Considers himself redpilled

>considers himself redpilled
>doesn't know who these basic individuals are

Other urls found in this thread:

I know Morrakiu irl, how redpilled am I?

tell me about him
also very


Long face, short beard, kinda jewy-looking but not, would make a great actor if nobody in Hollyjew recognized him. I'm pretty sure he shows his face in a few videos. He started the echo meme and considers it his greatest accomplishment, not sure if he mentioned that in any of his vids.

>A crazy redneck
>A Christcuck decending into insanity

>Literally a nigger
>a Klansman with plastic surgery

>associating with non-whites

Morrakiu isn't a nigger.

Why is Nicolas Cage there as well?

Fuck yeah Bill Still

>would make a great actor if nobody in Hollyjew recognized him
god fucking damn I know
he is the single most hilarious part of my week every week
imagine what he could be like if he had some actual production value and writes behind him
tell him I love him

CF sucks, I used to follow them on Twitter to laugh at screencaps of degenerates but now they just cry all day about muh anime Trump nazis and ramble about people who disagree with them

He's like 2% african.

The only one I actually feel worried about is Ghost. He does some crazy shit

>red pilled
>relies on others to think and represent him

Good goy

That's him all the time. He made a Jeb Bush joke out of a dead turtle he found.

>2% Nigger
Nigger confirmed

>considers himself red-pilled
>intakes information through video

It's like reading, in slow-motion, for retards.

Lovely lad.

>only the alt-right is redpilled
Kill yourself

>radio ghost man
>the letters c and f
>Jared from Subway
>my auto mechanic
>I think that's just your uncle
>that's my uncle, uncle sam
>Steven Molyneux
>average Trump supporter
>Dylann Roof
>LSD man
>the guy from Amish Mafia

CF is the only one I regularly listen to anymore. His content is very original and not just shitty current events with memes thrown in.

>Common filth
>Hwhyte man
>Sam Hyde
>Stefan "Yes she is my mother and that's why she's not fucking dead" Molymeme
>David Duke
Do I pass?

> Is an in effectual individual who doesn't engage with or unite with others in ANY form of activity while the good goys push foward their agendas unopposed.
You are the biggest good goy and an agent of division.

cf, spencer, hyde and seventhson are the only good ones on that list

who the fuck said anything about your autright shit?

Ghost's shows are entertaining but he's dumb as fuck and really under-informed.

>Ghost for Cwist sake *cans rattling*
>Implicitly white activist, puts pride into his FASHY haircut
>Molymeme: failed actor, Jewish ancestry, cult leader, lolbreterian
>Jared Taylor: pro hwhite, founder of amren, he's a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anyone
>Morakiu: bard, host of Merchant Minute, because of him I started listening TRS podcasts
>David Duke used to be pretty based, now not very relevant.
>Sam Hyde the enternal terrorist
>Don't know the rest, feels badman.

mah boy semyon down derr in da ryte

>tfw when ghost has an actual heart attack cause of bronies

>uniting with YouTube shill bucks fags who thrive on your concept of being 'effective' as a collective while making bank on your own shilling of their rhetoric on this very board

Best goy

Skullface, letters, Steven Crowder, Bernie Sanders, Mel Gibson, Uncle Sambo, A Bald Guy, Ellen, Blonde Nick Cage, Nigel Farage, Hank Williams Jr, Vince Vaughan

what do I win?

Where's Ryan Faulk?