>democrats are racist
>they just want the minority vote
this shit true?
Democrats are racist
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Yes. The democrat party is just another plantation for minorities. They do nothing for them besides tell them that everything is whitey's fault. Then they give them welfare and gibsmedats for votes.
They BUY the minority vote with welfare.
They also import votes with open borders.
With welfare paid for by the middle-class which are overwhelmingly conservative.
No, this is the "red-pill" explanation. The red-pill explanation is r-selection.
democrats want black people to stay on welfare so that they can be controlled. eventually they want everybody to be either welfare (power) or a wealthy doner (money)
explain the 2008 and 2012 election.
The facts don't lie.
kek I haven't seen that meme in years
Why would we have a half black democratic president then? This makes no sense.
Because it's oh so progressive and helps secure minority vote? One of the Obama elections was the first time ever when black voting turnout exceeded the national average. And obviously 95% of them voted blue
If you're literally making a minority your president why the hell would you "not care" about them?
Because they care about their votes. The blacks have gotten even poorer under Obama. A higher percentage of blacks are on food stamps/welfare now than under Bush.
It's about the group, making one black guy president doesn't make all minorities better off all of the sudden.
> A higher percentage of blacks are on food stamps/welfare now than under Bush.
[citation needed]
And why is this all about blacks only? What about Asians, Latins, etc?
Democrats pander to Latinos all the time. They don't pander to Asians since Asians are usually really well off and don't suffer from inferiority complex.
Not to mention the economic breakdown that happened in 2008 right when barrack went into office.
It is not true. The Democratic party cares even more about it's proud PoC voters. This question is liable to put some erroneous ideas in people's heads.
Man being redpilled is so convenient because all I have to do is listen to a youtuber with no credentials spend 30 minutes explaining a theory he read online by some user and now I have the answer to everything.
So much easier than spending years studying history and stuff.
They breed minorities like cattle. They take away every single option except welfare. If a mother already has and is responsible for a child, most figure they might as well pop out as many as they can for the money because things are so tough. They destroyed the black family.
>raising dependent cattle for easy votes
>raising people to be economically crippled their entire lives in good conscience
It's pretty true. LBJ started the modern cycle. It's why American blacks are statistically worse off than many other black communities around the world.
It's a means to an end.
If discontent can be spread among the population and two groups are blaming each other for the ills of the country, we're not paying attention to the real (((people))) who are fucking this country up.
The media has mastered the art of shit stirring and the Democrats run with it. Now your CNN's and Pelosis of the world don't come out and explicitly say it's the fault of white people, just our culture and capitalism and white privelage. They know how easy it is to get the low educated and poor stirred up if they make them a perpetual victim. Cities turn to hellholes and businesses leave when they are run by Democrats.
The Democratic convention was one big victimfest and Donald Trump was at fault.
Democrats are the most racist group because they strip away the agency of minorities.
And you can also see it in their plans for immigration. There's not a single person who can argue with the fact that we need a border to protect us from cartel-ridden Mexico. They need the flood of people coming here to purchase an SSN for welfare because that means even more votes. They do this instead of doing what's right for the existing population and earning their vote the proper way. And we are at a cliff. We started losing the Cold War the second that JFK had his face blown off in front of us. Lyndon Johnson then started the process. And it would have went off without a hitch if it hadn't been for Donald Trump. The Government will obtain full control of us if Hillary is elected and changes the immigration policy like she wants to
>Cities turn to hellholes and businesses leave when they are run by Democrats.
This isn't true. There are solid blue cities that are very nice, because they're still majority white.
Niggers are what turn cities into hellholes.
>democrats are the REAL racists
This entire thread is fucking gay. Nonwhites dont fucking belong in America and no polticial party or ideology can correct their behavior
Any backup to this completely racist claim?
Any recommendations to where nonwhites should go?
google it, it's freely available data