Uhh...so is Brexit happening or what
Uhh...so is Brexit happening or what
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Nope. It was all for the meme!
>stupid britcucks voted leave the EU
>their currency tanks
>don't get benefits anymore
>didn't even leave the EU
the fuck? How is no one posed about this?
Nope. UK is cucked again. All it takes is telling them they need trade deals and they are perfectly content staying in the EU.
The Pound's value recovered, don't be a cuck
>JFs really are this stupid
Except Canada, they're just shitposters.
Did you think we'd leave the second the votes were counted?
lol the UK is such a shitty retarded country
Can confirm it will happen tomorrow.
By the power of me trips
Yes, it's happening in January 2017 according to the prime minister
They will leave, but the new leader is pretty much Jeremy Corbyn in a fake conservative womans outfit.
Everyone involved with organizing and pushing the movement resigned.
The new PM, Theresa May, said that she will take steps toward Brexit but that it will be a slow and gradual change that won't happen. Personally, I think it's lip service to buy time till people just don't care anymore.
1/10 try harder faggot
Nope. Our new Prime Minister said that the referendum wasn't legally binding and that Brexit was "very unlikely" to actually take place.
You forgot your trips, here, I found them.
>she says these things for good press therefore she means them
She can hardly come out and say 'Islam is evil' and expected to become PM.
She has done pretty good so far.
We will leave the EU because going back on the vote would anger so many people on her side of the political spectrum.
>post picture that means nothing
Holy fuck really? My country would be furious if that happened here.
>Shes just saying those things, she doesnt mean them
A cuckold, everyone.
ALL of it. Islam is quintessentially British.
>If you believe that straight parents would raise a child better than a gay couple YOU OUT TO BE SUSPENDED FROM YOUR JOB
Oh yea, shes just saying that for shits and giggles.
It won't ever happen because of the Scotland issue and the Irish border issue. This was obvious to anyone following along from the beginning.
Well, this isn't your country. This is the Cuck Kingdom we're talking about here
Isn't this bad image to democracy? This and the Greek voting fiasco will make a bad image on democracy and basically tell people "No, you don't get to decide on anything, papa goverment knows better :^)",
That's why you have a good country. Enjoy it, man.
Dont know what I saved it under but I had a list of referendums/votes the EU ignored and/or made them vote again in, when the results were anti-eu.
Ireland and France were both made to revote I believe, one was in regards to the EU constitution and another was in regards to austerity in Ireland IIRC.. but yes, other countries too that I cant think of.
Why do you have a medkit for a flag?
Yes, but she's waiting til the end of the year to invoke article 50 because Cameron was an utter spastic who made literally zero plans for what to do if we voted leave
>>their currency tanks
>dropping from artifically inflated levels to a much more reasonable one that facilitates exporting
Pick one you economically illiterate maplenigger
Maybe they need a king first...
wtf liberals were right! I hate Nigel now!
>women in power
The male heirs are all beta cucks.
They aren't leaving. Honestly I told you this was going to happen. They are going to ignore it and hope that the majority don't give a fuck
John’s offences are almost too numerous to list. In the first place, he was treacherous: when his older brother, Richard the Lionheart, was away on crusade, John attempted to seize the throne by plotting with the king of France, Philip Augustus, prompting contemporaries to damn him as “a mad-headed youth” and “nature’s enemy”. He was also lecherous: several nobles are reported to have taken up arms against him because he had forced himself on their wives and daughters.
Most of all, John was shockingly cruel. In a chivalrous age, when aristocrats spared their enemies, capturing them rather than killing them, John preferred to do away with people by grisly means. On one occasion, for example, he ordered 22 captive knights to be taken to Corfe Castle in Dorset and starved to death. Another time he starved to death the wife and son of his former friend, William de Briouze. In 1203 he arranged the murder of his own nephew and rival for power, Arthur of Brittany.
I just googled Englands toughest king, this guy apparently lost French lands etc. and is accused of being incompetent.
Point is, the new (((Royal Family))) arent anything like the tough as nails rulers of the past.
We need another Alfred.
are you 12? do you think these things happen over night?
Because Brexiters don't want to admit they got cucked hard. Boris Johnson should have been the one but he pussied out.
"The Great" has to be the GOAT moniker possible.
Pic related. Peter the Great of Russia.
That bant never gets old.
Says he united the vikings with British people instead of trying to eradicate them.
Muslims are not vikings.
That's 2 moms. Where's the data for 2 dads?
Im 3 minutes in and suddenly I dont know what the fuck Im even watching.
Talking about reincarnation and past lives or something.
>raising a child without a mother figure is entirely different from raising a child without a father figure
>You could expect healthy normal lives from the children of these parents
I dont have that one, but I think we both know it would be pretty bad.
Gay parents are simply child abuse, anyone who advocates for 2 lesbians to have a kid with that data available is openly advocating child abuse to satisfy mentally ill peoples reproductive sexual fantasies.
That kid deserves a normal family, so then people argue "what about single parents!"
Also a problem, but a red herring considering thats unavoidable, but gay adoption isnt.
We dont adopt kids out to single parents, do we.
people like you make me ashamed of being canadian
>one off
kek mocks you for your arrogance
>Where's the data for 2 dads?
>>she says these things for good press therefore she means them
I believed that about Merkel once too. Then Wir schaffen das happened.
Anecdotal. Where's the actual studies on it.
Nice deflect.
according to Canadian intellectuals, the order goes like this:
Mom & Dad
Dad and Dad
Single Dad
Single Mom
Mom and Mom
forget the name of the study, so I could just be pulling this out my ass
It's happening in January, the 3 people in charge of it were all leave campaigners. Our government just needs time to get itself in order before we can negotiate, since it had barely any trade negotiators. The government created a whole new department just for brexit.
Nice non argument and refusal to acknowledge that Im right.
Congrats, you just indirectly defended child abuse, knowingly.
Youre a bad person, and you will never understand that until you rot in hell.
Sorry that you're a braindead cuck.
The question becomes: Is it better to be going from foster home to foster home, or having a stable lesbian family.
I don't know the answer.
I'm sorry that you're a globalist cunt with no capacity for rational thought
Oh look I found a case of a straight father, married to a mother, who raped his daughter.
1 case for your 1 case. Give me a study rather than your feefees and then I'll concede you the point. If you can only argue by emotion then tumblre is down the hall and to the left.
>cultural marsixm
>is conspiracy
Whats next? An atheist saying christianity doenst exist because god doenst exist?
So Farage "retired" for nothing?
I guess him still being in the EU parlament makes sense now.
American here, slowly coming to the realization that I should be very, very, VERY thankful these coming Thanksgivings that we are not in the EU.
They will water it down, scaremonger, water it down, scaremonger until we're begging them to not take us out. In the meantime it has been kicked into the long grass.
The only benefits for staying is that the EU doesn't start a trade war against them for their own interest. Their end game is holding every nation hostage with the threat of an embargo for leaving.
I think they decided they are gonna kick the ball down the field(8 years) till everyone forgets they had a vote.
what was in this hand, I don't even know.