Can we just fucking nuke this country already?

Can we just fucking nuke this country already?

My gf told me one of her friends from Canada was coming to meet her this weekend, and I was whatever. Turns out this guy is a fucking faggot. I met him for 5 minutes before she took him out to have some lunch and he seemed nice at first. I tested him by asking him about his opinion on the election and found out he supports Trump but only because he thinks Hillary is corrupt. I could already tell he's a fucking cuck Bernout.

It's almost 2 pm and she's not answering my texts. It took me months to get her redpilled and now I'm afraid she's getting brainwashed again.

We need a second fucking wall.

I really don't want to sound like an asshole, but I don't think it's "brainwashing" you need to be worried about, bro.

Looks like your girlfriend is becoming a Canadian cock connoisseur

So you want to nuke us out of fear? Guess Americans have become pussified after all...

>he supports Trump
for a leaf, this is as good as you can hope for, nevermind his reason

Lol get cucked bud

>leaf that supports trump
>this means canada must be nuked
toasting in a slide bread

>make up an obvious fake story
>idiots on Sup Forums can't tell it's a troll because they're newfags or idk retarded maybe
>get a ton of serious replies without even trying

wtf i hate Sup Forums now


Fair enough, but he's still a Bernout. If I see him again I'll ask him more about it.

I'm not a cuck. I've known her long enough that she wouldn't do that shit.

I am afraid that we cannot allow you to do this.

By the commonwealth mutual defence agreement, an attack on Canada is an attack on the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the rest of the commonwealth.

If the US were to engage in an aggressive policy of attacking the nation of Canada, we would have no choice but to unleash the full might of commonwealth military force upon you.

She's licking maple syrup off his dick right now lol

kek kill yourself you stupid ameridumb

You tell that fat burger what happens when he fucks with the commonwealth my dear ahmed.

>My gf
Nice fan fiction, Burger

Pffff....You could invade this cuck of a country with your postal service.

so instead of Canada just getting rekt all of the commonwealth countries get rekt

>mfw when op getting cucked by a canadian

holy shit you literally cant make this shit up

>getting cucked by a leaf
Things that never happen for 10

The again I guess you would be experts on the subject.

>getting cucked by a cuck

>I'm not a cuck. I've known her long enough that she wouldn't do that shit.

good b8 m8, u get 8/8

This can't not be bait.

OP god cucked by the BCC

Fuck I don't care, bro. We get to rag on the cancucks for a bit before I have to go get pissed.

>it's almost 2pm and she's not answering my texts

Turns out he is not a faggot, and you are being cucked.

>post some shit about Canada
>not even 15 minutes later, this happens

>cucked by a leaf

> I have to go get pissed

You don't have to.

>I'm an insecure faggot posting blog tier shit on a Tibetan pottery image exchange forum

>A leaf

Nice proxy faggot

last time we fought America, we burnt down the white house, dont make us do it again

do not vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, of the Green or Libertarian Parties, because I want Trump to win

if Trump wins, I hear he will build a wall to keep Americans out of Canada, fucking degenerates

besides our Leader Trudeau is much better looking

1 garrison, that`s all you yanks had to get past.

It's not our fault your gf has uncontrollable Canadian cock cravings

build your southern wall first, purge for a few years then we're all yours.

Lol cuck. Your gf is being pumped full of Canadian seed while you whine on Sup Forums

I wonder if you'll be able to type that with a us army boot against your throat all the way down there in Manitoba?

>OP is literally getting cucked by a leaf and the only thing hes worried about is brainwashing

At least he supports Trump, faggot. That puts him ahead of 90% of braindead millenials.



Just admit it, getting cucked by a leaf turns you on.

>It's almost 2 pm and she's not answering my texts.
Sorry my American friend, but I'm afraid that your girlfriend is now...




You sound like kind of a loser senpai

you'll be eating mountie sperm by the end of the week

We leaves will enter all american sleeves with our swords in their sheathes (foreskin intact)

First mistake was allowing your girlfriend near one of us.
Better just let it go and move on, there's more out there that have yet to taste the syrup.

I don't like Canadians, I'm sure the feeling is mutual. Wouls not care at all if the started to fuck them over.

OP literally got cucked by a Canadian, how embarrassing

what do you mean "we" you couldn't fuck up a canadian you pussy ass faggot.

you're country is dying. and you're still an overweight nigger who hasn't even had his first kiss.

just kill yourself.

Then made a fucking thread to brag about it.

>Can we not recognize that only one man can bring peace to Can-America?
Born Brendan James Fraser
December 3, 1968 (age 47)
Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.
Nationality American-Canadian

You'd get spread too thin.

10/10 I didn't know my fellow canadian could shitpost while vacation in US

All these leafs coming out of the woodwork...

Nah I already made one to brag about banging your mom

You know, at least Australians have the ability to be funny with their shitposting. When can we get a rangeban on Canadians?

you want another safe space you goddamn limp wristed faggot?

> invade Canada
Canada is already being invaded by the yellow menace. It's fucking disgusting.

t. European in cuckland

90% of your population is on the border.

Wew... It's getting really hard to keep up with the literally retarded Canadians that post on Sup Forums.

> Canadians
You might as well change the flag to include little yellow stars and call us all Yang

Their president is a sleeper cell agent for us brother

That's right OP, he's a faggot. Your girl totally has not been turned into A CANADIAN FUCKBUCKET.

That's only Vancouver! They don't like to travel East. It gets too Canadian for them.

>gets cucked by a Canadian
>cries to Sup Forums about it

>only Vancouver
I live in Toronto, last week I was in Montreal and I beg to differ. I had a chink work for me before - he said there were a lot of them moving to PEI also.

>We need a second fucking wall.

Someone got canuckolded...