Why are normies so dependent on alcohol?
Do you really not realize how disgusting and pathetic you look?
Why are normies so dependent on alcohol?
Do you really not realize how disgusting and pathetic you look?
She looks like she had a good time. Unlike you. You sound like a faget.
Unless your liver is made of paper you can enjoy alcohol without necessarily ending up wasted you know.
Normies do a lot more insufferable things than drink alcohol. Personally I drink and smoke MJ in moderation. I try not to do it during the week because I have work (and no time) so I just have fun on the weekends usually with a small group of friends.
Lighten up OP. Normies fucking make me REEEEEEEEEEEEEE too, but alcohol isn't something to REEEEEEEEEEE so hard over. Live and let them be normal, it'll come back to smack them in the face with their fake problems soon enough.
Never tried other drugs
Psychedelic master race reporting in
>taste like shit
>causes bad judgement
What's enjoyable about it?
after being raped 10 times without even notice being passed out
Just drink vodka with juice, fag. It's cheap and drinkable.
Because the world is shit, so is better to live in a fantasy one until tolerance doesn't allow you anymore.
Here drinking is like a part of culture.
You drink when someone is born and you drink when somebody dies.
I can just drink the juice by itself, faggot. Tastes better anyway.
>helps you loosen up
>dirt cheap comparative to the herb
only assholes make bad decisions while drunk. its completely within your power to keep your good senses while drinking. the only people ive seen go over the edge are college whores and guys who get drunk to fight.
in both cases, the "stupid decision" is already something they want to do. alcohol is just an excuse to do things considered socially depraved.
Yeah I heard you guys also drink when people fart, burp, shit, pee, complain, graduate, eat, sleep and juggle. Don't make an excuse for Polish alcoholism.
I've never done anything but fall down once when I was drunk. It doesn't turn you into some wild animal with no judgement. It just kind of makes you feel looser and more relaxed. People who use it as an excuse to be horrible are just normies who are too scared to be horrible normally.
drinking alcohol for the taste is like skateboarding just to skin your knees.
its a shitty negative that will pretty much always be there, but if you let that detract from the general good time, youre a fucking bum person to be around.
Life generally sucks. What else is there but the bliss of blackout drunk? It highly enhances the quality of shitposting both for the shitposter and shitpostee.
this too. shitposts are top tier when youre fucked up
>good time
You still have not explained what's good about it.
>helps you loosen up
Irrelevant if you're not autistic to begin with.
>dirt cheap comparative to the herb
It's cheaper to not drink at all
>Irrelevant if you're not autistic to begin with.
So this must all be really relevant to you.
Is this what Canadian shitposting has stooped too? This is a Sup Forums tier thread.
I don't find skateboarding enjoyable either
Great analogy
Straight edge master race.
Cant stand people who drink. They clog up hospitals and cause fights and murders. Bring back prohibition.
Party culture has always disgusted me.
As I've grown older I've learned to see the appeal as a once in awhile event, but people who party every weekend live a pretty pathetic life.
>tfw your wife's son teaches you how to kickflip
Stop ruining Sup Forums
its an analogy you fuckwit, just the easiest i came up with. here it is so you can relate better;
its like doing anal just for the risk of aids, not the prostate stimualtion.
ITT: Absolut Faggots
The leaf is right.
For $10 you can get 64oz of delicious and healthy Naked juice.
I hardly eat candy anymore, and basically never drink soda, instead I just eat fruit or drink juice.
Sodomy is a mortal sin. I won't ever do that.
Why do normies want to go to hell so much?
If you worked 9 to 5, 5 or 6 days a week, wouldn't you want to numb your brain and forget about everything?
You guys are probably a lot of fun at parties.
alcohol in groups is a good time, because youre in a group of people who are all in a friendly, loose mood. youre friends with people you dont even know, and you barely even have to try.
drinking with people youre already friends with is a good time because you have to try even less. everything is great.
solo drinking is for sad sacks, and it never really helps cover up the issues correctly. i dont suggest solo drinking
i enjoy my job and my work, so nah
I take a few shots sometimes before playing vidya just to loosen up a bit. It's quite comfy
i dont do anal, im not into it. i just assumed he was a massive faggot for not seeing the point of an analogy, just because he couldnt relate to the specific example
why do normies believe in hell?
But OP, they're just having FUN. Look at how FUN it is to lose control and vomit all over yourself, then pass out in the street. What's wrong, don't you like FUN?
ITT: edgy weirdos with a superiority complex and the few normal people on Sup Forums
Congrats, I'd wager you're in the minority
>being content with your life
>posting in Sup Forums
Why post this thread? There are no normies here.
i forgot where i was and i expected an actual discussion about the positives and negatives of social drinking.
>It's cheap and drinkable.
Russia, you do realize that this is why it's destroying your country right?
Even your former colonies in Eastern Europe are now richer than you.
Traditionalism and Stoicism call for moderation, neither excess nor rejection.
Binge drinkers should be shamed in public and attacked at every opportunity desu. It worked well for smokers, now on to alcohol.
>it's okay bro I'm only consuming poison in small quantities
Irish are genetically dependant on alcohol, I can rarely go a day without.
Fucking this, the gubmint needs to hit booze and weed hard too.
hurr if I can't rot my mind and body for """"fun"""" then what can I do?
So... after all that, I need a drink or 12, because life is shit.
>can't have "fun" without being drunk
Look who's talking. I only started drinking alcohol when I started college. Everybody would pressure you into drinking and would ostradize you if you didn't.
There should be a big stigma attached to it.
I'm a recovering alcoholic and agree that it should not be encouraged the way it is. The alcohol industry is too powerful, and 20% of the drinkers buy 80% of the alcohol.
It's an industry fueled by those addicted to alcohol, and they'll fight tooth and nail to keep it that way. They don't care in the same way that drug dealers don't care. So long as you buy their product they don't give a fuck.
And it tastes bad. And you might as well just drink coke or juice if you have to mix it with the expensive booze
But how else will us wage slaves cope with modern "civilized" society?
>I don't find skateboarding enjoyable either
God, are you fucking gay or something?
Wait, never mind, even fags like skateboarding.
Literally what is not to like? Sounds to me like you're just shit at doing anything that isn't sitting behind a keyboard so you just reject it so you don't have to face your shitness.
>Why do you like things I don't like!
I will never understand authoritarian retards that want to make decisions for everyone
Let people enjoy things
Self medication.
One of the biggest problems in the affluent societies.
Pic unrelated
At this point I need it to function. My metabolism or brain chemistry has adapted in some way to function closer to normal if I drink at night time.
If I drink a moderate amount, for example a bottle of wine, I feel energized and happy and positive the next day. Without drinking I feel very low and negative.
Once I finish my masters in a months time I plan to try and kick it no matter how shit I feel. I am sure I will return to normal in time. Or maybe I am naturally a depressed person and I found my medication. We will see.
>that flag
>this post
Hi Mohammed.
I made this post without reading yours. I think some of us may be.
>oy vey the goyim aren't face down drunk, whadduh Shoah!
>hurr it's my right to poison my body! Man exists in isolation and you can't stop me from having fun so fuck you dad!...
>If I drink a moderate amount,
>for example a bottle of wine,
You have a problem
>The Irish guy is physically addicted to alcohol
It's actually not even funny at this point.
I mean moderate for me.
It's haram, isn't it, Trudeau?
It is your right to poison your body if you want to
I mean it's your body. If they aren't hurting other people wtf do you care? Oh yeah you're insecurities forgot about that part.
Just because you drink doesn't mean you get shit faced plastered every time. Why does it have to be one extreme, or the other?
Oh right the autism. Please remove yourself from the gene pool, thanks.
It's hard to kick if you're an alcoholic.
Surprisingly getting sober and going through the associated DT's/withdrawal is the easy part. Staying sober is much more difficult. You have to change your entire life around, which includes but is not limited to saying goodbye to most of your friends.
I still remember the first time I went through the DT's like it was yesterday. Not fun.
You realise Trump is a teetotaller, yes?
Oh and loads of muslims secretly drink
>t. Jamal Ougoudougou, Somali immigrant
Who here ditched alcohol to join the /kratom/ master race?
How do people even sleep without depressants?
>tastes like shit
Effeminate pussy detected. Spirits, beers and wines have been enjoyed for thousands of years by countless civilizations. This negative reaction to the taste is purely a result of the western world's addiction to excess sugar and fats.
I don't get DTs. I can quit alcohol for weeks at a time and the only downside is feeling negative. You are right that staying clean is the hard part. I honestly can quit whenever I want...but then I have a beer or two or a bottle of wine at the weekend and suddenly its a bottle of wine whenever I feel like it which is most evenings. Then I decide that is far too much and I start all over again.
>muh victimless crime
>muh my body my choice
Literally the cancer killing the West, lolbertarian pls go.
Most of them openly drink and make silly excuses why they can but that islam forbidding it is still the word of God.
>It says you cant get drunk not that your cant drink
>I dont get drunk if I just have one
If you eat dog shit every day you'll also get used to the taste
>If they aren't hurting other people wtf do you care
Alcoholics DO hurt other people.
If you have some depression or just want to relax as it numbs your body down makes you feel happy then go ahead and drink a bit but to go full retarded drunk to wake up the next day feeling even worse is beyond comprehension
I dont own a car and I dont get aggressive. I get introverted if anything.
That's not how that works.
>implying i would bother going to the boring normie cesspool known as "party"
I am saying that is MY moderate drinking. Not that it is a moderate amount.
Yeah I suppose if I ate Spanish food every day I'd get used to it too
>alcoholism isn't the main cause of many problems in the west
lmao kek nice shitpost
Who bottleofbuckfast a day here?
It seems to me that being an alcoholic is a better life decision then being a NEET.
How you gonna make property payments on your mommies house when she passes away in 7 years?
Good alcohol is objectively delicious. Most people have trained themselves to drink stuff that tastes bad. I agree with that.
Bottle of vino and two beers for me tonight. Cant drink any more than that though. Need to wake up early and feeling fresh to write my thesis tomorrow.
Non-white detected.
White people have been drinking alcohol for centuries, we developed for it. it tastes great to us.
Yeah you usually only get it when you drink a certain amount. Your brain HAS been re-wired, just like mine. That's what long term drug or alcohol abuse does.
A bottle of wine is nothing, but don't fall down the slippery slope. You never know, one day you might start drinking 2 bottles. Then 3 bottles, 4 and so on.
That's how it started with me, 4-5 beers a night on the weekends. Within 3 years I was downing nearly a quart of whiskey a day.
>yfw what was once considered the saddest thing a human being could do is now considered "spending a good time"
Says volume about the world we live in desu
>implying you've ever been invited
What do NEETs have to do with anything? Anyway as long as they stay physically healthy they can readjust better than drunkards.
You're supposed to only have a few glasses, you oblivious retards. Normies don't get this and they mever will.
For those who don't like alcohol, no one is judging you when you reach out for a cola.
Fucking hell, just enjoy yourself.
A good wine tastes A-OK, leaf.
What are you even talking about even European monarchs and aristocracy got piss drunk and partied you faggot
Its funny. 1 bottle and I would swear I have zero consequences the next day but two feels like im dying. Which I guess is what is saving me from myself.
Also A bottle of wine cant be opened and not drunk so...1 bottle is locked in as the right amount.
Except the legions of butt flustered alkies who sperg when you tell them you don't drink
Without alcohol or drugs to numb your senses you'd realize night life is hell.
>Get drunk for the first time like 6 years ago
>Wake up with a nasty ass hangover that lasts until the next evening
Never again, it wasn't worth it.
>If they aren't hurting other people wtf do you care?
I see at least one news report about drunk drivers running people down. And don't get me started on all the drunk fights everywhere.
Drunk parents also tend to raise horrible kids.