Why can't the role of a president by replaced by a neural network controlled by genetic algorithms...

Why can't the role of a president by replaced by a neural network controlled by genetic algorithms ? Humans can be controlled by their needs for power, money corruption etc but a neural network cannot be influenced in any way, a neural network controlled a fit set of genetic algorithms could replace the role of a president within a government and make decisions based on similar historical data. You could argue that the elites AKA the 1% could control the neural network and influence it to take decisions in their favor(which happens right now with human presidents), but you could ensure the decentralization of the neural network through a government based blockchain that will be controlled by its citizen. Thoughts on this political idea ?

Neural network needs millions of simulations before it's any good at a single task, and even then it might still be shit due to faulty data and pants on head retarded human oversight. Read up on army tank in a forest project; tldr photos of tanks in a forest were taken on a sunny day while photos of forests with no tanks were taken on a cloudy day. The NN learned to distinguish sunny vs cloudy days instead of tank presence

>Neural network needs millions of simulations before it's any good at a single task, and even then it might still be shit due to faulty data and pants on head retarded human oversight. Read up on army tank in a forest project; tldr photos of tanks in a forest were taken on a sunny day while photos of forests with no tanks were taken on a cloudy day. The NN learned to distinguish sunny vs cloudy days instead of tank presence

Only retarted programmers work at governments or militaries. Look at Google for example the best programmers in world work there and they have more advanced technology than any government agencies.

user - I've been thinking about these issues as I learn about machine learning.

I don't think there will be, say, a world of 7+ billion people who will start electing computers as leaders - they are not smart enough and can be led by emotions, etc.

Instead, I think it will be more like machines start replacing humans in many tasks, and in exchange for welfare for the displaced people, we can request that people be sterilized in exchange for an income - to eventually reduce the pop to, say, 700 million more intelligent people. Those people might be smart enough to automate political decisions - and I think also that there would be less political trouble as a result of the generally higher IQ that would result.

You've been playing WAY too much Metal Gear

Somewhat this. If governments really want to create some next gen technology for whatever task they need to start paying the proper rates.

Only women who pass their CS degree writing pseudo code end up working as programmers in government departments.

>call of duty

>Stupidly implausible and futuristic suggestion
That technology isn't even close to being invented yet, you stupid Polack. Sage

You're talking about government government jobs, but government contracts out lots of defense/aerospace/research tech jobs.

>That technology isn't even close to being invented yet, you stupid Polack. Sage

You ignorant amerifat do realize that genetics algorithms exist since the 70's, right ?

>Why can't the role of a president by replaced by a neural network

>You're talking about government government jobs, but government contracts out lots of defense/aerospace/research tech jobs.

Yes and only least skilled programmers work for the government, most good programmers work at the private sector where they make 3x as much.

I can understand having poor English, but what doesn't make sense is why your reasoning would be affected. My statement still stands. What you're suggesting is almost inconceivable from our technological position. It's almost completely in the realm of science fiction.

>you could ensure the decentralization of the neural network through a government based blockchain that will be controlled by its citizen

Actually this would swiftly turn the president into a handout dispenser and we'd be Greece in no time.

I thought the nwo already has created a supercomputer which is basically making all their decisions for them in order to accomplish their grand scheme.

Why do you thing everything is connected to the internet. So the supercomputer can sort through all of the private data around the world and have as much information as possible in order to make decisions.

>What you're suggesting is almost inconceivable from our technological position. It's almost completely in the realm of science fiction.

Ok amerifat, please explain us which parts of the blockchain , genetic algorithms, neural network are exactly technologically inconceivable ?

>Actually this would swiftly turn the president into a handout dispenser and we'd be Greece in no time.

The point of the blockchain would be to mention a decentralized form for the neural network, the citizens can't influence the neural network.

Sure, but call me when a single NN can drive your car, pick your music, and jack you off just right. The ideal solution to all these will be orders of magnitude more difficult to find in the wild west of solutioms provided by evolutionary algorithms, running a government even more so. Besides, humans are fickle and change like the weather -- NN will run into extreme problems with these changes

AIs that currently exist are far too rudimentary to handle problems that resemble basic human reasoning. Perhaps some aspects of your suggestion are superficially grasped, but it's like asking how teleportation might affect warfare, when the technology for teleportation is extraordinarily embryonic and the world in which it might be realized would be so different from today that it would be impossible to predict in how it might affect the world.

No doubt, you and I will be dead before anything like this is implemented, so there's little purpose in discussing it.

A neural network controlled by genetic algorithms recently BTFO'd an experienced fighter pilot in simulated air combat. And it ran on a little weenie Raspberry Pi computer. Wait until something like this runs on real hardware.

You do understand that the task of piloting a jet are quite different from statesman ship, correct? They can't even get an AI to pass the Turning test without pretending to be a foreign and have a poor command of its language.

Actually, passing the Turing test simply means that an AI has successfully imitated a human. How tough would it be to create an AI that imitates a lot of Sup Forums posters.

When a real AI comes, it will be truly intelligent, and not human.

who decides what goes into the network and what the protocol is?

>Actually, passing the Turing test simply means that an AI has successfully imitated a human.
How did I deny that? I only said that they haven't been able to make an AI that passed it,, (and barely), without imitating a foreigner who had a poor command of English. However close this might come to reproducing the presidency of George W. Bush, I would imagine we should have might higher expectations for an the capacities of an AI before we decide to relinquish such power to it.

But again, this will not come to pass before our deaths, so discussing it is to no purpose.

Are you asking for Skynet?