Can we make dogs honorary whites?
Can we make dogs honorary whites?
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Dogs are our goyim
Yes except for Pit Bulls.
Yea they also sometimes eat humans or kill them, just like goyim done with jews.
Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable
He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.
Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time i'm getting the dose right
kek that copy pasta
>comparing pitbulls to dobermanns
pit bulls have nigger tier intelligence, dobermann are top tier on par
Which is no surprise, since they are corssbreed of german sheppard, rottweiler and a few others.
>Ban all pitbulls they are too dangerous!
>Ban all assault rifles they are too dangerous.
Fucking pussycats
Guns don't kill people if no one pulls the trigger. A pitbull is an autonomous creature and will lash out at random.
Yes guns need an autonomous creatures that lash out at random to operate them.
But with proper training (just like pits) guns can be owned safely
Ban all guns and all dogs
>scare muslims
>sniff out degenerate potheads and bombs
>love the outdoors
Dogs are better whites than most of Europe, Sven.
Actually this is exactly why I love cats. Complete apathy is a trait I find absolutely hilarious in an animal that was domesticated thousands of years ago.
Cats are for cuddles dogs are for play ive got two of each
some good doggers
Dobermans are a noble breed. Unfortunately if your neighbor had a pitbull before it's unlikely that they are responsible enough to own one.
That doesn't make any sense. But since you're a progressive that's par for the course.
Fuck you, my pit bull is the shit. I trained him to not let people out of their cars until I call him back and he obeys everything I say with no hesitation. They're the black people of the dog world and everyone leaves me the fuck alone. It's like having a shotgun made out of flesh.
dogs always step in when it sees in fighting among what they consider their pack. When my cats start fighting my dogs will rush over and break it up
shut up nigger
Didn't ask you Mohammed
How come only white people like animals?
Because we can't own people anymore.
I could rip off his intestines, strangle him with it, leave him on the side of the road with a colombian necktie and then come back and fuck you in the ass using your little nigger friend blood as lube
He said from the comfort of his home waiting for him mamma to bring him another bowl of spaghetti.
>make dogs honourary white
>implying they're not already the white mans best friend.
Pit Bulls are the dindus of dogs
Shall we turn this into a "my pupper" thread?
Kek no you couldn't, you're tiny
A small half man living out his fantasies of not being a completely impotent loser
Literal nigger-tier behavior.
Your pitbull is just a little fucking pussy, i've already murdered others in the past and i've always enjoyed it.
They are weak and so are you
best doge in the world
If you can't tell the difference between a pitbull and a gun then you have some serious problems friend, seek assistance.
is that a rottweiler?
are you a furry?
One last time padre.
t. future serial killer
I would say yes, but then we'd have to go to war against the Vietnamese for eating our brothers and those guys are tough to beat.
Name is Roosevelt
(not named after the cripple commie one)
You dog owners are really a funny bunch. You could talk about genociding people on the internet all day long, but just one mention of looking funny at your little cock stumps and you get all hysterical
cats were never really domesticated by us though and not nearly as long as a companion to us humans as dogs. they just stuck around because we would feed them occasionally.
I love all animals but that probably makes me a faggot.
Cats are noble and pure animals indeed. They value independence over taking orders from some autistic virgin to indulge his power fantasies
Why are Italians even allowed to live any more? You're like eternally angry dog poisoning Libyan refugee capturing shitswirlers.
Seriously what does your country even do for the world except demonstrate exceptional road rage?
Even Italy is starting to get out of control with Muslims
>Cats are noble and pure animals indeed
You sound like an autistic virgin tho.
Dogs look up to alpha males
>A pitbull is an autonomous creature and will lash out at random.
What the fuck, no they won't. Any dog with higher aggression just needs to be trained properly. They're fucking dogs, not lions.
People need to fucking understand that dogs - ALL dogs - are domesticated and are completely unlike wild animals. They respond to human interaction differently than any other animal because they were bred to be around us. Saying a dog is inherently dangerous is fucking bullshit, they were just not trained properly. ALL dogs can be trained. Some humans are just too stupid to do it right.
pitbulls are dogs of peace
They also make shitty world war allies.
lmao what a bunch of bullshit
that's what I love about cats. Especially after they warm up to you. When such an independent animal, on their own free will, comes up to you because they want your affection, it shows the bond you've created and it feels really nice.
What food would you say is honorary white?
I miss my fucking doggos
might have to agree on this one
Fuck, I miss having a good dogger. Thinking of going to a dog home and picking out a good one.
See this right here? this is why dogs are better than nonwhite humans.
Holy shit.
>Dog off leash
>not at a park
>Owner not in sight
Honestly I wouldn't even be angry at the dog, I'd just beat the owner black and blue with his unused fucking leash.
GSD Master Race.
Lol go be a drain on European society some more, faggot
Are you that guy that captures birds, snaps their wings, and then cums on them (and post the pics on Sup Forums)?
If you are, you should kill yourself.
Cats are the best. Dogs are like niggers, stupid.
>Make dogs honorary whites
They've been whites for as long as we've had them domesticated.
They are the least cucked of the major EU members.
Count Blackula vs Skinhead Werewolf when?
Fucking dogs, kill them all i say. They do nothing useful except being mollycoddled by spineless pussies who never got laid once in their own pathetic life.
Dog owners are weak. And whoever has aggressive breeds (especially pitbulls) should be shot on sight along with their parasitic animals.
And no, dogs are good. Meat is a little bit chewy, but perfect if you cook it in a slow cooker (especially if the dog is still alive inside of it) and add some spices.
Cow meat is nothing compared to a good spiced dog
>A nigger is an autonomous creature and will lash out at random.
What the fuck, no they won't. Any person with higher aggression just needs to be trained properly. They're fucking people, not lions.
People need to fucking understand that niggers - ALL niggers - are domesticated and are completely unlike wild animals. They respond to human interaction differently than any other animal because they were bred to pick cotton. Saying a nigger is inherently dangerous is fucking bullshit, they were just not trained properly. ALL niggers can be trained. Some humans are just too stupid to do it right.
The last dog I had (the big lad) lost him to liver cancer a couple of months ago, aged 9.
I highly recommend Mastiffs to anyone looking for a low maintenance, friendly patient dog who doesn't mind drool and occasionally being crushed by 190lbs of lapdog.
Didn't humans domesticate cats because they caught rats and mice, which were a problem back then?
My pupper
>lost him to liver cancer a couple of months ago
There are more dogs with jobs than employed niggers
Pitbulls will randomly snap and attack people for no reason even when properly trained and ostensibly gentle and benign, because the breed is inherently mentally unstable.
Please. Labs are dumb as shit and run from anything. Little dogs bark and bite at everything that moves until something bigger snaps them in half. Anybody who's scared of pit bulls has either never been around one or is whinny little bitch. Of course I see the Italian talking shit. A typical example of euro-trash attitude with a nigger-tier brain. We all know where that black hair and oily skin comes from. Italians are the classic definition of cucks.
your brown dog looks like it belongs to an earl or something.
the black one looks like it gives the mail man a hard time
Yes except for the nigger dogs
Cats are like autists.
>because the breed is inherently mentally unstable
That's some real fucking neato bullshit you're peddlin, user. What, did a Golden Retriever snap at you when you pulled its tail so now you're afraid of any dog larger than a pinscher?
Or you know, they could be scared of pitbulls because they've been bred to be remorseless killers and consistently do the overwhelming majority of dog attacks and and fatalities.
My ex-gf's nigbull literally mauled me because I was walking behind her
Cute doggo
Pitbulls must be shot on sight in accordance to italian law m8.
Mate, if I was going to rise to bait in defense of a dead dog I wouldn't have posted it in the first place.
Ironically you're barking up the wrong tree.
My dog's a Jew. Every time I turn on the oven she gets scared and hides.
>breed of peace!
Being surprised when a pitbull attacks is like being surprised when a bloodhound smells something.
Pitbulls are bred to be retarded monsters though. They're dumb as shit with rage where self preservation instinct should have been.
In 'Merica even the dogs have AR15s, postman better watch the fuck out.
Still mad that a dog beat you into outer space?
The numbers speak for themselves, along with the many, many examples of pits raised in good homes deciding to fuck someone up for no reason
Also I've owned brittany's and english pointers, and frequently look after my neighbor's wolfhound.
underrated post
damn straight
My one rule is that I don't trust anyone that dislikes/hates dogs.
>Muslims hate dogs
Like pottery
What I remember reading, and I could be wrong, was cats started hanging around grain and such (catching mice) in Egypt, I believe, and people would start feeding them, so the cats hung around because it was a sweet deal for them once they started being worshipped.
Now excuse me while i sit back while enjoy getting all the dank (You)s, courtesy of the underage cucks getting all triggered and shit and laugh at fags on the internet along with my trusted labrador.
But seriously fuck pitbulls
This dog is fucking massive, I wouldn't pretend hit anyone to get this fucker going
this, it's one thing if they explain themselves and say something like
>I was attacked by one as a kid, etc.
but if they just don't like dogs they can fuck right off
Is "Kanko" your doggo's name?