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I've watched the whole series twice, one of the best out there

I'm sure I'll take a trip down memory lane in my 40s and re watch it all

that happens alot. Why didn't they have another iris over the regular iris

Wait, so any random retarded ayy lmao with a Stargate can just open the door and waltz right in? Seems like a big security hazard imo.

>dude fuck earth
>all right, send them a bomb surrounded by all this black goop, not like they can close the door before they realize they've just been fucked.

Or am I misunderstanding the series? I only watched the first movie which was great but the series looked retarded.

I discovered it properly like 5 years ago and I've seen both SG1 and Atlantis through at least 5 times in that time.
It went straight to my favourite top few shows immediately.
Trying to watch Farscape right now and it doesn't compare, though I've only seen season 1 so far.

They need a GDO you fuckwit.
They have the iris.
No GDO, no entry.

the goold are not on the blocked number list so they keep getting through

The series is great television and one of the best sci fi series, up there with stuff like babylon 5, star trek, and farscape.

As for the gate, they close the metal shield every time the gate opens up and it requires an encoded radio transmission from specific communication devices issued to the SG teams in order for people to even consider opening it. If a transmission is from a compromised source, IE a GDO that belonged to a captured SG team member, they don't open it anyway.

some days I wish they'd follow up on the Universe

Jack, may I share something with you?

A vision I had in my sleep last night — distinguished from a dream which is mere sorting and cataloging of the day's events by the subconscious. This was a vision, fresh and clear as an event horizon — the mind revealing itself to itself. In my vision, I was on the deck of a vast starship, a bridge of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light from within — this gleaming radiant trinium. I had known this ship. It had in fact been named after me. This was my first return, a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Wandering about, I was happy that the ship had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional decks, but in a way it blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the ship's bridge, there came a knock at the hatch. You and Sam were standing there. you were both was happy and care-free, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced — a warm and loving embrace, nothing withheld. We were in this moment one. My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision; it was of you. I'm so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best, always.


>they close the metal shield every time the gate opens up and it requires an encoded radio transmission from specific communication devices issued to the SG teams in order for people to even consider opening it
>an encoded radio transmission
>radio transmission
>closing the door until you hear "hey it's us Bob, open up dude" on your walkie-talkie that uses the electromagnetic spectrum for its transmission method, while they are possibly thousands of light-years away
So do they address this or am I missing something?

They transmit through the event horizon that facilitates near instantaneous faster than light travel. You know, the thing that the show is based around.

Oh I guess that makes sense. Like I said I only watched the first movie. Couldn't get into the series, seemed kinda dumb. Someone stream the first movie tonight and I'll download the series overnight. I promise. Also: that actor that played Ra in the movie was a great actor imo, whatever happened to him?

Nevermind fuck you fags, I just downloaded the first movie and put it on. Although anyone know how to fix the file showing like 7 hours long even though the movie is nowhere near that long? can I edit the metadata somehow?

Oh man, I think I might be the person that made that made that crappy vid. It's the director's cut, right?

Did this shit really need to be 10 seasons?
That's what the iris is for.

Farscape gets better, give it time. The one great thing about Farscape is how flawed everyone is, very different from SG1.

guys, what the fuck were those two episodes with the manlet director?

>Did this shit really need to be 10 seasons?
not at all. The core actors got better as the series went on, even towards the end, but it did drag with the Ori shit.

X-Files didn't need to be as long as it was either but it kept being popular. They both kinda lived too long but I'd rather have more of a good series than nothing or shit.



I'm at the end of season 1.
I love how much of a dickhead Rigel is.
That blue plant bird is fit.
That crazy other blue bird is fit.
The orange dude is cool.

i love this guy.

You mean JAFAR'D

>Did this shit really need to be 10 seasons?
No, but I thought it was fun. There's definitely a couple dozen plotlines that ended up getting recycled about every 3 years, and once some madman user rattled all of them off in a jokepost that I really should have capped but I didn't. Still it was a fun ride and max comfy.



stargate had so much hot tail

Rodney may have been a faggot, but he had great taste.

I'd Tap that if you know what I mean


An excuse for the actress who played Frasier to quit the show


Yeah that's probably you my dude. Still, the movie itself is going great. Nice quality. Just wish the tracking was better.



I should remake this now that I know how to do subtitles and shit with Webm for Retards.

Source of many a childhood boner. So much adolescent confusion.

I watch the Ori arc right now. I do not like the medieval villages, but I like the two knights..

So, is this a montage of him removing makeup, or putting it on?

I still miss him


Was Ba'al /ourguy/?

This guy is in a lot of shows back then, seems like a cool guy.

At least Apophis went out like a man. Even if it was an alternate timeline

You just freaked my mind, bro.

*steel drums start playing*

Atlantis was a pretty fun show, would rewatch/10

he showed up in POI before it ended, def made me smile

The groundhog day episode was the greatest one in the entire series
prove me wrong

Michael Shanks held on to those sideburns for way too long.


tfw i remember that exact scene

Lost City, Unending, The Fifth Race, 1969, Paradise Lost, Abyss, Solitudes, The Other Side


Jack read the report?

universe was fucking terrible

>tfw you will never be double penetrated by his mighty bbc and Junior

Was it really that good?
This looks something out of a 90s Spanish soap opera

The iris worked by being really close to the event horizon, preventing matter from reintegrating. Having a 2nd iris wouldn't make it any stronger.

The ancients realized this in Atlantis and put a forcefield on their stargate. Although they'd still get fucked by a stargate by a black hole.

All the other gates were just being spread to random worlds by automated ships so they didn't care about them being insecure.

Also they needed them to be insecure or the plot of the original movie wouldn't have worked.

That's from S10, the writers and even fans knew they were out of ideas at that point. It's pretty much as close to Zombie-tier as SG-1 got.

watching Stargate.SG-1.S01E17

why is there two gates on earth?

One was left behind by the ancients, and one was left behind by the goolds

the alpha gate was unearthed at giza because that's where the goold plonked it when they made their pyramids, it was a transplant
the ancients left the beta gate behind in antarctica when they fucked off of earth in 1000000 bc

How do you know about the Beta Gate if that's episode 18?

And it's because that's the original gate for Earth that the Ancients left when they abandoned the planet for Pegasus. The Alpha Gate was brought to Earth by the Goa'uld to subjugate early humans.

Honestly? Just stop watching after O'Neill leaves the show. It's all shit after that. Granted, Richard Dean Anderson is fucking retarded and wanted to save seal blood or something. But god damn he is fantastic as O'Neill/


look how young they are


The first 2 eps are considered 1 movie in a lot of episode counts, user.

>Atlantis was a pretty fun show, would rewatch/10
well. Now I know you have terrible taste.

>universe was fucking terrible


I hate when they do that. Listing combined two partes as both episodes rather than just one is so much better. Helps so much with maintaining episode counts and whatnot.


What's great is the full frontal in the first two.

Show was originally on Showtime but got shuffled to Scifi at some point I don't remember when. Real fucking quick at least.

That was rather surprising.

There wasn't anything in Children of the Gods that would have warranted anything above a PG-13, if even, other than Sha're's great, but exophoric, tits and bush. I don't even remember any PG swearing or blood.

I hate Ronon and tellia and Weir

This ship drops out of hyperspace and slaps your girlfriend's ass

What do you do?


chevron 1 is lit up!

ok make it spin
it doesnt spin
its round it has to spin
spinning so much cooler then not spinning

Just think. If it had stayed on Showtime, we may have got a nice scene with Carter topless flicking her bean.

Daedalus best ship. Why? This guy. Not even a snake could take him out for longer than a few eps.

not even a guuld could can keep a good man down

guess in Atlantis since they brought the ship to earth that Pegasus galaxy can continue to deal with the wraith on their own.




Fuck what episode was this? Totally forgot about that and it is hilarious.

I put titles in the metadata of every webm I make.

Isn't it funny that Jason Momoa was on the Atlantis tv show and now has become the king of Atlantis himself, Aquaman...

Whoops, thanks

while the Daedalus is a cool ship, Destiny just feels right

>Wraith Enzyme is so powerful it turns a little nerd like McKay into a bad asses that can beat up two highly trained warriors
>Allowed Ford to survive underwater for hours while unconscious from an explosion >Harvested from their enemy that they kill pretty regularly

>Atlantis never adopted it as an emergency treatment in the most dire of medical situations
>Never issued it as a "last resort" emergency combat drug to Atlantis Recon teams

I kind of miss Ford, he was kind of a neat character that I was sure would return after supposedly sacrificing himself. Plus the actor was named Rainbow, what a great name!

Too bad it was in such a shitty show.

Does anyone have the link for all the episodes on MEGA I need to rewatch this.

Prometheus had the GOAT ship design

>recharges by flying into the sun
>spends years alone in the void of space
>constantly breaking down
>has a really ambiguous purpose for existence
>totally forgotten by its creators
>all the aliens hate it
was this /ourship/?

Too tall, the flatter Daedalus-class looks so much cooler.

What ever happened to her? The last appearance I remember was covering SG-1 while Jack tried to get to the chair when Anubis attacked Earth. Hammond was about to ram her into Anubis's flagship before the drones saved them.