Today I'll be hosting a risk thread. Please have in mind the (((Mods))) may delete the thread, and if they do so, I will create a new one as soon as possible. Unless they ban me.

To make things quicker I will not play, I will just do the updates.

Let's start.

don't die on me

Gimme Croatia
So I can call myself Crotch

Maiwand Empire

As always.

This is going too slow for a saturday

I am getting addicted to this shit. Been lurking Sup Forums for hours now. Waiting for someone to make a RISK thread. Hope people will come in so we can get a nice thread going.

>Trump Nation

Choose a city Trumptard.

Portugal is a city stupid. It's in Spainland

shit map with too many rules

Get a color, add a name and a tripcode

Babyshit green

>Portugal is a city stupid. It's in Spainland
This better be a bait.

Are you trying to say a whole fucking city doesn't exist?

Great Catholic Poland

Alright. Shut up.

Time to start this shit OP.


No you faget.

I'm declaring war on Iraq


Let's wait for one more then I start

I like your choice of map OP
Blue red or green
Moldovan Empire

IDs are here for a reason but whatever

I don't know if mods will delete the thread or not, so I need the tripcode to confirm it's you in case I need to create a new one.

It's in case someone has to change IP's( go to work, leave the house , etc)

Starting now. Read the rules if you haven't.
People can still join after this post.

fill in greece and athens

Roll for Kraków and Wrocław, Spill for Lviv

Move towards Haifa.

forgot bonus

and Beirut.

Annex in this order:
Spills fill the UK
Bonus +3


>no fun allowed on MY autistic hitler worship board >:(((((((((((

If you hate risk threads they win

>leaf on the flag
Ewww, opinion instantly discarded, go hang yourself from a maple tree you faggot

I always chuckel at this joke

Rhineland, eastern germany, fill germany and spill belgium netherlands


Sorry for being late


You can't roll on the turn you join.

UPDATE (2nd attempt)

Lucky bastard, I forgot to add the image.

Fill western Poland but don't attack Germany, spill goes for Kaliningrad

Why oh almighty Kek? Why you didn't bless me with satanic trips? WHY?!?!?!

get crete and fill greece

Roll germany fill

I appreciate that.

Expand all directions.

Now that's unlucky.

1.take Amsterdam by sea
2.take Brussels expanding from Calais
Spills fill the UK towards Leeds
Bonus +8

I want Bosnia..


I think you forgot my bonus there OP. I should have gotten 16 Ts instead of 12.
Anyway take Beirut and move towards Tel Aviv.

Oops Bonus. +5

Poland has no interest in German lands, I offer you a NAP


Taking a city is the bonus of the city x 2. So you had to use 4 Ts to take over it

But the city was unoccupied. I didn't take it from anybody.

Read rules m8, cost of annexing city is its bonus x2


That rule is valid at all times, even if the city is neutral

bleh. Alright alright.

Spill into germany, take cities.

Fill Poland spill goes for Kaliningrad and Lviv

Towards Jerusalem. If Beirut and Tel Aviv aren't occupied yet, occupy them first.

Continue expanding

get cities in turkey

Moar Bosnia


Spill of 55

Is there someone i can take over?
If not
>Northeastern Russia
>Ice Walkers
>Light Blue

Spills towards Aleppo.

Republic of anime

Take vrussels and expand north into tge UK


Fix your bonuses

Really want to play, but i am tired of getting banned, so i am setting up shop on /tg/. maybe they won't hate us...

are we the Jews of Sup Forums, rickclan???

either way, come play if you want...

fill germany

Take the Lumber,the Oil,and the Land Bonus

Take that Fish in the sea and Antioch. Spills towards Kuzey Kibriv Island.

Capture Kaliningrad and Lvov, spill for Belarus

Spills to Samara

Start in city in the far east

Empire of Sweden

Any color

Expand in Sweden

Expand to cairo use spills to expand to malta

fill in southern balkans

Fixed nap

Forgot bonus


pls count, but i understand if not

Take that city and expand

Give me the fish and northern Italy

I'm also renaming the country to BosCrotch

1.reinforce Amsterdam and Brussels
2.expand south and take Paris
Spills expand north into the UK
Bonus 14


of course my greatest ally :^^


Any colour

Any color


Lots of gets in this round
The way the bonus from d0bs/tr1ps/qu4ds works is your number of territories + bonus times the integer (if d0bs 2, if tr1ps 3, if qu4ds 4).

It would be unfair with the other ones that joined if I were to let you do it

If there are any other NAPs and alliances please tell me so I can add them to the map

That's not Italy. Italy is West. Take me to Switzerland OP

Expand to malta

Expand to Kazan and Samara

Fill inbetween city territories and fill the rest of germany.

Spill tripol then spill italy

Expand in Sweden


Take Malatya and spills towards abu kamal.

Take sourthern city in whatever small country that is and fill
