Workers will unite.
Workers will size the means of production.
You fascist dogs will be drowned in your own blood.
Workers will unite.
Workers will size the means of production.
You fascist dogs will be drowned in your own blood.
>spreading the wealth
nice try
k*rt müsün?
Socialism can only work on developed countries, retard.
>mfw socialists call their opponents fascist
All the wealth which is stolen by bourgeoise.
>Tiny developed countries
Hayır, Balkan kökenliyim. Al bunu dinle faşist köpek.
communism will win in the end.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get fucking cucked.
yes, my turkish brother, facism will loose.
workers of the world unite!
Hi Roach I think you forgot the part where the soviet union was secretly national socialist and all the cool music from them is Russian, their achievements are Russian and their antisemitism was Russian.
You are literally retarded
fuck off imperialist pig, your days are counting.
>Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelz invent communism
>german blames russians
it is insane.
>Socialism can only work on developed countries, retard.
No, it can't. Eastern Germany was a developed country and socialism failed. The failure lied not in the socialism per se, the failure lied in that the growth and wealth achieved by countries that had an economic model based upon ownership and free market was far greater than the socialist countries.
Imagine a horse as a method of transportation - there is nothing wrong with it. It's just inferior to a vehicle with a combustion engine.
Socialism is a scourge; everyone will be relative more poor with socialism. Wealth distribution - the meme of free shit - will have a strong negative effect on a countries wealth. The only reason why this meme wont die, is that people genuinely don't understand the concept of how wealth is created, where things come from and what affect does elements.
We will see if you can live thru radiation as is claimed
Capitalism>Everything else.
If you become the new furer remember to not marry a kike as she will poison you. The count of that happening is 3 I think.
Why are you a national socialist then? If you're so superior then why do you need a system to keep you above jews,asians or blacks who are better than you? You're probably a kike pretending to be a nazi though like most modern day nazis and white supremacists.
just in case any race traitors let the animals in
You are right my comrade.
All the cool music is belong to workers not nationalities. A Chilean miner and a Chinese farmer has claim on these cool songs.
If you were born in Feudalism you would say;
>a society without a king and nobles
But you see. There is no need a king for a society. There is no need a boss who is sucking worker's blood.
kys indoctrinated retards.
whats Bernie doing in that picture. he is a social democrat not a socialist
>implying the plebs don't need to be ruled by a king
humans are stupid on purpose, user
He is one of the politicans who could have protected the world from the biggest terrorist organization.
This pic looks so retarded when you know how to read and write in cyrillic.
In fact the whole picture is retarded
>thinks commies do not fuck up everything they touch
>spells soci-D-lism
Dont think about politics. Go and fap to anime.
Yeah it is "D" not "A". So?
you cant vote for a revolution you need to create one with uniting the people against the system. if Bernie had won he would not be able to do anything. Bernie is a social democrat he is`t fighting to achieve Communism.
Yep typical jewy response
How am I indoctrinated? I don't give two fucks about the poor leeches.
It is stupid to try to russify something while at the end it looks just dumb.
I agree all of your words my comrade. Those opportunistic Social Democrats arent brother of me.
So you accept the fact that Socialism is good for poor but you arent socialist because you as a asshole hate poor. You gotta find a place to escape when revolution began
socialism is a failed idea that is only kept alive by 12 year old faggots
>implying capitalism isnt failed
>implying capitalism is kept alive by no one but bourgeoise who couldnt suck workers' blood without capitalism.
do u know how stupid you sound
durr hurr seize the means of production hurr durr
what the fuck you idiot, that works only when the entire neighborhood is your entire economy.
learn 2 global. learn what is economics, learn what is currency. and most of all, learn why people invent new shit.
oh and fuk you for stealing all our shit. stop hacking us or we will quit inventing new businesses 4 u 2 steal
anyone wonder why i dont invent shit or start a business? blame my own government for not giving a fuck that they're hacked. if u can even call it hacked.
>Workers will unite.
Against who? The unemployed? Never understood this socialist definition of "worker".
Both Capitalism and Communism failed, mixed economy and Fascism is the answer.
Fuck off Fascist pig!!
the power belong to the proletariat
I'll find a place to escape when you bastards find a way to take on transhumans
Proletarians don't want you.
lol i am a proletariat.
>muslim communist
No, capitalism worked pretty definitely great.
do some travailing and research pliz
capitalism dose`t work great
So what? you are not all of them moron.
National Socialists came up with a better system, capitalism leads to hedonism.
Capitalism would work if the market wasnt so heavily influenced by the government which is heavily influenced by the money made by the market.
As we have seen, it is just a matter of time until the oligarchy forms and the leaders are rich enough to destroy or buy out any competition leading to wealth being concentrated
We dont have to go all out socialism, but jsut as the rich are getting richer the bottom of societies quality of life should be getting better as well.
A prospering country improves as a whole, what is wrong with that?
do you believe that the Aryan race are the only race that should have it good?
>Socialism works!
Just look at Venezuela!
They are feeling the BERN in Venezuela!
Here's socialism. Notice how it spreads the wealth. Pay attention to the wealthy man sitting next to the abundant produce of the country.
Go and live in some third world hell hole if you hate capitalism so much because without capitalism you wouldn't have the good life that you do now
Opression is good
At some point the money all starts going one place.
We don't have to give every poor person their own house but if enough of the wealth doesnt go down to the needy then the entire country will begin to break down.
What? there is no Aryan race.
Capitalism is good up until the oligarchy forms.
The super rich have no competition, they can buy out or blacklist anyone that threatens them.
That is not capitalism.
Unfortunately, without legit communistic socialism we can never reset the country to a point where true capitalism could be reinstated.
So all we can do is try our hardest to create a fair market while continously making improvements to the country that help the bottom 90% of the population that is essential to the country functioning
there is still Capitalism in the third world idiot!
sweatshop is a good Example off capitalism.
my life is`t good when the Majority off the world is living in hell or like you like to call it Capitalism.
Nazis say so or do you call it the whit race
>there is still Capitalism in the third world
That's what I'm saying moron
How is it not good? It's their life not yours cuckold
>muh crony capitalism
oh fuck off reddit
Small businesses are bad
low skilled workers are scum
you can't transfer wealth from one person to another person without affecting the behavior of people..
Some people create wealth, they don't do it to improve their quality of life, not to improve others. By taking what wealth they have created (not all but a portion) and distributing it to people whom have created nothing, will work as an incentive for people to create less.
In a free market, the value of a persons labor can vary extremely; that is the nature of the free market - no other system have produced the same economic results than a free market system.
To abolish free market because one person earn X times more than another person is insane.
do some travelling to the third world and have a look who capitalism has fucked them over.
Why did those workers decide to work for those sweatshops?
>they don't do it to improve their quality of life, not to improve others
Meant to say
"they do it to improve their quality of life, not to improve others."
I know that it has but I'm not a third worlder so why should I care?
>Muslim retard supports communism even though his land was raped by the soviets and the Jews told hi it was the calitalist's fault
Oh god Muslims are so hilariously goyish. Like Jesus at least niggers can act unpredictably sometimes, but you muzzies are truly an impressionable and easily manipulated lot,
I don't agree with everything National Socialist said faggot.
>do some travelling to the third world and have a look who capitalism has fucked them over.
Third world countries have had a wide array of different economic and political systems in place. Some countries like Cuba and North Korea dident have a capitalism and they appear to be more "fucked" than the average third world countries.
In general the more free the market the more well off are the country, this applies to third world countries as well.
or else they cant feed there family and there are no other place to work because the corrupt regime dose`t care about there people.
because we are all human beings and have the same feeling, if you dont care then FUCK OFF and dont argue with people who care about other people!!
eh no lol look again at cuba and then look at Bangladesh.
then why do you say the best system is a fascist one
cuba sends doctors to brazil lol
Why would I compare two completely different countries. It would be like comparing Nigeria to Iceland..
If you want to compare countries, then aim for an overall comparison, or if you need to narrow it down, then choice countries that have a similar demographic, size and similar historical origin. For instance Switerland vs Austria or North korea vs south korea
Because it is, you don't have to agree 100%, try to think with your little brain faggot.
ok Cuba and Haiti or Cuba and Honduras
>cuba sends doctors to brazil lol
In the same way how eastern Europe are experience a brain drain, since the wages for being a doctor in UK or Scandinavia is 5 times higher in Romania or any other eastern European country.
That you use Cuba's brain drain situation - to fucking Brazil; as an example of the success of socialism is Ludacris..
whats your arguments for Fascism??
You imply that all their wealth will be taken, which is not the case.
Regardless, the eprson creating wealth is doing so through the use of american society. They didnt go to some abandoned island and become a billionaire.
So they owe their wealth to the country.
As for creating wealth to improve their quality of life, maybe 40 years ago.
There is no increase in quality of life when it comes to billionaires. They are "creating wealth" for sport, because it is what they enjoy and theres lifes work. no other reason.
I believe in the free market, but the market isnt free anymore its owned by a few.
No one is going to stop that, they will always be at the top but in the same way they are getting better the country needs to get better.
IF they give zero fucks about the needs of the country or making the country a better place for all people to live then they can fuck off.
Its like these people dont understand what a society is. Everything you have is because everyone does their part.
The country would fall apart if all min wage workers vanished tommorow.
IT would fall apart if all small businesses vanished.
If everyone on welfare vanished the country would cease to work.
You can still be a millionaire or billionaire you earned it but if you choose a 500 foot yacht over a 400 ft yacht and raising the status quo then you dont love your country, you are not a patriot, you are a parasite, a leech who's only wish is to profit from the opportunities america gives you
i can bet 100 euro that no self declared "socialist" here can tell me, how they would fix the calculation problem which comes with socialism
Have Cuba in general faired better or worse than other countries in central or south America - answer is worse.
Honduras are neighboring Argentina; I don't know why the country is so fucked.
Haiti are primarily black, Nations based upon an African population will tend to fair worse than other countries because of lower average IQ.
they send doctors because there are so few in Brazil. fuck Churchill he is a fascist militant. do some research on him and his past.
Too busy right now, would take too much time to start arguing about that, I have to go now, bye pleb.
my son
you done it againe
Who is a retard who made that poster?
He wrote "socidlism" not socialism.
д-d , A - a
I know this is a troll thread.
But you know nothing about working people if you think they'd be interested in socialism.
Or that they even have the organizational capacity to systematically and effectively do anything.
can you truly steal something that has been taken from you?
Honduras is the homicide capital of the world and learn geographies and stop with you racism.
Cuba has faired best in the hole central america
>socialism: destroying wealth since ... ?
corrected that for you
the dicatorship of proletarian is the answer!
communism has`t existed idiot.
yeah i know north Korea is so much greener then south Korea
Neither has capitalism.
I say we try capitalism first, since it actually gives us property rights, and thus, liberty.
hahaha good excuse for no arguments for fascism