Good States & Regions

We can agree the only good states and regions in America are picture related (e.g. NYC, California, Hawaii, Florida, and Nevada) right? I mean everywhere else is literally the fucking abyss.

As for the worst states? Mississippi and West Virginia, unequivocally. Extremely backwards and impoverished states that are total fucking cesspools.

>inb4 flyover chimpout

No one gives a fuck about your bumfuckass Nebraska, faggot.

lol, literally no one likes california or florida, what the fuck are you talking about? most people hate nevada too because of all the california cancer spilling out

correct map posted

come on now the areas outside of the negro hives in PA are nice

>We can agree
No we can't. Where do you think you are?

PA is great outside Philadelphia, but that city is so bad it ruins the rest of the state.

You know if you nuked Ohio the fallout would affect WV, VA, and KY. Also, who the fuck likes WV and KY? Either you're from there or you love meth b/c that is the biggest export that comes out of those states.

someone needs to do one of these maps on a county base

Most people like those states, it's just that those aren't typically the people who visit this particular echo chamber.

Stay mad, inferior state dwelling cuck.

Oh look, the Ohioan can't understand why someone would like people who behave reasonably.

Go back to drinking your toxic algae water, faggot.

It's nice here in Tijuana, I mean LA.

Montana is easily the best state.

The states you mentioned are all infested with asians.

>good states

>West Virginia
>bad state


Fuck outta here you, faggot.

California is only nice in that it offers nature enthusiast a lot all in reasonable travel distance. It's a gorgeous state and if you can get away from people it's great.

It's just about impossible though, just about everywhere you go you will be followed by throngs of idiots. The state is absolutely overrun with illegals. The central valley might as well be mexico. There is a tent city a block from the heart of downtown Los Angeles no one gives a fuck about.

All the housing is impossible because everyone's too busy flipping houses and fucking each other. All the inflated property is rife with horrible workmanship and the cheapest materials with every corner cut and some you can't believe.

Everywhere you go the streets have campers on them because the law needed to be changed to let people live in them or face an even more dramatic rise in homelessness.

The state is hopelessly liberal to the point most people act like cultist. Our schools are the worst in the nation but always come in first with leftist brainwashing I should know I grew up in them.

Californians don't even like Californians and as a southerner I can't stand the hipster trash from the north.

>not best state
Fuck off faggots

>West Virginia

>A state with high poverty rates, sparse population, and renowned for incest and meth usage,

Care tell me how West Virginia isn't shit, m8?


Georgia and New York should be in the same place as Pennsylvania. One polarizing city, the rest is "Oh, that's cool I guess"

You're right about NY, but fuck GA. Faggots tried to steal our water.

Also, give it a few years and literally the entire state will be Atlanta, so it stays in the Nuke tier.


The first time I drove through Commifornia I was blown away by it's natural beauty. Plus, every adopt a highway sign was sponsored and taken care of.

However, L.A. is a disgusting shithole with the most fucked up freeway system ever, and San Fran might as well be China. My girl and I were the only white people dinning at Macaroni Grill.

Santa Cruz was cool though.

The Good: Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Dakotas, Maine, Vermont, Iowa, Minnesota, Idaho, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Nebraska, Hawaii, Virgin Islands
The Bad: Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Kentucky, New York, Illinois, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, California, Massachusetts, Virginias, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin
The Ugly: Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Carolinas, Florida, Nevada, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama

I have first-hand experience with them all.

Utah is amazing. (100 good boy points to anyone who knows where this is)

Kill yourself op

>Alaska bad
>he never left Anchorage

Liking Indiana and Idaho

Not liking Texas or Washington

Confirmed loser fag that grew up in some random shithole no one gives a fuck about. Buy a ticket to your local churches spaghetti supper, eat shit at it, and fucking die you zilch.


That is Zion right?

Love that place

I'm originally from Texas, you California expat double nigger. I hate it because I've been to better states and know that life doesn't have to be miserable like it is in Texas.

Maybe you should try leaving the Fort Worthless suburbs sometime and see what it's like in a real state.

>tfw when you have some of the most beautiful country in the world but your state is absolute shit.

I live in Kentucky it's quite nice. Left California a year ago

>You have it shit in Texas so everyone has it shit in Texas, they just haven't realized it yet
Are you being retarded on purpose right now?

I live in Seattle, dickhole

I live in Nebraska and I can assure you that it is absolutely terrible for someone who fancies hiking and sightseeing.

West Virginia, Virginia, and Kentucky are beautiful. They have the best woods, mountains, trees, and climate.

The only insatiable aspects of the north-east is the liberal cocksockers really, and the blacks in the south. California doesn't even have any brown bears, and is over populated with millennial thinking. Oregon is about to be swamped by the gays in the souths, and the heroin junkies to the north.

Idaho and Montana is for mountain men, and Maine is like canada without the canadians

I moved to Kentucky from Missouri; it's a nice place.

Also, czech'd.

I swear to god if you faggots keep moving to Colorado I'll fucking kill you.

>unironically not liking Texas

Every """""good""""" state in your map is a liberal shithole.

>f-flyover! You stupid r-racist hick!

Enjoy your degeneracy

An environment like this would turn it's population inwards, introspective and introverted. I bet bet Nebraska has a lot of Writers.

Everyone here plays sports in high school to stunt their depression over the fact that this state is so barren. I haven't met a single person interested in the arts, science, history, or writing.

Because it isn't a fucking desert you have to water every day.

Also has a naval base and nuclear reactors. self sufficient, unlike California which relies on importing """"democrats"""" to sustain its bloated government.

I like this state because it gives me Native American feeling cuz that was where indian movies filmed on this location.

Good. Take our libs and enjoy your pot, you retards. That's what you get for trying to be more be liberal.

the only good states are the ones that legalized marijuana, it is about time the government gave up on the war on drugs, because it is really just a war on people, it is people that get put in prison, it is people that get their property stolen by the state, the war on drugs is just theft and slavery