Lay tecks edition
First for Wacky Bruce.
having a go
a little snack maybe?
Dont call me camel jockey mate, I'll knock yer fucking teeth in I will
forty posts early you fucking shitcunt
i hope your family gets beheaded by isis
>National Socialist Germany
Gets piled upon by three superpowers and bombed into oblivion, still holds out for years and inflicts more casualties than it takes right until the end
>Soviet Jewnion
Collapses under its own weight and goes down without firing a shot
>vomit on toast
You're missing something there, lad.
We defeated those cunts didn't we cunt? Yeah wwe killed them while you were playing call of duty and jacking of f to anime useless cunt
(PSA I a m not angry at you atll i need something to keep me busy while coffee machine is ready)
i suppose I'm old fashioned
>Pacman vomiting on vomit on toast
if it helps i actually felt a bit bad about that post
not too bad though, so don't get the wrong impression, i still hate you
Oh poppycock!
You guys are getting creative down there
Are you a middle class arab? How much social mobility is there in Jordan?
Jordan? more like Poordan
will not be convinced that british people actually consume this """"food""""
what did you do to defeat them
Ah yes, a fries sandwich.
Yeah but why yu cunt? I met a tons of Aussies abroad, you're always a bunch of cool lads, good for a pint eh?
(even tho one of you niggers did steal my first gf so i will never forgive you for that so)
One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster
The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free
You'll find a god in every golden cloister
A little flesh, a little history
I can feel an angel sliding up to me
One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
Not much between despair and ecstasy
One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel the devil walking next to me
I fucked your sheila so hard she got seeded with an entire army of caramel warriors lad. Ergo, I defeated ISIS so fuck right off
(PSA I dont know what ergo means..)
wish this tedious ukie would fuck off
Reminded me of pic related except thats in between slices of bread
Ergo is Latin for "therefore".
therefore. cogito ergo sum - i think, therefore I am (exist), is what most know it from.
you'll get better at it
Bitcoin back at 15.5K lads
Literally me except for nintendo, fuck nintendo, sony masterrace.
>unkept body hair
lol so trimming like a poof is manly now
nothing personal, just don't like people with more melanin in their skin than me is all
wish i could find this shitskin posting under the french flag and kick him out of france lads
I thought Russians were just PC lads?
I fucking despise women. Especially Jewish women.
>1000 year Reich
>Lasts 12 (twelve) years
wish i could play chess
used to be good
Let’s see who failed the genetic lottery
>t. manlet
how are we defining morning erections?
waking up erect, or getting erect quickly after consciousness?
i hope it lasts more than 12 years next time
>body fat over 20%
>result of genetics
Utter retard
Nice comeback you dense shite, is that what you're gonna tell your children when they ask "daddy why didn't you invest in bitcoin all those years ago?" "you'll get better at it"
christ the level of aussies these days is just shameful. You used to rule this board. Now you're a bunch of downers doing benzos with /brit/
pic rel is mty first ever interaction with an aussie.. will thats a lie, i did fuck a mean aussie girl in istanbul before that but you gt the point
>next time
king of the manlets made this
British food is disgusting he said while chewing on a snail he found in his garden
Never really felt bad about being 5'9 til I was on the Internet
jew zealand
Short guys can still rape and then strangle them to death though.
explain the math one
I want Emma Watson to press her bare buttocks in my face and then let loose a fart.
allah akbar
anyone here got a vr is it any good
/cum/ tier post, to be quite honest with you.
Would eat
mentally deranged poster
also, here's mine
hes right
Watching this
I thought she went to America for the documentary but no Aussies have just started speaking with American accents, so progressive.
All yanks belong in /cum/
All yanks came in your mom.
Hahaha what do I win?
>being a mudslime
get fucked mate. You knwo I thought we really could be friend
>be asian
>move to the country that is at war with you
i will NEVER understand this
please tell me this is the opening scene of a porn
Asians are a race of people who build communal societies and have no individualism.
Whites build functioning, clean, usually spaced out societies where people are generally free to go about their business. Sometimes they deviate from these things, but whites have created and thrive in suburbias and small towns wherever they live. It is safe to say this is biological behavior since culture is downstream from biology.
Asians are bug people without any sense of individualism on their cultures. They have a deep drive for a master or teacher or wise elder or some Shit who tells them what to do all the time. They can't stand freedom and need to be given strict boundaries in a communal society. You can see this easily in their parenting, their communist governments, their megadense cities, and their leftism. They share these precise traits with American leftists and communists as well.
They biologically organize in overbearing states that crush their rights and liberty because it's what they want. Just like American leftists
how the fuck does a sandnigger have poor beard growth?
t. nobeard
>their communist governments
there are more capitalist asian countries than communist ones
slavs are the most communist
How old are you, lad? Smoking shouldn't affect your erections at this age.
My bread literally looks like what I imagine to be Madonna's pubic nether region hair. absolutely shamefurr
you misspelled jews
*to the tune of i love rock and roll*
I love black cock
I love it a lot
Put a cock in bumhole fuckme!
Fuck yellowfever having faggots
>can't grow a beard
I use the smoking as an excuse lad. Truth is I masturbate daily so I dont expect my dick to exactly rise and shine all happy and giddy in the morning ya know?
How The Drumpf Stole Christmas
Is it true British men like getting pegged?
Why do Asians not speak in Australian accents? At 23 minutes it an Indonesian woman moved to Australia for Uni and stayed and she has a American accent.
shit meme, Jews are highly competitive and value individual achievement
god just fucking nuke america please
any vicki fox man in?
>there are more capitalist asian countries than communist ones
Yiff in hell faggot.
The trip of truth
any DOOM man in?
Yeah was a good film
reading a dissertation from Stanford university and it is very interesting...
>shit meme, Jews are highly competitive and value individual achievement
:3 you KNOW you'd bang Zephy