I am well connected to the Belgian gov. AMA

Go ahead. What do you want to know?

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Can you fuck off?

whats your minister of health doin later tonight?

Why do you let sandniggers like Abdeslam and friends run around willy-nilly?

The fatty is on a holiday. She likes going to Spain or Italy.

Do you know anybody well connected to the government of a real country?

Because our system is one big shithole. For example: if a toxic fire breaks out in a port (any port of Belgium), they need to send a fax (and get a response) before they can sound the alarm to alert the neighborhood.

Why haven't you killed Dutroux yet?
Or does he has evidence that the king and much of your gubermint are also a pedos?

Does the government actually have a plan how to handle the mass islamic migration?

Did they expect it to go differently?

Groot-Nederland when?

prove it

the fantastical fax device that travels faster than light

>Belgian gov
subtle troll

So when are you guys finally giving up trying to be your own country and joined based Netherlands?

no such thing

when will you finally declare Islam as the rightful rulers of Belgium?

When will you unveil that secretly you run the EU and are an imaginary country of lizard people about to take over the world, with the kikes being your prime servants?

When will Donald hand over his delegates?

Logic would be that the parents would have already killed him (at least, that is what any sane person would do).

Google Pink Ballets Belgium if you want the full story. Yes, they were real. You do the rest of the math.

will there be an attack in the netherlands and luxembourg?

How does it feel to be a non-country?

>mfw my little state of Massachusetts makes more dough than your entire country

Why didn't Belgium have a government for two years?

Yes. The current secretary of migration has already hunted lawyers who are supporting refugees (they want refugees to sue the gov for failing to provide shelter, etc).

Nobody of the gov likes Merkel because she keeps pushing the agenda. Also the french interior secretary is a big faggot for hating some security measures that the gov took against refugees. (Borderpatrol so they stay in France)

That's not hard we all are well connected to our government. We have so many it's hard not to be.

Differences between Germanic (Flemish, superior) and Romanic (Walloon) side.

First result

It was Christianity that brought a fundamentally different view of humanity.
A human being no longer belonged to his master but to God.
Our society is gradually becoming a post-Christian society in which there is a return to the pre-Christian vision of man.
The process is underway but has not yet fully completed itself.
Hence, we object not only to the murder of Julie, Melissa, An, Eefje and Loubna,
but also to the way in which they were raped and abused as objects of for the satisfaction of sexual lust.
But we do not object to using people as objects when they consent to it.
And we do not object to aborting unborn human beings.

If this process continues, the day may well come
when we consider the crimes committed on the Belgian children as only
infringements of their parents’ property rights!

Some Post-Christian Realities

>By Alexandra (((Cohen)))
Alexandra (((Cohen))), a member of the Belgian Parliament, is the mother of five young children and a former lecturer (in Linguistics) at the universities of Ghent and Antwerp.

Post state secrets

Post spanish secrets

Post happenings and secret happenings

care to eloborate on accusations made by witnesses in the Dutroux case that the royals where involved.

and how many of choosen officials still partake in this?

>infringements of their parents’ property rights!
The husband of Cohen was working for Geert Wilders but got kicked out for being a faggot. So don't listen to that girl, she is too retarded.

If you want me to write the entire Pink Ballets story, just ask me.

Why are you so bald and toad-looking, Junker.

OP what is happening with the seperatist movement in Belgium?

Also, what does Belgium think of Farage? KEK.

So why don't your people put down the chocolate boxes and make it better?

Was getting your people killed part of the plan?


Separatist movement in Belgium is pure shit. They argue every day on which "lion" (Flemish lion, etc) is the real lion. They always talk big but are retarded. They wil eventually die because of passive disagreements.

>If you want me to write the entire Pink Ballets story, just ask me.
Yes pls

Spill the beans, user.

Do it.

Thanks for the reply.

What do you think about the EU? Anti- EU sentiment big in Belgium?

Flemish anschlüss when?

Is Wilders popular among the Flemish?

Pink Ballets was the counterpart (somewhat) of the Bohemian grove. A lot of weird sex parties happend with minors which included secretaries of state, people from justice departement, police, etc. Also some Saudis, etc. It was not uncommon that some kid's leg would get cut off and then raped until he or she died.

They took pics/vids and used it later on as leverage or blackmailing against people who attended parties.

The king might have been involved. But logic: these "high society" parties always leak in inner circles. Of course the king knew they happened...ain't no denying that. Did he attend?..;-)

how accurate is this picture?

Is there any hope of the monarchy being restored, a Christian revival, fags being gassed, and just overall your nation as a whole being saved from leftist ideology? Also, what is your country's opinion on President Bashar al-Assad?

>jesse klaver verdwenen

If only

Don't forget we got Verhofstadt and Van Rompuy being big EU-fans.

Most old people are for the EU (because of WW2, etc), most young people are against it. You always have cucks of course.

Could a Bexit happen in current circumstances? No.

Why the fuck does anyone want a monarchy? All they do is live off tax payers.

Fuck the monarchy.

Last year law student here. I'd like to see him trying.

See who trying? The secretary has already hunted lawyers.

Also, what city are you studying?

>In November, shortly after the White March, it was revealed that the second-highest politician in the country, Vice Premier Elio Di Rupo, is a promiscuous homosexual with a preference for adolescent boys. Di Rupo, a prominent leader of the Belgian Socialist Party, did not deny that his sex life consists of a series of one-night stands with young men, often prostitutes that he or his chauffeur pick up from the streets. But he was able to shift the debate to the question of whether he had had sex with boys of under or over sixteen years (the former being illegal and the latter legal under Belgian law). No one could prove the former and the (aptly titled?) Vice Premier got away with it when his Socialist Party threatened to bring down the government if Di Rupo were forced to resign-the Christian Democrats of Premier Jean-Luc Dehaene gave in. More, a few weeks later the government declared its intention to lower the age of sexual consent from 16 to 14.

What the fuck.

When will the widespread gassing of Muslims occur?

True. You have some big cucks in Belgium. It's funny how in Europe, the younger voters are anti-eu and the older voters are pro eu. Exactly the opposite here in the UK.

I imagine Farage is hated in Belgium? Also, what is the deepest secret you know about Belgium (politics or anything).

An actual monarchy wherein the the king actually does lead the nation, not the pseudo monarchy you have with a bunch of useless has-beens that are there for ceremonial purposes.

Aren't you afraid of losing your janitor position after disclosing valuable state secrets here?

Turkbro, I want to KIK with you. I'll spill some more beans. What is your username?

Know any foreign pedos? Name some names wafflenigger.

I don't use kik but I'd appreciate if you can email to [email protected]

I know who is fucking who in the gov, and I have chatlogs of it. I can at least ruin 3 or 4 secretaries their lives and let them resign.

I also know what foreign secret service has installed "good and useful software" at our secret service. Etc..

prove it

Dump it faggot

>Also the french interior secretary is a big faggot

I can't let you say that!
The whole government is a big pile of shit, not only this minister.

Release 1 and blur the names out OP pls

I think you're full of shit, but if true, wikileaks desu.

I wonder, how much of a joke is our """secret""" service?


Do you recognize her? :-)

>most young people are against it
Seriously nigger?

Check my screenshot, faggot. Mister "you are full of shit".

Elaborate on what "Good and useful software" is.

Remove Croissant when?

And when will Belgium finally reclame Rijsel?

Check your mail, I've sent one with subject "test".

When will you stop playing as seperatists and return to the empire?

I don't know, you could have added her using this information


And do you leverage that info on them to blackmail them into favors?

have you had many encounters with state actors or is your knowledge more which politicians spend every Thursday night with Crack whores etc.

either way I'd like to know more...and wtf are these pink ballet parties

It is the most retarded you can think of. After the attacks in Paris (last year) they made up a new terror-level, that wasn't even legal.

When, nothern french (but who still refuses to let him be anschlussed) bro'?

I don't want to die yet ;-)


>It's funny how in Europe, the younger voters are anti-eu and the older voters are pro eu

They aren't most anti EU are 40+

The biggest EU yes men are students and sub 30s.

Fuck off Frenchcucks, Southern Netherlands is DUTCH.

Let's make a deal. You can have the Walloons. Perhaps even the Bruxellois, because I'm not sure there's anything left of value there.

Nee, je spreekt met Bilal man

let them have fucking brussel, i dont need that Paris Ghetto 2.0

wassup steven!!?

She lets her info like that in the open? Retarded.

They're usually turks

Not OP, but I confirm. In my class, more than 80% is against the European Union.

ya-t-il une chance que Le Pen sera la prochaine presidente et clean house?


What city are you from?

you tease.

how'd you come by the chat logs? just retarded monkeys not knowing how to use the delete button?

No, no deal, the wallons are bluepilled as fuck, if we accept this we will be fucked.

I love this 'roleplaying' shit but I really need something more impressive in order to believe this all

I study in Leuven and live in Roeselare

Insufferable cunt.

What class and on what basis? I don't believe for a second most young people in Belgium or even Flanders are against the EU.

Using cloud based chat services (such as messenger) that are linked to multiple devices. Do I have devices that are also linked to their accounts or am I just being smart? hmmmm

I can't access that account because it doesn't recognize my password, can you send a test to [email protected]


use this to spill some beans

>[email protected]
Done. It is send from Swiss-based mail :-)
