Why were they using animal heads?
Is this going to turn into Hotline Miami?
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better do
its only helm that has a chance to roll 400+ evasion is why
Was that the deaf guy from season one at the end?
i was looking forward to wrench showing up but
>either him or yuri get btfo next week
feels bad
Wrench will never die.
Do you think we'll see him talk becaise theres nobody to translate?
I really hope we get Mr.Wrench slaughtering the entire Hit Squad.
It would be grand.
I wonder how wrench will feel about eden valley having a library.
>Wrench sits there behind MEW
>Yuri, not knowing that Wrench is awake and watching, reaches to club MEW
>Wrench grabs him
>He slowly squeezes the life out of him
>Meemo watched on in horror, he cant shoot or else he'll hit Yuri
>MEW takes opportunity to attack Meemo
>Varga watches on in enjoyment or puzzlement
>Wrench breaks off chains due to deaf strength and escapes, never to be seen again
Much of Varga's and Yuri's "power" derives from their obfuscations or their ability to bamboozle people with non-sequitur stories, lies, and that the idea of reality is interpretive. Wrench, being deaf, is immune to all this so he's in the best position to slaughter them all.
The plot is literally Peter & the Wolf mixed with Russia's play for power.
>Your show is that bad you have to resort to fan service
Is Noah Hawley, dare I say it, a hack?
Much like the KGB you fucking idiots.
dont be mean to me pls
Was the guy that tried to kill MEW in the cell DJ Qualls?
>make a show that is literally a fan service to the movie Fargo and other Coens works
>plebs don't get this and reeeee in confusion
I also wondered this, its so random
It's weird. Will he be in the rest of the season? It seemed pretty pointless and brief to be a cameo.
well he magically escaped so i wouldnt count him out
I liked it. He had a similar sort of cameo in Breaking Bad and it's one of the more memorable moments for me. He'll be back at least long enough for them to explain who he is, but this late in the season he won't be a recurring character beyond that.
>Jobbing actor counts as a cameo
He's literally trying to get a hot meal guys, nobody knows who the fuck he is besides the 40 people who watched Legit and the weird 90s/2000s kids mix that saw The New Guy.
I have this exact same feel. I like both Wrench and Yuri
I hope it stalemates between them and they both get away, and it's Meemo that dies
He has a unique look though.
Could make a living playing weird or creepy side characters.
Hyping up Mr. Wrench so hard that it's going to be sad next episode when he gets offed immediately and turns out to be a red herring all along.
I had a dream last night that Mr. Wrench and Numbers grew up together in a bizarre compound that Hanzee/Tripoli built to train them. Wrench wasn't deaf or mute, and he had slicked back black hair like Numbers - they looked a lot alike.
Wrench left for a long time and came back. Numbers was in a hot tub, and Wrench was telling him all these wonderful things about his life away and all these great big plans for the future. Numbers really looked up to him and admired everything about him, but as Wrench walked off he pulled some sort of device from his pocket and it blew up in his face.
I can't forget the shock on Wrench's face as the dust settled and revealed the Wrench we all know, but the look was such shock - whatever this device had been, it changed him from a slick, successful man into a deaf, mute, curly haired mook.
This is a true story.
Damn I wonder how it will end
inb4 female cop solves the crime
i like meemo but yeah, thatd be the optimal outcome, yuri is pretty great
I don't really like Yuri tbqh
all he does is spout slavic tales of bullshit
White cop is Peter.
Lopez is the Bird.
Mew is the Duck.
>Could make a living playing weird or creepy side characters.
He does a lot TV, he's not some a list super star but I'm sure he's doing fine.
Why did Yuri go after Gloria risking everything? You don't wanna be lowkey and attacking state buses at the same time.
maybe he was going for wrench and not MEW
>Is Noah Hawley, dare I say it, a hack?
He is severely overrated that's for sure.