So pol, what do you honestly think the debates will be like?
So pol, what do you honestly think the debates will be like?
Hillary getting rekt by bantz, and playing the woman card constantly.
Pretty awesome since they both are agressive as fuck.
People (that is, normies) who watch will think Hill won because the crowd and commentary will be full of shills
People (normies again) who just read the points afterward will think Trump won because they won't be swayed by the paid cheers and such
He looks constipated.
Trump will rape Killary so hard people will wonder why they're showing geriatric snuff porn.
Alpha male vs Alpha female (Yes I consider Hillary an Alpha female) still don't like her. Trump is levels above still
[Donald Trump uses Leer]
I get the feeling there won't be debates
I don't think she will debate. She won't even do a press conference for the better part of a year. She totally falls apart anytime she has to deal with an unscripted situation.
like a rekt thread
Yea, the rare times she cant get out of debating.
Probably wont be any debates desu
She will get replaced in the DNC bid in a month following wikileaks smoking gun
Trump making shit up, flailing and whining like a 5 year old while Clinton tries not to be too annoyed by his shit.
>she won't debate meme
This isn't the primaries. You can't escape from these.
The closest a debate can get to Great Britain's constant success in wars.
Considering Trump made about 50 excuses of why he backed out of the debate with Bernie, I'm guessing he'll find a way to get out of debating with Hillary
If Hillary is wise, she wouldn't participate in any debates with Trump.
Mean Gene I'm predicting a blood bath of biblical proportions one that will go down in the history books, Trump will be throwing Hillary to the floor and just when you think she's down in out she's going to come back and put a wound into Trumps side you won't see coming!
Jesse, that's very bold. We both know that Trump and Hillary are equal in age, but come from two different standings in life. Hillary has more political background but Trump is a man of the people.
Mean Gene you just read my mind.
>NATION OUTRAGED AS TRUMPS SPEAKS HARSHLY TO A VAGINA-AMERICAN! Disciplinary castrations will be performed next month.
Trump will be all emotion and bluster, but very little depth to his comments.
Hillary will be calm and have a lot of factual information, but will be less emotional and less angry.
Trump is bad at debates. He gets in jokes and attacks, but when it comes to being presidential he always falls flat. The only way he comes close is reading from a prompter, and then he sounds like a robot.
Hillary will basically trounce him at every debate. Her poll numbers will continue to climb. Trump will keep doing headline grabs and the GOP/Fox will keep emails in the headlines until November. But it won't be enough.
It's really sad that despite having an email scandal to really fuck up her reputation that the GOP's candidate is still so bad that he can't keep up.
There are good reasons to not debate Bernie. Mostly the fact that he's a loser and there's no point wasting time with him.
>adjust your tone donald, I won't let your hateful speech be spread anymore
Short of killing Bill to make debates seem in poor taste this is the only option for her campaign to not be completely destroyed overnight. It'll be worse than the Nixon/Kennedy debate
Why would the GOP nominee debate some random wannabe president for no reason? Kekek
Its funny how Trumpfags claim Hilliary won't debate Donald.
Wasn't it Trump who backed out of a debate and did some shitty charity and didn't even help the vets?
Will she have a seizure on stage?
Hillary will blow the fuck out of that retard.
Trump's a fucking moron who can't even run a casino. How do you go bankrupt running a casino, loser? Bumbling retard with narcissistic personality disorder (Cluster B personality disorder) who inherited $40 million from his daddy and still messed up out of sheer arrogance and incompetence, what a fucktard.
LEER is ineffective, Donald Trump can't read spanish
Hillary Clinton uses WHEEZE!
More repect please. Hillary is still a she.
0.02 cents deposited in your bank account
>$0.25 deposited in your account
Uncomfortable as fuck
Trump raises a question into the Clinton Foundation and Hillary has a seizure and falls offstage. Not necessarily in that order.
More People Watched Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech Than Hillary Clinton’s
Excuse me !!!
>moderators ask Trump tough questions, trying to "stump" him
>he answers the question while simultaneously assblasting them for being biased
>Clinton responds with her typical lie or saying he doesn't have the temperament
>Trump calls her out
>some back and forth continues
>Clinton doesn't know how to respond
>gets stumped by the Trump
>moderators finally get them to settle down and then as Clinton a softball question.
>rinse and repeat
When is the first one? Will they be doing one in Newcastle?
Hillary will just say
and then just turn her back like a badass and just walk away. trump will probably also suicide that same night.
wtf was that? just autism or an actual seizure?
Honestly? I think Trump will rekt Shillary and make America great again and Hillary may just end up coughing all night and on her final cough she will queef loud enough that the whole audience will hear and then they will all literally die from laughter causing the greatest loss of American life before she even steps foot in the White House.
You guys are fooling yourselves if you think Trump will do well. Go watch the congressional hearing on her emails again. That's the real Clinton, not the robot we saw at the DNC.
She's quick, smart, and very good with words. Trump will have to coached well for the debates and he'll have to keep his emotions in check.
Trump will show up for the first debate. Then he will complain that they were being unfair for reasons that are factually untrue (reasons undetermined, but "They let Hillary talk more" when he has, like, 5 minutes more talk time is pretty much a given).
He *might* show up at the town hall, hoping to work the crowd.
Trump will announce that he won't attend the third debate, that he has not been treated fair and the American people know him well enough. Then he will say he might attend, that there are "negotiations" (he wants a solid gold podium, no female or minority moderators, and his hands to be enlarged through CGI in real time). In the end he won't attend, but instead will hold a fundraiser for the troops and until Election Day insist he is "about to donate" whatever is raised.
Hillary would probably manage to fuck it up off her teleprompter and say, "greater than sign, Drumpf"
I doubt Hillary shows up to the debates.
Once the public finds out about her policies, she's finished. Like raising taxes etc
>2 cents deposited
I was probably a simple partial seizure. You're still alert when you have these types of seizures, which explains how she tried to play it off at the end.
Nice joke.
Back to your shed, Svetlorkinkungmanistan
I'll be shocked
if Hillary actually gets up on Television and debates Trump.
vote Gary Johnson or Jill Stein
I going to be fucking bizarre. Trump is going to be shit-talking and bragging about himself and Hillary is going to be dour and un-charismatic and just talking about policy minutiae.
Remember how Trump emasculated Jeb? Hillary is no better debater then Jeb and has about the same energy levels.
savage bro. amazing vision. seriously you are the biting edge of pol.
Fuck these One Punch Faggots.
I'm just telling you what will happen, come september.
lol, yup... I just said that.
look at my fucking flag you britbong
Thank bro. Nice trips. I hope you dont get cancer and die man. Really.
>trump is hitler!
>build bridges not walls!
>i'm with her.. i'm a woman vote me
>my turn
>can't escape from a debate
>completely above the law after committing proven admitted federal felonies
We'll see.
Primetime television, can't wait to be honest with you. Would pay to watch
This, biology will play a major role in this election, even female Hillary supporters will chose the Alpha male in the poll booth, because they simply can't control themselves. If Trump were a Beta male, he would be fucked, and Tim Kaine is a Beta, whereas, Pence and Trump are absolutely not.
>Hillary asks why Trump asked Russia to hack her email
>Trump pivots by saying are you hiding something, like the deleted emails?
Hillary gets BTFO'd
If they truly want to have a successful debate, the debate should be a typical X-Rated pornography.
They should just raise the curtain and let everyone watch Big Don full on fuck the Hilldog.
Maybe do a secretary skit for one, a sub mistress for another...
That would be fucking golden.
>trump red pills entire audience
>clinton foundation is exposed
>he dominates her on stage
>she strokes out
Ok faggot, if you're omniscient then give me the winning lotto numbers
Oh wait
you don't know shit because English isn't even your first language and you have no grasp on American politics or the attitude over here
Trump will win over her in the debate so hard that after posting video of the debate in porn site it will be categorized as rape and therefore deleted.
Hey Jon, go back to 2015
a clusterfuck
A lesson in biology in politics by a neckbeard on Sup Forums. It really doesn't get any more humorous than this.
I dont know if you are a shill for Trump or Clinton but the elites trick is that they own both, and get you hating one of them so much, that you talk about them and focus on them so much, that no one talks about the other candidates, and votes for those other candidates is where real change begins.
>wants to tell America who not to pick as Pres.
>picked Angela Merkel
Not debating will severely hurt her image in the eye of the public. Sure she could get out of them but there aren't very many people that will believe her lies. She'll have to debate.
People forget that this debate won't be Trump vs. Clinton. It'll be Trump vs. Clinton and the moderators. We're going to see bullshit that'll make Candy Crowley look objective.
It's going to be an uphill battle for Trump to counter all the crap thrown at him at these debates. He's going to need his A game. Even if Hillary doesn't show up, the moderators will cover for her.
>N-no y-you!
Trump can't debate. He's an entertainer, used to having the stage to himself. Hillary's probably gonna devour him on air, but I'll admit it's gonna be fun thinking back on nerdy fantasy projections like .
There's zero chance she shows up to debate. They will fake Bill getting sick before they let her debate Trump.
They will direct a white noise speaker at Trump.
She won't be able to keep her cool. He's baited everyone he's gone after. We might witness her have a seizure on live TV.
It's going to be fallacy central and nothing of value will be discussed. Given the history of this election; Trump will dust Hilliary putting him in the lead until people forget that she got owned. Then liberal tv idol will slander trump through clever word use.
70-year-old Trump losing steam, collapsing.
There is what women say they want, and what women actually want. You would know this if you weren't a beta cuck. Even Obama who is 10,000 times a better politician, barely beat out McCain, and fucking Sarah Palin.
The debates will be painfully retarded
Neither has anything to say to the other
There will be nothing but point scoring
Trump may not do the debates.
Kind of like your post.
zero point zero
I think hillary will break down crying in order to garner sympathy.