Official Slav Ratings thread

>Crimean Russians


>Absolute Based Balkan Slav Tier

Toilet Cleaner Tier

Beta Soon To Be Extinct Toilet Cleaner Tier

Would Sell Own Grandmother For a Schengen Visa Tier
>Western Ukrainians

Absolute Trash African Tier

Other urls found in this thread:

>Beta Soon To Be Extinct Toilet Cleaner Tier
Haхyй пoшёл чepт eбaный!

post more slav grils

Inb4 Austrian chimpout.

It's simply the further east you go, the more shit tier you get

>most culturally sophisticated and technologically advanced
>toilet cleaner tier
Quit trying to blow smoke up everyone's ass for an obvious agenda you have

Fuck you Czechs are master race who taught germans how to speak. We are decedent of the great king himself and the gallant soldiers.

cuckrainians are half slavs

Beta Soon To Be Extinct Toilet Cleaner Tier

not a slavs

Russian tax evaders in Luxembourg are the worst.

shprota broken, kek

Why so much hatred for Serbs?
I heard they're cool people, many of them died for Norway

I also met a few, absolute bros


why are there always these baltniggers in slav threads? are they still butthurt russki bring them civilisation?




This tbqh

> austrians, latvians, estonians, lithuanians
> slavs

Nice try, Abdullah.

>Fuck you Czechs are master race who taught germans how to speak.
yeah no

Half of these arent even Slavs.

Also, Serbs are Hero-tier. The only group in contemporary Europe who actually dared to literally Remove Kebab as recently as the 1990's.

Lets see all these other nu-Slav EU whores try and do that. I wont hold my breath.

What are you? You know people will say you're gypsies when you say that you're not Slavs, right?

Shill thread for the milionth time and you goys allways fall for it.

A mix of mostly latin and thracian/dacian.

>Crimean Russians
Literally nigger-tier


>Macedonians not down in the shit with us
I'm offended.

> The only group in contemporary Europe who actually dared to literally Remove Kebab as recently as the 1990's.
Nah, we are removing kebab in Chechnya & Dagestan on a daily basis since forever.

Post some good video links of chechens getting rekt or atleas tell me what do i search for in Russian.

>"""""""""""""""Crimean""""""""""""" Russians
>what is a crimean tartar?

>Ay yo hol up hohols and banderite NATO nazis, the Somali battalion is out to pirate you when we are done with having 0 infrastructure!


i'd prefer to be "half-slavs" than full-faggot.

Post some good videos of serbs getting rekt, za dom spremni lmao
>serbs can't even take cavoglave

you win one free internet

you are bowing down to kadyrov lol

OP is just a butthurt mudshit

he's also butthurt how "Novorossiya" is the middle east of Europe, like Northern Ireland