Ze krauts

What have your experiences with German people been like? I'm a tourist currently vacationing in Europe and Germans strike me as very pedantic, selfish, cold and rude people who are obsessed with work, money and status. Is this perception the result of prejudice or are there others here who have a similar impression of Germans?

They were cool 60 years ago

The only german national I've ever met was some arab girl.

Yes, we're miserable. Now please go home.

>very pedantic, selfish, cold and rude people who are obsessed with work, money and status
I'm a native German and this is pretty spot-on. Except for the pedantic part, which applies only to some of us.

They are kind of autistic, but at least they are polite and keep to themselves.

Boring, with garish taste, and too serious.

But not as bad as Russians.

You fucks invade us each year and give us millions of euros
thanks germoney

Maybe they're just mad that we killed off all the best Germans.

nicest foreigners i meet, good sense of aesthetics and beer

I mistook a Dane for a German and he got visibly upset

Most protestants are just hypocritical trash

They appear to be nice and kind in public, but in private they are terrible and miserable people

Now compare that with the Spanish or Italian - totally different people


yeah invade
when i go to the seaside there are 3 germans for every 1 croat

Every German I've met has been on vacation and every one of them was rude. Always pushing in front of queues, taking FUCKTONS of food from the restaurant, getting up at 3am to reserve sun beds, general assholery. This was about 12 years ago (when I last went abroad).

Enjoy your refugees, Hans :)

this one kraut guy bought a lot of jeans from the store i worked at.

kraut middle aged woman are very rude almost yelling in their language and they always pointing at shit ball busting their kraut husband whos wearing hotbpants.

your younger woman are more subdued but have shit taste in music amd media and most likely already dated a dindu

Ah ok.


And whats with the nudist obsession? They use every opportunity to get naked.

Fuck off bong. Krauts make better techno than you faggots.

>getting up at 3am to reserve sun beds
You sound pretty low energy.

>fortunate enough to have white people visiting your country

lucky motherfuckers, all i see are spics and chinks


They also literally ruin everything.

3am is bedtime on vacation, Hans. You treat a holiday like a normal workday at Auschwitz.

Germans are generally nice, except German tourists. They're some of the worst European tourists. Nowhere near as bad as Americans though. As a Swede I might be biased though, since German tourists coming to Sweden are scum.

I went to Berlin last year, scored with a German girl while sitting at the bar (because she heard my accent), saw a woman on the U-Bahn give a large piece of chocolate to a tramp, got given directions by a bro while wandering around at night lost, and the other Germans I spoke to were all cool - not as cool as Belgians and Dutch and nowhere near as laid back but pretty cool.

To me it seems like Germans lack a sense of shame, hence them being quick to adapt degenerate trends, such as body modifications. Germans seem to me like the most degenerate Europeans so far. Not even the French come close.

one bought me a ice cream in tenerife. top fella!

yonks ago a kraut split-arse intentionally ignored the fuck out of me / thus me her for years, basically led all the NEET's on and never flashed her boobs once. So when i got OP mage gear which was especially OP against dodgers i just targeted her constantly to point where she stopped playing the game.

Another kraut on that game was another attention whore but a top lad, another a even topper lad.

Generally feel they inherited a brilliant centuries olf mittelstrand industrial base from their based ancestors and are now going about trying to destroy the one thing that sets their country apart.

Shame, great frienemies.

>very pedantic
only until we become friends with someone
see above - we really don't care how some stranger feels about what we do
i'd say we're straightforward rather than actually rude

this is accurate
fuck you italy

How is that an answer to the question? More Germans are Catholic than Protestant.

The only Germans I've met were Berbers. Real Germans are either so stealth that nobody realizes they aren't English or they simply don't exist.

nice scapegoating

what is this

>drive too fast
fuck off, germans drive way too slow here, with their campers.


>Nowhere near as bad as Americans though

Have you ever met an English tourist? The absolute fucking worst, most loud and aggressive pond life shitstains you will ever come across. The worst tourists I've witnessed have been English, until they find out I'm English and then they treat you like family. It's really weird.

Very polite and respectful of personal space.
The only problem with some of them is that despite my rather good knowledge of German some of them have an accent so thick I can barely understand what they're trying to say. Depends on their home-region I suppose.

They don't have a nudist obsession. The UK is the only place in Europe where people are literally afraid of naked bodies, probably due to the fact that brits are so unbelievably obese and ugly, and have tiny, shriveled up dicks hidden below their thick rolls of pale fat.

been living in germany for two years

germans are cute, polite and usually good people. a bit autismal though, and they constantly give me the feeling of having bottled up a shitton of stuff.

quick to slip on words and say something a bit over the line and even quicker to apologize, making everything look a bit awkward and grotesque. this increases exponentially when they drink.

still better than most turks.

anglos are the worst.

The guy whose country gave us John Oliver has no room to criticize anyone.

I often large, touristy camper vans with German and Swiss numberplates around my area, they seem well behaved enough.
British chav tourists on the other hand...

I spent 2 years in Germany and I heartily disagree. True, while German people are working or studying, their energies are much more focused on their tasks than people from other countries. However, when it's time to have fun, the Germans can party and let loose with the best of them. Look at Oktoberfest, look at Fasching, look at Weinachtsmarkts. Beyond the big events, all the small summerfests, days at the Freibad, ice skating, and other activities that go on all year. Germans just know to separate their work and their fun much better than other people, so if you catch them in Work Mode they seem cold and distant. Also, in public they tend to be more Nordic with a healthy respect for privacy and an aversion to being boisterous and social with people you don't know.

I have. Brits generally go on vacation to places where they will only spend time with other brits though, so you don't meet them nearly as often as Germans. Russians are the fucking worst though.

All the older Germans I've met (55+) were awesome, and all the younger Germans I've met were complete self righteous assholes.

I'll go to Pula for a week in a month. Thx for nice holiday

i spent a week in germany and i didn't get to interact with very many native germans, just store workers and restaurant workers and the occasionally passerby on the street or random person on the train. they all seemed to kind of seemed to panic a little when i started speaking in english (i didn't ask "sprechen sie english?" b/c it just seemed pointless). i think i went during a time where very few tourists were expected.

germans seemed nice enough for the most part. actually i would say they were mostly very helpful and friendly if i needed help translating a sign or asking for directions. but i saw more turks and burkas than i've ever seen in my entire life.

not a very good choice m8
i recommend Rab


thats my experience with brits

Its terrifying how stingy they are. They dont tip, and everyone pays for themselves all the time. They truly are the jews of europe.


>i'd say we're straightforward rather than actually rude
This. It was a culture shock because Americans try to talk around things without sounding negative, whereas a German will tell you immediately how they feel.

maybe over in mountain nigger they are
they give good tips here

when i say pays for themselfes, i meant i had to pay for the german all the time because he would disapear when the tab rolled in, if he did pay it was only for himself.

>i'd say we're straightforward rather than actually rude

Literally what loudmouthed sheboon LaQueesha's in the inner city say.

>anglos are the worst
fuck off ya daft cunt

I've never heard of a Brit that would choose Czech as a holiday destination without being a fresh university ultra-left labour voting guy who 'only tried being gay'.
Most Brits going on holiday use it as an excuse to ignore the law and do stupid shit in the Mediterranean.

>have german exchange student
>kinda short, pale indoor child who only ever studies, eats junkfood, and plays videogames
>by the time he left he was a bit taller, had healthier color
>more outspoken, stood up for himself unlike upon his arrival
>goes back to germany
>month later his dad calls
>kid decides housechild beta life is horseshit, gets US greencard by joining the US army
>Im a marine
>now hes a full american citizen, and we are war vet buddies who hang out, shoot guns, eat too much, and talk shit about everyone else loudly
>mfw I turned the only German I know into a literal american

>i'd say we're straightforward rather than actually rude
This is what rude people say to justify being assholes.

agree, i've been working with brits for a while and jesus christ man.

some of them are brilliant and professionals, and they're usually the ones that mind their own business.

all the others were goddamn sociopaths, each one his own kind of batshit insane. from the fat sjw crybully, to the aggressive personal space invader gymbro, to the creepy silent dude with yellow teeth.

jesus fucking christ what the fuck is going on on that island.

post more cartoons

i meet two germans on a island and they were like too soft weak and gay, i prefer blacks alpha to gay krauts...

Kill yourself, cokecuck.

>everyone must like and respect me

fuck off
nice trips tho - pls don't go bankrupt

>so if you catch them in Work Mode they seem cold and distant.
This is important to understand, even some Germans don't get this. Most people know me as a nice and loving person, but when they meet me in work mode...
>I didn't know you could be such a tool user
>Yeah just do your work and stop holding me back you fucking mouth breather, I'm working

This applies to work around the home too, which has led to many funny situations with my SO.

all some kind of true for most of us.
but we are only rude towards people we don't know. that's why most of us didn't like the idea of taking in 214124124 shitskins
but we can't act against that because
>muh nazi

i meant original anglos. i love irish fecks, for example.

never met an aussie but you guys seem alright, shitposting aside.

Experience with germans in Germany is pretty limitied since I've only been over the border for the cheap alcohol.
But i fucking love them at vacation locations, fun to party with. Only like half of german youths know english for some weird reason, is however no problem as I speak better german than they do english so theres always chemistry.


also, i bet 30 euro on france in the uefa semi only so i would be happy wether germany won or not.

If you ever wanna 1939 again, I got your back

>I turned a german tinkerer into a good goy mindlessly serving Jewish interestsas a drone on the field for some cheap wordly plasures and superficial appearance
>being unironically proud of it

they are alright, actually.

especially when compared to other "visitors" these days ...

they all have autism

it's the truth, don't be mad Jamal

>getting up at 3am to reserve sun beds
why can't you just toss their shit?

I'm not German enough to do such a thing, user. They're the bad guys, remember?

Only had to deal with tourists, but I'd call them average as far as tourists goes. French tourists are the fucking worst, followed closely by gooks of all sorts and then Scandinavians (fucking assholes all of them). Czechs are by far the best tourists followed by Canadians and then the Dutch.

Absolute bro tier
keep up the good fight against the eternal anglo

I love germans. Love the food, love the girls. Lived in Frankfurt for a year and it was great compared to the overcrowded shithole London has become.


Almost every german I've met has asperger's, you guys are weird as fuck.

>A topless German cougar with big tits and hairy pits will never sternly force you to go down on her while she files her tax return with a sour look on her face

Why even live

>>very pedantic
im not sure i can agree with that. extremely pedantic would be a more accurate description.

>They're the bad guys, remember?
P sure Churchill was the monster of WW2

I had a gay german male in my class studying film in nyc.

he was popular for being gay and european at the same time in oh so metropolis nyc, if he were a straight american he would be hated.

My impression? Stuck up his own ass. Too egalatarian for how sub par he was as a person. He was rude, and thought his gayness somehow made him a precious being. Would NEVER engage in a physical conflict, not that they arose often but some people you can just tell, soft to the core. It made me sad i was wondering when i would see his sense of nationalism, or pride, or at least a slightly redpilled comment, but nothing. He called rhiana and lady gaga some of the best artists to ever exist. I just dont know gerbros, i tried to like him so hard but honestly i dont think ive meet a person who rubs me a wronger way than that german.

What do i think of germans?

I find them dangerously naive to the point where i would permaban them from my country if given the choice. i just dont trust you. I think you would cuck me to death and call it a good thing. Incompatible views.

I've only ever met people from Berlin, but that is spot on. Dunno about people from the rest of krautistan.

There are no attractive german women of note.

and yet alphas dont rule the world and havent for quite some time. if you disagree, please tell how many of world leaders on the past 50 years have been alphas.

being alpha makes you unlikely to go anyway because people generally dont like you unless you also have something else going for you.

Those are dutchies, m8.

We do well with the Japanese. Tells you everything, really.

those orange clothes wearing fags are the worse. fucking dutchfags

I traveled with Germans on different occasions in the far east. really cool and fun but what strikes me the most is how they were all singles (late 20s and early 30s) with no plan to do something about it. the only guy with a girlfriend I met was a young German (around 22 I think) who moved to south Korea to be with his GF. he only had a single mother in Germany and no other friends or family holding him there.
I remember talking to one of them about the problem of having free loaders in your country but he replied he has no problem giving poor families money because he have enough, he's happy with his work and don't think those free loaders should work if they don't want to. the guy was computer engineer for a car company I think.

define of note

you can thank 1968ers and the following Green movement for that

That is word for word the state of white people in our own country.

Most of the krauts I have met are sternly and religiously dedicated to the corporate structure.

I meet them and get the distinct feeling that "this is a guy whose hobby is to carefully arrange all the items in his house via a cross index of weight, color, and function before creating an alphabetized inventory list"

They are nice and they yell at their kids when they are whining for nothing
Can't complain desu

Master bantsman

massive amount of jeans like an importer and those angey woman dont sound like the fuhrer and the hot pants are speedos alnost

>Yeah because Germany is significantly more uncucked than the US
Kill yourself Ahmed

Literally why? We're wonderful tourists.