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Barron confirmed Elite Hacker by Trump.
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Barron confirmed Elite Hacker by Trump.
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>He can crack any computer code
What did he mean by this?
Inb4 Politifact rate pants on fire
I think the little kid is autistic, tb h.
He has all the tell-tale signs.
Sad, tb h.
Anyone have the clapping gif?
That would explain Trump's anger toward vaccines.
No, it's a feigned anger. It's just for votes.
One of the biggest things linked to autism is old parents.
who names their kid Barron?
His hands are pretty large..
An old fashioned guy.
Someone please post smug wojack.
Oh, nevermind.
>In March 2006, she gave birth to their son whom they named Barron William Trump.[412][413] (Trump had previously used the pseudonym "John Baron" or "Barron" in some business deals and for other purposes.
Probably after Barron Hilton, pretty good businessman. They know each other.
You have no understanding of autism apparently.
Not surprised because that word is thrown around just like faggot here. It's completely cliche at this point.
isn't that like naming your kid king or prince or count?
>You have no understanding of autism apparently.
Uh, I actually do. Have an autistic cousin. We're together often.
Trump would sell you the Brooklyn Bridge for cheat too.
Barron is the Russian we've been looking for.
This, know a boy around Barron's age with autism. Barron clearly doesn't have it.
The Rothschild's give names like baron etc.
Its a title not a name for them you dumb shit Mohammed
Handsome Son of a billionaire father running for president and you call him sad. Stop projecting.
>you call him sad.
No, what I said was if he's autistic it's sad.
Parents with autistic children, no matter how wealthy, always have this flair towards their kids.
Don't think you're qualified to judge just because you know an autist. One autism is not equal to another.
Its not a name it's a title.
tell that to the young couple who had a kid that was always outside and talking, gets a shit load of injections and now barely does any of that.
Vaccines don't cause autism for most but they do for some and even the CDC admits that. Their logic is that if 1 in 100,000 get it (in reality it's more like 1 in 1,000-2,000), it's for the greater good because it defends against widespread disease.
Funny enough most of the measles and other shit Central Americans and Mexicans are bringing to SoCal are infecting kids who were... vaccinated. So there's no point at this point.
>Vaccines don't cause autism for most but they do for some and even the CDC admits that
>yfw Barron hacked the DNC and sold it to wikileaks
It's literally listed on their website as a side effect for most of them, faggot.