not matter. Unless the individual commits to the prevailing culture it is insurgent.
>Sup Forums
Pick one.
digits confirm
>You know they're not all bad, right?
>Fuck off leaf, muslims are a plague and need to be destroyed
This shunning of the terrorists by the Muslims in the West needs to happen more often.
We should go even further and feed their corpses to hogs.
Fucking retards. They're gonna get ghosts and shiet.
>You know they're not all bad, right?
They can prove it by going home.
>muslim said on facebook they actually shouldn't murder the natives and respect their country
>yfw this made the news
>yfw you have no face
Most of them don't work.
Every Western consensus statistical analysis.
Damn straight. Norman's are a different breed all together. Think all the best parts of being Germanic and French precuckening
Pick one
Read the whole article. They only refused to bury him in their Mosque's graveyard. He's going to be buried in the Church where he beheaded the priest instead.
You do understand that they're angry at him not because he murdered a priest - which is totally acceptable as part of jihad - but because he brought negative attention to Muslims and Islam. Notice how Muslim apologists never actually apologise for killing kuffars, but focus attention on how he wasn't a good Muslim, that he wasn't Muslim, that Islam (which is perfect) has nothing to do with him.
They're insufferable cunts about it. You will never actually get a straight apology from Muslims which acknowledges Islam was to blame for the killing.
>You know they're not all bad, right?
So just point out the ones that are okay to the rest of us.
I agree
Not all of them are bad
nothing but a PR campaign by the Muslims
How Christian of them. I would have just drained it and left it to hang for the birds.
Just like the prophet instructed us to slaughter our animals. How very Halal of you.
>halal kill Muslims
>feed them to pigs
yeah but there are no goats to fuck in france so they leave dead bodies out to feel more at home
not bad i'd say
scum like that should be thrown in a ditch let the rats have his corpse
>A Few Bad Kebabs
God damn, that's a great name for a band.
KEK wills it
Where did you read that? all ive seen is that the majors office will decide where will he be buried, im guessing some unmarked grave in the same place where they dump homeless unreclaimed people and shit
They usually don't even kill the terrorist even if they say they do. They arrest them and sell them to the Saudis. I remember a video from the Nice Truck attack where you could see the special forces carry the terrorist away alive