Why do Asian girls like white guys so much?

Why do Asian girls like white guys so much?

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We have bigger dicks than Asian men without being niggers.

Because Asian men are barely men.

From what a Japanese college friend told me, mostly due to us in general having more angular, defined and pronounced facial features.


Except niggers don't have big dicks

because we're the other white meat.

For the full-citizenship and nationality papers included with the marriage I suppose.

Asian guy posting pics of him with his White girlfriend on his weibo

>Asian guy posting pics of him with his White girlfriend on his weibo

Literally because of money

maybe you should ask them that

Reality of WM-AF

>Muh Dick!
You sound exactly like a nigger.

Like all women, it's because of money and other things that can benefit them.

Good for him.

You do realize girls only like your type because of how feminine you look right?
You're basically a dickchick with money to them
I'd fuck an Asian guy too with the right wig and some makeup


Because Asian men are too beta and niggers are too alfa. Whites are a god balance between he two

if white women, who fuck black men are called coal burner, are white woman who fuck asian men called rice cooker?

Like in the OP? :^)c

stir fry

Nice meme kraut


Why do Americans make so many "subtle" pro interracial threads on Sup Forums?

Source please, I read that meme almost every day in /pol but I cannot find any convincing evidence.

not politics you dirty muh dikk nigger


oy vey lad

russians are literally cucked by the nongs

Because the USA is a degenerate country that keeps getting worse and worse. It's because of them why cuckolding is popular.

Be more realistic

woah you're totally right? Just realized that.
Most lesbians look like that.

someone's trying to rile up the anti-white interracial spam

I don't feel so bad anymore

They don't know that we latinos haave bigger dicks.

Fug :DDD

It's either that or:

>Europe is fucked! They are like only 90% white!!!! USA is white!

Rielly maeks uz thunk.

I thought Asians loved their andgrogyne fuccboi pop star?

They all look angular

I don't know, I'm just going by what she told me.

Sorry, jaypeg.

because asians aren't subhumans like arabs, niggers or irish

Says who?

>muh dick

You're no better than a nigger. Your country is proof of this.

My Asian gf told me she doesn't like Asian guys because they're too feminine looking and acting

She likes my whiteness, dick, money, intelligence and manliness

All her words

They're degenerate whores who need to die. I'll fucking commit racial genocide, Asians aren't meant to live outside of Asia.
Bruce Lee

>My Asian gf told me she doesn't like Asian guys because they're too feminine looking and acting

She likes my whiteness, dick, money, intelligence and manliness

ITT: stories that never happened

Only trying to help

Well...wasn't eliot's mom ugly too?

They also have a similar personality as a female when in a relationship
Asian men have the same personality as a high maintenance jealous girlfriend

Oh shit, forgot to greentext at the second line.

We wuz incas n sheit cracka, I bet you didn't even had a lake full of gold.

God these threads are fucking terrible

we're also taller, stronger, more attractive, more creative, generally more intelligent once the whole population is taken into account, and more charismatic and confident too

it's no wonder asian girls can't get enough of the superior BWC

They don't
get the hands off our women

Hint: Only one of those 5 things she is really thinking about, the rest are just lies to buff your ego user.

The most effective lies are those mixed with enough truth.


Americanized asians crave black dick in their cunt. Only the native retarded ugly pre-surgery asians like White men simply because of the fact that it is only white men they see in movies all the time. They are literal retards and think life is some sort of corny American film.



But in reality, the average white man is very ugly due to a history of inbreeding and they do not look like 6'2 Hollywood actors and the American ones realize this.

But in conclusion, white mayonnaise monkeys, niggers and gook asians are all pretty low tier human beings. The true race of the future is mixed.

Me on the right

>You open the door and see this
What do?

If Germany did, at least they'd how what to do with it.

Don't worry, we'll leave enough for you to produce more of them for us to take again

Nice puffy eyelids.

put penis in pizza box

>pay bill
>give tip
>eat pizza
>cry myself to sleep

>needs tons of makeup

It's a sign of power from the rich superior Asian woman who are looking for exotic boy toys to play with. Think about it, who actually wears the pants in an Asian-non asian relationship?

I don't eat pizza so I tell her she has the wrong house.

>says the yellow monkey

Only attractive asian women I have seen are in pictures or half white, do good looking full blooded asian women exist? I have seen a lot of asians in real life but never any that turn heads like some white and hispanic women do.

Save it for muslim welfare?

The real reason is societal caste, white men represent the highest caste and by having children with them there children are more entitled to that caste.

It goes with the concept of marrying up or marrying down

White worship of sorts, just generally considered genetically superior by a majority of asian women. I live in Yunnan 5 or 6 months a year (long story, 19 years of Southern family styles, work 6 months, train 6 months.) And whenever I get into Shanghai or Kuenming it's like I'm a fucking alien, tower over every single man in the city by close to a foot (6'4) and have literally never seen anyone within the city who weight trains to any noticeable extent. I kind of feel like a black guy in the US at times, but the difference is white people actually try, in Zhongguo? No fucking chance, different idea of what makes a man attractive, career focused entirely, no personalities on them. Doesn't help that 98% of Chinese women outside the cities display some of the most pronounced genetic waste I have ever seen. You don't see attractive women in the lower class, just doesn't happen, there's such a massive social divide in China it even trickles down into their genetics, especially regionally. There's a lot to go into to be honest, but basically white males are gods in China, especially outside of Beijing

Look at me, Chinese site: I paid for a Russian prostitute!

Asian women prefer white guys because most Asian men are so fucking un-manly that it is sad. I know a few Japanese PUA types in Tokyo who get laid all the time, but 95% of Japanese guys are so lame that you might as well consider them asexual.

Because more white men than asian men have the masculine traits they are attracted too and the intelligence that any intelligent female would be seeking.


You really are cucks
White women are ugly. They look like MEN
And are degenerate who are feminist, open relationship, protest naked, fuck many guys before marrying one
And now after you fuck up your own women with your retarded western ways you want to take ours?
Go away!!!!

Because white people have no souls. They are empty and without any distinguishable characteristic from another white person. This appeals to the domineering asian who wants to believe if she can dominate one white person, she can dominate them all.

calm your tits down madmud

I dunno man Japs are pretty fucking cool once you get to know them

I don't think that's true. Anyway if I was caught with an Asian girlfriend my step dad would kill me. He literally said that If i was ever gay he'd axe me.

Maybe they like how hairy we are, idk. They also like our eye and hair colors and what not. Light skin was considered royal among Chinese nobility. Perhaps that could also contribute to their attraction to us. I for one, am flattered by it, but I do not race mix at all, so, although it's nice to be admired, it's a no go for me.

I've had this happen before only she had bigger tits
>hear doorbell
>know it's my pizza no one else comes to my house
>open door see a super qt
>try to make a joke well thanking her for delivering it
>take box
>awkward silence as we stare at eachother
>tell her Well bye! While smiling
>remember I haven't paid
>say oh sorry! As I reach for my wallet
>forget I had a 20 in my pocket already prepared can't find money
>start taking out all kinds of business cards to places like games 4 less
>try to be cool like I don't care so start throwing them on the floor like I'm throwing cards to make her laugh
>I start to worry before I remember it's in my pocket
>give he the wadded up 20
>tell her bye and go sit down with pizza
>think about how I wanted to fuck her and eat my pizza

You can't stop it now.

The White ones. Always.

>used to live in China
I even messed around with this super rich girl in China 10 years older than me. I wore the pants, but she paid for everything. It was great. It started out as "English Teaching one-on-one", but it turned into more. She took me to dinners, KTV, even Japan. On our Japan trip we stayed in spa/hotel. Thats when it crossed over from teacher tutor to something much more fun.

>got paid to sing Backstreet boys
>got paid to drink, and eat extravigant meals with her and other elite people in her mega city

I'm not a hooker though. I swear. She was super hot, and I enjoyed my time.

There's some but many will look like that.

Memes are lies

Yea I'm sure you manlets that are 5'6" have big dicks, Keep dreaming Juan.

You don't really deserve a pure Asian waifu if youre going to let your fucking stepfather control who you dick buddy

don't worry japan man

the closest these wizards will get to good asian women with morals is through a computer screen

Fuck the degenate whitey

stockholm syndrome

>without being niggers.
>checks flag

>things that never happen

You are being played faggot, fuck your gook bitch and get a white girl if you can.

Why? I'll tell you why. Americans have so many fat, ugly women they seek other races for their mates.

I took a trip to Spain recently. I could never imagine race mixing while being surrounded by so many beautiful, topless women.

America is a dark place for women. This is why they push race mixing. They don't know whats out there.

>Bulgarian people
>any better than niggers

top Kek

They don't. There is a huge culture gap between western countries and Asian countries. They are fucking weird and I have never seen an WMAF couple in my city of over two million.

>White females are ugly

Hmm, now I understand why Slavs aren't White.

Dream of American, Japan is closed to immigration. Only immigration allowed is nikkeijin (100% Japanese born in foreing countries)
By the time latinos become a majority in the USA we will still be fully homohenous society. no muslims, no feminists, no migrants...

>I even messed around with this super rich girl in China 10 years older than me. I wore the pants, but she paid for everything. It was great. It started out as "English Teaching one-on-one", but it turned into more. She took me to dinners, KTV, even Japan. On our Japan trip we stayed in spa/hotel. Thats when it crossed over from teacher tutor to something much more fun.

If she was the one shelling out the cash, you weren't the one with the "pants". You were her glorified male fuckboy. But, hey, if being delusional about it makes you cope with it, so be it.

No Japanese men want gf's these days. Your women have no choice but to go with white piggu.

>implying white women don't want money too

>i think to myself she's really cute
>"U-uh, hello."
>take money out of wallet
>drop it by accident because autist
>"H-heh sorry"
>take the pizza
>call her a filthy fucking slut for making me nervous
>don't tip
>slam the door on her
>eat the whole pizza by myself
>talk about jews on Sup Forums

I was literally in Madrid a few days ago and I did not see one passable fucking female the entire trip, Spanish women have the most boring bodies and faces I have ever seen.