>this kills the libertarian
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>this kills lolbertarians
why would it kill the libertarian?
do you unironically believe there is no incentive for people to save others?
are you a fucking retard?
do you guys even understand what this means? there is still a government oyu dumbfucks
why do you fucking autistic 15 year old fascists always assume libertarianism is literally anarchism?
why do you fucking morons dont know the difference?
In a libertarian paradise there would be no roads, so that ambulance wouldn't kill anyone.
Intellectual checkmate.
>whoops wheres my goverment now?
You know, south of the land of maple syrup and cucks, privatized EMS operates alongside municipal EMS.
Don't you mean
>this doesn't save the libertarian
>privatized EMS
"What's that, user? You don't have 100,000 burger coins to pay for this treatment? Well I guess you're fucked."
>throws off ambulance onto the dirt, since there's no paved roads
here, by the looks of it
>muh big guvment excess
On a serious note, why not both? Why not have private services exist alongside government services? Why does it have to be one or the other, where either the government fucks off or has absolute control over everything? Why can't the government and the people work together to make the nation better for both the government and the people?
>childhood educators in a libertarian paradise
But seriously though, what's the answer to the "roads" question? Why wouldnt roads be built only by companies for employees, and force you to pay large fees/tolls to travel on them, likely stopping for tolls often?
>dishwater in a libertarian utopia
>"What's that, user? You don't have 100,000 burger coins to pay for this treatment? Well I guess you're fucked."
They bill you a month after the fact. EMS personnel, like doctors, have an ethical obligation to render aid. It's not the law, it's just how white people operate. Not that you would know anything about that up there.
in an archocapitialist soceity, if you wanted ambo/fire/police you would hire a company and pay a monthly fee, just like you would insurance
roads would be maintained by the people that use them, or not, if they didnt care
airports would be private and have their own air traffic controllers
Yes, because we have non-retarded heatlhcare unlike you Amerifats.
>after dark in a libertarian kingdom
>this kills the Canadian
>Yes, because we have non-retarded heatlhcare unlike you Amerifats.
You sound a little upset that other people unrelated to your affairs are doing things without your explicit approval.
But us ambulance is a privatized service
>air quality in a libertarian heaven
You can have small government and still have hospitals, police departments, and fire departments. We don't want anarchy.
>law and order in libertarian bliss
>This kills the Murifat
Hey faggot, maybe in Canada ambulances are state owned but here most are privately owned.
Where I live they are privately owned...same with fire...
>safe building according to a libertarian
>house catches fire
>shoot the fireman who breaks into my house because DON'T TREAD ON ME!
The serious answer is that road crews would strike a deal with local gas stations for a portion of their profit to maintain the surrounding roads and therefore maintain their customer base. We already have fuel taxes which do the same thing
>quality news in a libertarian dreamland
Even a step further, my local fire department/emergency rescue is privately owned and also 99% volunteer.
>your pharma provider in a libertarian garden of eden
>volunteer fire departments
In a libertarian society, there is no roads so there is no need for ambulances. Check mate statist.
>not overpriced and inefficient
Found the libertarian
The guy is researching better, breakthrough drugs using the profits from the old, shitty pill, which nobody wanted to replace.
He did nothing wrong
>educated opinions in a libertarian universe
Price controls are slavery.
>why do you fucking autistic 15 year old fascists always assume libertarianism is literally anarchism?
Because libertarianism and anarchism were synonymous up until Rothbard reinvented it's meaning 50 years ago.
You're a clueless faggot, and sound like you learned about libertarianism last night.
>tfw I'm a libertarian
>Tfw I'm a volunteer EMT
>this guy BTFO's german user in any universe
Ancap is great
>"Don't judge our americuck culture man"
>goes off to shoot up a school before he dies at the age of 38 from diabetes
Sup Forums loves him because they love anyone who is a wacky and contrarian meme person.
>Libertarians are Anarchists
Yeah fuck off you commie bastards
>a fucking leaf
Anarchism is the logical stepping stone from libertarianism. If less government is good then in theory no government should be better.
That is a private ambulance service, they bill you for services
In a Libertarian world, the Government simply protects its people from harm from others. This is internally in the country and externally from other countries.
Hello? EMT mentioned?????
t. EMT
>implying people didn't create pathways to traverse upon before the government came along and taxed us for "roads"
This guy gets it.
The bitumen Jew is just another justification for taxing and controlling the population.
Private EMT corporations a shit
t. Municipal volunteer EMT
>muh silkroad
Anarcho-captialism/Voluntaryism is the ideological and logical conclusion of libertarianisn
OP you truly are a faggot. Even in Canada you pay for an amberlamps ride. It is NOT covered. And its expensive as fuck. This insures its actually used for actual emergencies.