You do realise there is psychological warfare being done against the browsers of this board right?
Ideas designed to cause sexual relationship dysfunction, paranoia, morale destruction.
You do realise there is psychological warfare being done against the browsers of this board right?
Ideas designed to cause sexual relationship dysfunction, paranoia, morale destruction.
Other urls found in this thread:
Cuck threads and the like.
>all the mudslime rape cases in europe are fake, guys! i swear!
Sup Forums is 90% psyops.
That explains why I can't shake this feeling that my wife pegs me in my sleep. Feels bad man.
You say that as if we've never known this
one thing is suspicious, indeed. while anywhere else in the internet any wiff of joo bashing gives you much butthurt among mods, other "users" and eventually real-life lawyers, in Sup Forums you have all freedom.
this is a creepy freedom.
It goes deeper than that even.
Yes. Quite
It does?
Tell me then, fellow brit, what are we dealing with here?
But who is psyopsing who? Shit is one big mess.
>be suggestion-pro
>make suggestions and suggestions to auto-suggest for the "them", who try making suggestions to me
>the loop keeps going until we both are beyond any level of pills.
>done against the browsers
Leave the browsers alone!
Do tell.
Yes I am missis the bibi meme about killing morale. Post pls
Yeah no shit. Are you new? Why the fuck is there so much "fuck off shill" going around.
All of Sup Forums changed when traps became a thing. This place was once less degenerate.
A psywar campaign by the NSA against dissident opinion holders.
This all started after the HB gary hack and then snowden
Ok, but...why?
Why do they do this? What do they hope to accomplish by doing this?
>nsa having interest in a bunch of neckbeards and neets
Relax. This page isn't just another Jew cabal. Moot isn't a crypto-Jew. Everything is fine.
Ever heard about imunity cat.
>Even telling the name grants you imunity included family members from all evil. You dont even Have to write something
You might be surprised at the influence we've already had. The NSA knows how capable we are. Did you know that part of National Review's Anti-Trump issue was in reaction to a bunch of Stormfags? I'm just saying. A lot the memes getting spread on social media start here and have a surprising amount of influence.
At the end of this video Putin says
"80 - 85% of the first Soviet government members were Jews."
>"80 - 85% of the first Soviet government members were Jews."