*sips spiced mango iced tea*
Entertain me, /pol.
*sips spiced mango iced tea*
Entertain me, /pol.
Other urls found in this thread:
>KKK didnt do anything in the name of Christianity
>No one claims that WBC aren't Christian
isis are good goys
they do what they are told
KKK idealogy had nothing to do with christanity and westboro baptist chruch is obviously christian and follows it better than most people
>they are christian sure.
your move cuckmaster
>if you can separate a group that hasn't existed in a centralized mainstream form since the 1920s and a family of lawyers that consists of less than 20 people from Christianity, you should be able to separate demagogues advocating a global caliphate from Islam.
>spiced mango iced tea
Is that a thing?
The only thing the kkk does that is connected to Christianity is burn a fucking cross.
Thats literally it dumbass.
It'll be comparable when people start funding and arming them
KKK and WBC are basically clowns going around and offending people but haven't actually brought any direct harm to anybody in the last 60+ years.
ISIS is an actual paramilitary group or whatever.
The real question should be, "why don't we treat Muslims who support Sharia law etc. like we do klan members?"
WBC has not killed anyone en masse or made its own nation sitting near the regions holy center openly launching attacks across the world. Yeah WBC is the Christian equivalent of ISIS
>like we do klan members
like what, let them parade the streets?
Buttblasted instead of assblasted, single post, that image assuming some nobody that likes to take it up the ass somehow is some sort of great messiah of truth.
You have to go back.
>who are following Islam as Muhammad preached it
But those people are not separate from Christianity, though. Literally who is legitimately arguing that the KKK and Westboro are not Christian?
50% of Christians don't vocally support the KKK or the WBC
When was the last time the KKK lynched anyone? When was the last time WBC blew up an orphanage?
Now, when was the last attack in the name if ISIS? What's that? Earlier this month? Oh right okay.
when is the last time the WBC shot up a faggot club?
out of the 200M+ white people in the US, there are maybe like a few thousand KKK members at the absolute most, and about half of them are widely believed to be informants and moles anyway.
Outside of maybe the poorest and whitest parts of the country, they are held in utter public contempt.
I'm just saying we should starting treating anybody with even vague levels of tolerance for fundamental Islam like klan members: public scorn, chastisement by the media and public figures, etc.
If you can separate a head from a body then you can be Muslim.
>last attack in the name if ISIS? What's that? Earlier this month?
I think your wristwatch is broken, bongfriend.
Isn't WBC routinely used to slander christians?
Even with heavy police presence the Klan is beaten and assaulted at every march. This isn't the 60s anymore, I would not assume France is still a Christian or nazi occupied nation simply because it was in the past.
But the main difference is that all "Terrorism" in Christianity came from the KKK and the Westboro Baptist Church and that apply only for America, no the rest of the world.
Muslims without a relationship with ISIS still create terrorist attack, so is not about ISIS even, is about all the other Muslims that are also terrorist.
WBC are literally a group of Democrat lawyers. They aren't an actual church, just trolls using legal and tax protections for churches for financial gain.
>Westboro Babtist Church
Hold up evil signs that say 'God hates fags'
>"""Moderate Mudslimes"""
Throw people from a roof, support whipping people as a punishment and support death penalty for leaving Islam
>what is a false equivalency
virtually irrelevant in the current year
Literally less than 500 people and never killed anyone
fpbp per usual
Liberals hate the WBC because it is sexist and lgbtphobic.
Liberals booed at the DNC when a speaker said we needed to stop Isis, which kills gays and women daily.
Christians political leaders will say "pray the gay away" at the most.
Muslim political leaders just chuck gays off buildings.
How many times is this faggot going to make this same thread with the same autistic *Drink some shit* cringe?
>WBC uses their right to freedom of speech even if it offends everyone
>ISIS murders people, rapes women and children, etc
Wow, it's like looking into a mirror
They reject the Pope's authority and thus they are apostates/schismatics, not true christians
>Only thoses who follow the Pope are Christians
KYS Catholicuck and go pray for your kirchnerist Pope
This man speaks truth... That's why they're always trying to bait people into physical attacks
Kek. That doesn't happen
When was the last time westboro went on a bombing spree? When did the klan shoot 50 in a nightclub? They did give hillary $20000 for her campaign according to a fucking grand wizard
>wbc just protests very trolllike
>ISIS dips people in acid
Liberals are mentally ill.
>1 post by this id
WBC isn't Christian, they are scam artists who make a loving through law suits.
>islamist extremists are salafists
>salafists are islamists who want to bring back Islam to what it was originally
>everyone says they're not Islam
>literally like saying the Catholic Church isn't the truest form of Christianity
People can be pretty ignorant sometimes.
muhammad was a rapist and murderer himself
jesus was not
Is that significantly different to many other churches in US?
source on them being democrats?
in your country they might do a little more than parading in the streets, jacques
look up fred phelps, he ran five times in primaries for the democrats
Never heard this before. Source?
huh. apparently there might be something to this.
Sells then into slavery too.