What a ridiculous character to introduce so randomly into the story. She...

What a ridiculous character to introduce so randomly into the story. She, this random and previously-unheard-of undersecretary literally just shows up one day and conveniently has this magical reach over all these powerful, international, and shady "unseen forces" offstage, as well as so much influence that she's power brokering the next presidency within two or three episodes of her first appearance, as well as having a major hard-on for Claire. Honestly, she almost feels like a badly-written, self-insert Mary Sue - the scope of her power seems so unlimited and undefined that it starkly contrasts with every single other character on the show, who are all very much mortal and very much limited in capabilities.

>no lesbian scene with Secretary Durant


House of Cards is one of those rare shows where every single character is terrible

literally >muh deepstate the character

i really can't stand that fucking actress. she's horrible in everything.

Why? Just why? How did no one realize that this character saps the life out of every episode he appears in?

Doug is the only decent character

she was good in Six Feet Under

why did Frank resign again? so he could influence Claire like a puppet behind the scenes or some shit? surely he expected that she might want to do things her way after all this time

Petrov is pretty cool.

He oscillates between the only worthy adversary to Frank and another laughably impotent character piece more than anyone on the show.

yeah fuck those characters

>data analyst randomly hacks the internet
>zuckerberg randomly handing frank the cockpit recording
>rich boy scouts hand frank the election victory because fuck you

>impotent character piece more than anyone on the show.

did I miss something? iirc he fucks the underwoods over whenever he engaged and in s5 he fucks carrie again with the data guy.

the rest are garbage

What the fuck. Frank pushing Cathy down the stairs was so fucking lazy. assuming Cathy falling a few feet would actually put her in "critical condition," if that happened in reality, not only to one of the highest officials in government, but to any witness about to testify, I assume an entirely new investigation would be warranted as to such absolutely suspicious circumstances, but the newscasters on TV addressed any speculation whatsoever as "lmao conspiracy theorist." This whole season just felt rushed and sloppy; the best part for me was literally the first five minutes, ironically when Frank assumed the status of a congressman again, because that was Frank shadily maneuvering around the system once more

it's almost like she was waiting for a chance to get in there at the right moment to DENNIS claire.

Wow, it's like she's a spy or something haha

>but the newscasters on TV addressed any speculation whatsoever as "lmao conspiracy theorist.

sounds like real life

Fuck it they should have gone full sci fi.

Have Eric Rawlings actually be Augustus Underwood, who is immortal.

Killing Lisa Ann was just stupid.

both got shoved in with no background between them and the underwoods
for example jackie sharp donald blythe remy danton were properly introduced in the house/office and became familiar troughtout the seasons to the viewers because you know their stories their characters and how they began in the administration
those 2 are like "hey guys we are here now deal with it"
they arent even interesting usher is some sort of mega-glorified spin doctor who dresses like steve jobs and davis talks arabic deals with russians all sort of shady CIA shit while looking like a boring 60-year-old grandmother who would ask you to taste homemade cookies

>I'm gonna kill Tom Yates because he knows we're murderers
>let me do it in the house of this Republican fixer who literally joined our side months ago and have him dispose of the body

It's almost like claire is stupid. Something we have known for a long time.

Watched 1st episode. Had to skip Tom scenes. I doubt I'll finish the season.

I'm starting to think it's actually an achievement to design a character who is THAT unwatchable.

Superedit of all Tom and Claire scenes when?


she was annoying as hell in that show

It's like the writers wanted to write the most cliche, stupid writer characters on tv.
>he's like SUPER COOL and has a DARK PAST
>he drinks and hangs out with the president
>he FUCKS the presidents wife but he's so cool the president DOESN'T EVEN CARE

Frank's big twist was pathetic.

>"It was me all along! I fucked myself over because the REAL POWER lies behind the shadow!!!"

Like a cheap anime, jesus

dude elysium fields is totally not a bilderberg ripoff

It's a ripoff of the Bohemian Grove you shithead

nor really


More like
>i'll control the private sector and you rule the white house
Even though in previous seasons he had said there was nothing better than the presidency and that he despises the private sector cause it was shit tier

Fucking writers are hacks

no need to be upset