Joss Whedon Isn’t Interested in Directing ‘Doctor Who’ Until The Doctor Is a Woman or Idris Elba

Joss Whedon Isn’t Interested in Directing ‘Doctor Who’ Until The Doctor Is a Woman or Idris Elba
>Director Joss Whedon said he wouldn’t work on the iconic British TV series Doctor Who until The Doctor is played by either a woman or black actor Idris Elba.
>Whedon, who directed The Avengers films and created the TV hit Buffy the Vampire Slayer, was answering a question from a fan on whether he would work on an episode of the long-running show.
>“I’m not sure, and here’s why. I’d have to do a lot of research, like, watch 40 years of television. I mean I’ve seen some of it, but let’s get real… Check back with me when the Doctor is a she. Or Idris Elba. Every question can actually just have the suffix ‘or Idris Elba,” he said.

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Lol we need more nigger cash libs scared of the dindu uprising


someone lynch this faggot already

It's pretty funny how libtards have to keep referencing Idris Elba because there's no other decent nigger actor. Even for roles he's totally unsuited, they have to pretend he's suited for - like Bond. Elba's too fucking old to play Bond, but they keep insisting he should replace Craig.

Mind you soon it'll become that nigger that was in Star Wars, despite him being a distinctly average actor at best.

We need to start demanding that a woman should direct Dr. Who. These nu males will squirm when it starts affecting their wallets.


Bond doesn't need to be played by a great actor.

Just by someone who looks classy and manly as fuck but inbreed enough to be from your island. Its not easy to cast it.

two ugly people socialising and seeking attention from the internet

i didn't ask for opinions while you clean my floor mate

can you shut the fuck up thanks god bless

>having floors

This can't be real.
Last time I checked Anita was just some retarded sjw memewhore, how did the end up having giggles with famous people

Kevin Smith 2.0. In five years he will be lucky to escape irrelevance and reduced to directing for the CW.

desu, the guys in real life who are as close to james bond as possible (super sekret CIA special ops) are usually in their mid 30s early 40s

thats like a 2 or 3 year old picture


Did anyone ask him to direct an iconic British series.

unlike kevin smith, whedon actually made money from capeshit. he has a comfy 300m cushion to not give a fuck about irrelevance

All they have left are africans and muslims to cast

>where the house and the floor are both made of dirt

>Joss Whedon Isn’t Interested in Directing ‘Doctor Who’
Good, the show needs good directors not mongs like him.

If anyone knows irrelevance, it is a fan of comics.

>>Joss Whedon Isn’t Interested in Directing ‘Doctor Who’
Good, that means we don't have to worry about him making another sexist shitty movie like Avengers: Age of Ultron again.

I read this name and get "come on Eileen" stuck in my head
>tura, lura, lura

>Joss Whedon Isn’t Interested in Directing ‘Doctor Who’ Until The Doctor Is a Woman or Idris Elba

So he's a sexist and a racist then?

Frankly the show wouldn't get any worse if he directed it.

Elba is a great actor but it's a shame they are over using him.

It must be exhausting having to virtue signal all the time for work.

He is the next Denzel then

why does rock bottom mexican trash think they are in a position to give anyone else grief about anything?

You are mexican!

You are hardly above niggers for fuck sake and you want to run your shit mouth about inbred?


mexico bringing the bantz

If Wesley's current writing is anything like Ashes of Valkanna I want him nowhere near that shit.

He is a faggot

Then again idris elba does makes anything better and i dont really care about dr who all i know is that it is some sort of neverending show for manchild brits revolving around phonebooths, dumpsters and a faggot with a screwdriver

Are you actually trying to suggest anything about James Bond is realistic? Anything actually Bond like is handed off to the SAS to carry out.

They should remake The Sandbaggers, that fits well between the fantasy of Bond and the reality of Le Carre

Nice senpai

So what's the big deal? We all have our own personal standards. For instance, I'm not willing to direct Doctor Who either until an american gets cast as The Doctor. I mean come on it's 2016!

Speaking of who'll play classic roles I accidentally clicked on a clickbait suggesting Chris Pratt is going to be Indie Jones, when it was just campaigning for him being Indiana Jones. But damn I really did like that idea considering he's got the look, the physique, the charm and it don't hurt he's based IRL.

And I'd rather not have Idris' gravitas and swagger be wasted on something so effete, limp-wrist and professorial as the doctor.

Must be the American in me that can't take some time-traveling ninny like the doctor seriously prancing around with some macguffin magical pen and a fucking phone booth physics-defying supermachine vessel.

no silly, he just doesn't want a caucasian man, if you will, a FUCKING WHITE MALE, to play a character that traditionally possesses both of those attributes.

to think i used to like this man


>American banter

why cant we have a muslim doctor who?

>And I'd rather not have Idris' gravitas and swagger be wasted on something so effete, limp-wrist and professorial as the doctor.
You're right. The idiots never seem to think this through, but if they did cast the Doctor as a woman or nigger, and didn't entirely rewrite the character, they'd moan that they're making them seem silly or some shit. Blacks and women just can't really pull off the eccentricity.

So, we'd end up with either a super-cool black Doctor, or a badass woman Doctor - in both cases it'd ruin the series and its style.

Mind you, diversity types never seem to think about the consequences of their actions.

The guys IRL also don't stand out in a crowd due to crippling handsomeness

all (((capeshit))) is equally bad

God fucking damn it.
Is it just me or did the quality of Doctor Who fucking plummet ever since they started pandering to LOL SO NERDY I LUV BRITISH ACCENTS

Thanks for the flag

other than the shitty product placement, Man of steel was pure capekino. Better than Marvels diversity crew of quipping sassy faggots

Batman v Superman, capeshit as it may be, is shot well, scored well, and handles it's themes more maturely then the annual schlock of Marlel

Yep. On the plus side, they're avoiding that too much with Sherlock. Moffat and Gatiss said in an interview that Sherlock and Watson are not lovers and will not end up as a couple.

The weird fuckers on Tumblr were outraged by this, as they were convinced it would happen and have basically been on suicide watch since the interview. It's pretty funny to see how upset they are. And see them accuse Gatiss - a gay man - of homophobia.

But yeah, once any show starts paying attention to those fuckers, it dies. We're lucky Hannibal was cancelled when it was as it was heading in that direction.



>ghost busters it the biggest net loss of a film ever

>let's do it again!

everything but the parts that focus on batman are unwatchable

everything with gal gadot warranted walking out of the theater

I wonder how he feels about it. He certainly understands that they are using him to further their political causes. Is he ok with it? He seems to me to be a decent fellow, he should go open and say that he doesn't want to be given roles solely on the basis of his race.

rekt tbnesto


Especially as all of this actually happened.

>Thinking I'm not referring to the Ultimate Edition
Silly Pablo.

can someone explain this to me?

I don't revolve my life around this superficial politically correct eggshell dance.

47 ronin was a bust? damn, i liked it

That's pretty rare mane.

Whedon was a super SJW and the SJWs treated him as a hero, until Age of Ultron because they felt Black Widow wasn't portrayed as enough of a hero and had to be rescued by men. So they turned on him massively.

>be a decent actor
>people keep pigeonholing you in roles you wouldn't touch with a bargepole because you are black
>stuck being in marvel and sci-fi movies

"Respectable Black Man" is the sort of hilariously racist concept peddled to people in the 70s and 80s, yet now it's back and apparently attributed to a single man because there is nobody else available.

Lefties have no self awareness.

Kek, its funny because its true. Also, I thought after the Avengers drama he said he was done directing movies?

I was trying to think why the hell sjws wouldn't like him and THAT'S why? I guess he learned the hard way there's absolutely nothing you can do to please SJWs unless you make every nig fuck a white woman after she rescues men because they are all baffoons.

There's also a scene where Widow says she's a monster for being sterile, so they got up in arms about that.

>I wonder how he feels about it

He's full dindu, although he might just be playing the part so he can get more roles. He's basically the evil version of Morgan Freeman.

Well for the Bond thing he said that he doesn't think he is the right fit to play Bond.

>buying into the movie DLC thing


So in other words the actual quote makes it clear that the guy who freaked out over a Wonder Woman script does not want to do this at all, not that he wants to see a black or female Doctor Who.
Bonus trolling: the best doctor was the moff!


>Thinking one scene kills a movie

no senor

I think this is just a clever way of saying no

Or saying, unless you give me complete creative authority, I'm not directing this film for you

You're all reading too much into this

Based taco bowl

This. It is a perfect summary.

>joss wheadon dont want to direct doctor who unless he can transform it into buffy the multdimensional vampire hunter

Last time I checked, Anita was a scam artist.

And they are reusing side is Elba over and over again. He's Heimdall, he was in the new Star Trek movie, he was in Prometheus.

Joss Whedon is a "feminist" because his father was an alcoholic abusive dick. He grew up seeing his father figure act like a huge fucking asshole and because of that thinks that men are monsters. He is insecure in his masculinity because he thinks masculinity means that men drink and beat their wives. He is a broken man with shit role models and it reverberates through all of his work and I don't know why anybody takes him seriously.

>tfw when they want Doctor Who AND James Bond to be non-white

What is it with people thinking Idris Elba is the only black actor on the planet? The guy's talented, for sure, but holy shit people pretend like Elba and that other Elifiotjodor or however you spell his impossible name guy are the only black actors worth mentioning. It's fucking insulting, really.

I cant name another one desu

I'm not a nigger hater. I think it bothers me how they use black talent in Hollywood. If they toss in a black, it's an afterthought usually. And then, other than comedy, where are the home run actors others than Denzel, will Smith, cheedle, idris, these guys can bring the heat for on-screen presence. Will Smith being the very best. But we got tired of him being in everything.

Point is, these black dudes they're bringing in are boring as fuck. Completely lackluster versions of themselves.

Morgan Freeman? Will Smith? Denzel Washington? That big guy that does Mufasa and Darth Vader?

All great actors, all are always typecast so nobody takes them seriously. Freeman and Mufasa get away with it because people love their voices, but other than that nobody takes black actors seriously.

I realize I'm preaching to the choir here, but if SJWs are so creative, why do they only think of making existing shows/movies/comics/games/etc. have diversity quotas and not just create new things? It's just so trite.

Kevin Smiths biggest problem was bullshit like redstate.

Dogma was great

I've never wanted to punch a woman in my entire life. But the first video of Anita that I've seen really fucking riled me up. Her illogical behavior blows my mind.

How have none of you cucks slapped a bitch?

>Man of steel was pure capekino
Jesus Christ capefags are unadulterated cancer.

Because it's not about creativity, it's about money. Making money with new shit is hard, making money with existing fanbases is easy.

They still don't understand that in order to make money with a fanbase that you have to KEEP the fanbase and not insult it, though, because they're fucking retarded.

Disney expanded the Star Wars fanbase because they're not stupid. Marvel's female, SJW-pandering comics failed hard, even with all the stupid Tumblr viralling. Pic fucking related.

What's wrong with that? Why do they need to be white? Why is your masculinity defined by whether or not fictional characters are the same skin color as you?

I think all races deserve role models.


>time lord
>a nigger

we wuz teim lurdz n shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Doctor who was shit the moment matt smith came on

>Then again idris elba does makes anything better
What has he made better solely because of his presence?

Create your own. Making ironman black gives the new iron man all the credibility that came with tony stark without having to earn any of it.

He was definitely the worst but I thought it went to shit about halfway through David Tennent's run, maybe before.

>all this Idris hate

Damn, I really like the guy.

Truth right here.

They're all old

None of the diversity cucks want to admit that there are no other 40 or younger black actors, but they will demand somebody else find them for them.

Whedon will continue to care about multiculturalism whilst directing mainstream schlock that is actively hampering any chance of promoting the chances of minority actors or women that aren't supermodels.

No-one's hating on Elba, we're hating on SJWs trying to force him into every role imaginable because he's the only great black British actor they can think of