The Iraq war is so despised by both conservatives and liberals that if Trump promised to arrest GWB for war crimes he would get several million new voters from Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein without losing many conservative voters.
Trump should arrest George W. Bush
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Seriously though I still don't get why we all spent 99999 gorillion shekels on Iraq?
We could have spend that Money on our own countries instead
Bush is based. He killed Muslims and didn't give a shit.
George Bush is a fuckin legend.
I always forget how badly I want to hang up a portrait of him. I need to get on that.
Some of the mega-gorillion numbers are liberal lies that accounts for military employees future salaries and pensions they would have got irrespective of whether the war happened or not.
However that war was way too costly on both soldiers lives, civilians lives and taxpayers pockets which is why Trump should arrest George W. Bush.
we polled on the war you retard
it's not like we didn't want to go and he made us anyways
>defending GWB
Congrats! You're the greatest among goys!
bumpin for common sense
Jeb! did 9/11
That's dumb op
Sorry we are Americans not cucked Denmarks go jerk off Muhammad
Jeb! is too low energy for that.
>That's dumb op
The *actual* Iraq War (you know, the one fought against the Saddam Hussein regime and which lasted two weeks) was a smashing success for America.
It's AFTER the Iraq War that America fucked up. Not enough post-Saddam planning. Not enough troops. Borders wide open, letting thousands upon thousands of Jihadist insurgents from across the globe waltz on in.
>The Iraq war is so despised by both conservatives and liberals that if Trump promised to arrest GWB for war crimes he would get several million new voters from Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein without losing many conservative voters.
That's not against the law...
You're actually advocating arresting a previous president becuase he did something you disagree with.
You're a fucking idiot.
Also, you're not American, so shut the fuck up.
>war crimes
>The *actual* Iraq War (you know, the one fought against the Saddam Hussein regime and which lasted two weeks) was a smashing success for America.
By that logic Vietnam was a smashing success. Then again I'm seeing more Americlaps genuinely hold that view around here.
You would be setting dangerous precedents going down that road. Trust me, you dont want to start arresting former presidents whether you agree or disagree with what they did.
Whats to stop the next president from arresting Trump for building the wall, for instance? Or banning muzzies?
Despite the fact that Bush
>has never been arrested for war crimes.
>has never been charged with war crimes.
>has never been tried for war crimes.
>has never been convicted for war crimes.
We had to put up with lefties doing this all throughout Bush's presidency.
It was baseless and ridiculous. Just lefties having a hissy fit.
>By that logic Vietnam was a smashing success
It was
We developed new weapons and tactics and gave our junior officers combat experience
Isn't Tony Blair going to get arrested if the case against him raised by families of soldiers who died in the war gets traction?
>gave our junior officers combat experience
>combat experience
All the WWII and Korea guys were retiring
>the Iraq war is so despised by both conservatives and liberals bla bla bla
stopped reading there, you do realize that Saddam kept breaking the rules, we told him not to break the rules but he wouldn't stop, so America had to act. I'm surprised by how people just think, Muh WMD's, muh oil, but don't understand anything. Was the occupation a bad decision? Yes, especially with a fickle public such as America has, but it's understandable why America left troops there, it was stable up until Obama pulled the troops out and ISIS didn't have a serious enemy to keep it in check.
this is a pretty based idea, although i'm a democrat AND supported the war
>You would be setting dangerous precedents going down that road. Trust me, you dont want to start arresting former presidents whether you agree or disagree with what they did.
That would cause nothing but chaos in this country.
You'd see presidents doing nothing for their 4-8 years but covering their tracks and doing everything they can to ensure that they could be found not guilty.
>Whats to stop the next president from arresting Trump for building the wall, for instance? Or banning muzzies?
Exactly. It would cause nothing but chaos.
the occupation wasn't a bad idea, we just implemented it horribly. for which I do blame Bush.
I'd rather have rambo training the men and coming up with tactical plans than some desk jockey that's only ever read books
You cant have a military where nobody has ever seen combat
Only good thing that ever came out was dogfights with Viet pilots.
And some Anti - War Kino.
>You're actually advocating arresting a previous president becuase he did something you disagree with.
more like because he broke the law and went to war without congress
I agree it wouldn't be a bad idea, if liberals didn't exist. However, look at what happened, we got a bunch of whingers complaining, so they elected Obama, who had no foresight at all, and just promised to pull out troops so he could gain favor with the public, and all that was done, all the men who died, all the work, got destroyed by ISIS filling the vacuum.
Wasting millions of dollars and lives makes it not worthwhile.
>went to war without Congress
Ok, lets arrest every wartime president since FDR, since Congress dindu nuffin and didn't declare war.
Kill yourself Danecuck
Bushy was a good president and actually gave a shit about his people
>Wasting millions of dollars
We spend hundreds of billions on the military durring peacetime anyway
>and lives
60k in a country of hundreds of millions is a drop in the bucket
>A Danecuck doesn't know anything about the middle East or why we stomped the shit out of it
What a surprise
We are a less pro-war country than the US and we're not doing anything to this cunt.
As an aside, did Hillary support the war at the time?
And Iraq didn't hardly give any kino. Just a bunch of flick-tier shit
>that pos
>that picture
Can't tell if memeing or not, are you serious?
>A Danecuck calling people who love a true leader got even though he is being the bestest of goyim by believing anti-bush commie propaganda
This, Bush wasn't perfect, but you can tell he truly loves his country.
Just watch his speech for the Cops who were shot in Dallas. For five minutes he was more presidential than Obama ever has been for the past 8 years.
Dude I love Dubya. He may have been wrong but he fucking hated Muslims and loved America. I'd totally give him a hug
That's because it was
We crushed the Vietcong in 6 months flat after we started a real offensive
Our only problem is that we drove them north from the south instead of driving them south from the north so the southern views could kill them all.
Instead they got pushed into China and started spilling over the boarder, chinks didn't like that and just like in Korea have them all the weapons they wanted as well as soldiers to keep them from coming into their country.
We literally won the Vietnam war, however we lost the Chinese proxy war
Its just that you don't know that because your kike overlords don't want you to know that, hell most Amwricans don't even know that even though it's public fucking record and has been since the war was going on
Fuck off
Leave the old man to his paintings
Not a chance in hell unfortunately
Iraq War Invasion passed both Congress and the Senate with a 97% yes vote
Hang yourself you ignorant cuck
There's no such thing as an international wall crimes tribunal. Hundreds of thousands dead from a war of aggression is a bit different from having a shit immigration policy.
Trumpfags on Sup Forums are absolutely bluepilled when it comes to Bush, I suspect that most of them where maybe not even born or just toddlers when iraq war happened.
The guy had a government so full of israeli-americans kikes that they basically wrote its entire defense policy
Are you the user from the Dubya thread yesterday, if yes we are Nixon bros now.
>Muh WMD's,
Literally intel given to us by MI5(and to this day has still yet to be proven inaccurate)
Yet nobody fucking knows that even though it's public record, we have politicians showing us the damn intel on the fucking news, and even the British government acknowledges that they have it to us
Yet somehow it was just Bushy and the government lying to us for free oil(which we don't need since we have the largest oil reserves on earth)
he is going to go down as one of the worst
That's because most of them are underage and have only lived under an Obama administration whilst they were paying attention to politics
Yes I am serious
Why don't you go and learn about the only good Bush instead of just believing whatever the left tells you he was?
He's based as fuck
Of course I am Nixonbro
>Tfw I don't have entire folders of Coolidge and Hoover
One day!
Oh shit mate, no I think you got me wrong, I like Bush, I was just talking about how people bitch about how "the WMD's weren't there" etc etc. and how "it was all muh oil", even though if it really was about oil, America could have easily secured the oil, without wasting time dealing with the local population, building trust and democracy.
>Implying MI6 is real
Didn't you learn anything from Seal Team 6?
>durrr you can't just invade Muslim countries and kill them
Guess again libtards. George "dubya" Bush had a zero tolerance policy for mudshits - he did the world a favor and history will remember him for trying to save the white race.
>Trumpfags on Sup Forums are absolutely bluepilled when it comes to Bush
That's because if you support Trump you're a Republican and/or Conservative.
Republicans and Conservatives have nothing but support for the Bush's...them being the last Republican presidents and therefore being the last, best presidents we had.
HillShills false flagging as Bush supporters calling it now
No, Bush was not based, he was a colossal failure
yeah look how great it is now
>Trump going through with half the bullshit that spills out of his mouth
Yeah good luck with all that
Fuck off, Bush Jr. is based
Being a retarded and obvious puppet, who can barely speak in full sentences let alone run a country is "based"? Damn, the bar has fallen really far.
>calls other people retards
>buys fully the media pushed version of bush
I don't think he was good either, but goddamn you're the retard here m8
>obvious puppet
>barely speak a sentence
Call me when you can fly a jet.
>Fuck off, Bush Jr. is based
No he's not. He's a Zionist. Just like all presidents.
>trust and democracy
Are you this stupid ? Do you really think you can bring "trust and democracy" by bombing and invading a country which never asked anything to you ?
Iraq intervention had 4 goals:
1) securing 4th worldwide reserve of oil
2) making Bush appear as a strong leader
3) making the dirty job of Israƫl by crushing a long time rival power and notorious palestinian support in the region (they pushed VERY hard to have the country invaded and even created alarmist intel about WMD,
4) feeding the gigantic american militaro-industrial complex that can't affrod to stay too long in peace
Aside of the people in these 4 groups nobody beneficiated from anything.
USA have stained their reputation which was at an all time high since 1945 after the collapse of USSR.
There is an entire generation of soldier that are in as bad condition as the vietnam veterans.
The public debt inflated at an explosive rate.
Middle East is in ashes.
Europe is flooded by shitskins because of this.
>there are people in this thread who actually defend George W. Bush and consider him a good president.
>they do it sincerely and for no monetary compensation
If you knew anything about the history of the region you wouldn't be saying that
This is the most stable it's been in generations
>He's a Zionist
FDR was the last president to be a Zionist
Everyone since then has only been for Israel because it benefits our foreign policy and gives us eyes in the region
more stable than it was 15 years ago?
>Trump voters are conservative
the delusion is real
>Middle East is in ashes
Its a region of sand for a reason, ash it's the middle East constant state of being
Fuck I live it when people ignorant of a regions history try to comment in it like they know what they're talking about just because they've been hearing about it in the news for a few years
>He voted for Gore
Yes actually
>Le Trump is tiny
This meme needs to die, he's literally one if the tallest people to ever run for president
You're pretty thick if physical height is what you took away from that comic
the only reason why the iraq war was a failure is because of Muslim Arabs are basically sand apes and unable to handle modern life.
What? The US was against the unification of germany
>FDR was the last president to be a Zionist
Every president that has been in office since the formation of Israel has unconditionally supported Israel.
Israel, U.S. close to deal on biggest military aid package ever
>Everyone since then has only been for Israel because it benefits our foreign policy
Yeah, getting us into an endless war and destabilizing the middle east has done great things for our foreign policy.
>and gives us eyes in the region
...Which we have to spend trillions and thousands of lives to upkeep.
>cares about Socialistic walls
Conservatives should care about their own shit, not trying to push international/interracial relationships. Ronald Reagan was as conservative or nationalistic as a Thai gay hooker.
Its message is propaganda garbage and shape of a person has always had a very specific meaning in political cartoons britcuck
>destabilizing the middle east
You don't even know half of what that statement even entails
Yeah the Reagan is right meme is getting old
I hate that globalist lying fuck
Very good actor though, made it seem like he really cared
Let's get our first non globalist into office since JFK
JFK was a huge globalist you cuck
He literally started the Vietnam war
>it was stable up until Obama pulled the troops out
The reason Obama pulled troops out is because Iraq's new government didn't want to extend their agreed-upon stay, thanks to that damn Blackwater incident in 2007.
Of course, the occupation would never have happened in the first place if GWB wasn't so worried about MUH PETRODOLLAR after finding out Saddam was selling oil for Euros.
>it's not like we didn't want to go and he made us anyways
he circumvented congressional approval and lied to justify adventurism
>That's not against the law...
then why are there warrrents for his arrest in large parts of europe?
Bush did nothing wrong, largely because he did almost nothing at all.
If anyone is responsible for the military disaster in Iraq, it's Cheney.
Bush: Mr. Saddam tear down those borders and order
Obama: Mr Gaddafi tear down those borders and order
So that international globalist can have more cheap labour, more terrorism, steal more money, rape more people and enslave more people. Internationalism is nationalism.
It's not Bush, it's Cheney that's the real culprit.
Bush was never smart enough to drive that enterprise.
>hating on based bush
I just to say to everyone in this thread thanks for wolfing down my agitprop you dumb European goyim
In that case Tony Blair should be arrested as well.
>Europe is flooded by shitskins because of this.
That's a feature, not a bug.